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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @Shin Your going to die from that 'pop' you drink quicker ? @Shroomdoctor Yeeeeaaaaahhh... Hate to break it to you but that ain't gonna happen
  2. That getting tattoos would make me immortal ? I don't know...Fuck knows! Nothing! ?
  3. Should we eat fruit seeds?
  4. @MM1988 listen to your body. Your thinking too much in the mind. If you need a bent knee you need a bent knee. That's where your at. Keep practicing. These things cannot be forced and if they are, you'll learn the hard way through injury.
  5. And just to add a bit of comedy. Somebody turned to me last night in all seriousness and said. "But where do you get your vitamins?" ???
  6. @sgn from June July. @Outer @pluto you both present such interesting perspectives. Thanks so much for posting here It's very interesting to see the opposing paradigms literally play out in this thread.
  7. @SoothedByRain He does rock it! He makes my hamstrings pull just watching him ?
  8. @Salvijus Exactly! ♥️ @SoothedByRain oh I'll try the body scan thank you. @Solace Iyengar yoga is amazing Solace. I attended a friend's class last week and absolutely loved it. Good for you by the way!! Keep it up ♥️ Yes there's a massive difference isn't there. Personally I avoid yoga for fitness like the plague.
  9. @now is forever apologies, I missed that bit. I'm struggling for recipes with it. Do you have any? I don't eat a lot of 'cheesy' type dishes so I'm stumped ? It really is isn't it. Absolute minefield
  10. @now is forever @Outerignore tag outer. Now is forever. Get some nooch and sprinkle that shit on EVERYTHING ??
  11. I'd personally say that is the definition of a backlash
  12. @Outer Awesome outer. Will do. Nice one buddy. Why and when did you go vegan btw?
  13. @Outer I definitely agree with the Vit D. I was diagnosed with low levels of the D (sorry, my crude mind ?) few years back so I made sure to pop my forearm's and forehead in the sun. I did spend time in the sun over the summer (without sunscreen) for a while so for now I should be fine but I'll definitely purchase some for over the winter. Thanks for the reminder
  14. @Outer You make me laugh, you love your videos and scientific links... It's cute ? ? "Vegans who looks at the sun should take..." "Vegans who shit sat down should take...." "Vegans who breath should take...." Sorry, I'm not taking the piss ? No not a few month's... From June/july'ish Will do ?
  15. @Outer I'm going to get a blood test and see this for myself. Watch this space ? If my tests are fine you have to eat your own words ?
  16. @pluto Tell me a little about your transformation, I'm intrigued
  17. @Outer You read waaaaay too much ? Let's be honest, imagine if we all sat here and read study after study and then took it all on board, you'd have a supplement pantry like Leo did in his video ? swallowing 10's of tablets a day ?. You listen to science too much Outer @now is forever ? Yes @sgn correction, so far @Shin DO IT
  18. @Outer have you seen the ingredients in the tablets? Also I feel fine ?
  19. @Outer Fair enough right but if I feel okay shouldn't that be enough? My doctor is Vegan from birth. @Outer Accepted ?♥️ I see that ?