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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @captainamerica theres a mega threads for nootropics, go post there maybe
  2. @Outer love you too bud ?
  3. @Outer In your opinion ? You have zero direct experience of this and your telling me it's ridiculous from links you've read. Way to right something off Outer ?
  4. @Eyal Bor Cutting any oil's and processed soya from my diet eliminated the issue by 90%. And I suffered badly. The detoxing theory I am skeptical of.
  5. @Outer But you provided an opinion on the subject, why if you have no interest?
  6. Because a good diet and exercise is foundational. Kinda goes without saying no?
  7. @Outer sorry outer, I weren't offended it's my humour... I was only joking ? Did you read into it properly? (Not just from the link provided).
  8. Read into it properly outer. Stop being a douche.
  9. @Shin ah sorry I thought you meant you can't support a vegan diet anymore, that's were my confusion came in. So are you dairy and egg free now also?
  10. @Shin Probably not. Do you truly believe this? I don't understand. Aren't you still consuming animal products?
  11. What do you mean you can't support it financially anymore? (Generally confused)
  12. @Shin so you completely meat/dairy free yet shin?
  13. @Shin isnt it a theory?@Outer I've never physically seen evolution, have you?
  14. A robot will be programmed by man to defend itself. A tree has not.
  15. Go and chop off a random branch of an sycamore tree and watch how it defends itself
  16. @Outer do you not feel anything whatsoever when you see people chopping down trees? ♥️♥️♥️
  17. @Annoynymous I now it's no where near the same but the same type of headache situation happens with me with mushrooms (psilocybin). Even being anywhere near them would give me such a pounding headache and I have absolutely no idea why (and I don't experience headaches often at all)
  18. Very informative, going to send this to a few people Cheers shin.
  19. ?

    Would highly recommend. (Watch Eckhart's face, he's like a young lad at Christmas reading from the book ??♥️)
  20. ?? @Strikr ? people seem OBSESSED though! I cringe a little
  21. I've made a huge life choice that was well overdue but you know that area when you've taken 'the jump' and ego just fires everything at you to get you back into the 'comfort zone'? I'm in that place... The "Fuck fuck fuck, is this right, have I made the right decision, but what about this and what about that!". This is, for me, the most challenging part. Any advice? ♥️
  22. I don't understand why people are so fixated on sex ?
  23. I'd be like "Well fuck me sideways and call me Keith, I DID NOT see this coming."
  24. Totally agree! I just smashed the gym like never before ? #gomoon ?