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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Seems to be the story of your life this shin ? keep going dude! You know I'm always rooting for you bro ??
  2. Elaborate please jack Yeah, definitely can relate. I also have this hazey image of my nose which I feel the 'me' resonates with a lot. Yes the sensation (behind the eyes) resonates with my name a lot. This actually popped up during self inquiry. Yeah it's absolutely mental isn't it! I was talking with Mum this evening and she's going to give it a go herself this evening (she's done 'work' like this in the past). I honestly don't. The form of self inquiry for myself is a very honest no bullshit approach. I certainly will. The reason I doubted my approach is because of self delusions, I take that very seriously. I can't thank you enough for your advice and info dude. Massively massively appreciate it ??
  3. Thank you! ? Yep! I've noticed that the object that mostly makes me feel like (more than any other) me is this feeling behind the eyes, very solid continuous type feeling. This feeling is literally how I identify with myself. Will do! Yes I agree. I'll work to continue the questioning and inquiry of those feelings. Can I just thank you so much for actually understanding what I have been doing ???
  4. Anybody have any experience with this type of work? If so, what are your thoughts and experiences please?
  5. @Outer @cetus56 (ignore tag Cetus) Outer, shin was asking if you were using the same type of humour in my post that you shat all over ?
  6. @YaMayka Let me know if you look into further. I have the chance to attend a one day workshop and I think I'm going to so I'll update here after the event.
  7. @Samra where do you attend these ceremonies? ?
  8. @cetus56 Thanks for your input Cetus! Yeah sticking with the I AM kinda of reminds of trying to contemplate without the actual question, how could you answer a question without the question? Am I making sense? ? @Outer You need to spend less time on the internet sunshine. ??
  9. Yes @Elisabeth systemic constellations. This is her website (for a bit more info). @Outer Will you piss off! ????
  10. @Michael569 Yes I think I'll keep my mouth zipped from now on ?? ? Thanks for your help as always Michael ?
  11. @Shin this happened within the space of 25 minutes. We MUST meditate more!!
  12. This is where 'I' feel I may of gotten to this morning. The sense of voidness
  13. @Michael569 Yes! Makes perfect sense. Yesterday I said to somebody. "Can I ask you a question?" And they said "Yes." I said. "When you can't see, hear or feel what's in front of you does it then exist?" They said "Yes." I said "How if you can't see, feel or hear it?" They went silent for a minute and said in a stern manner "I want to change the subject now." That to me was a fine example of fear ?
  14. @Michael569 Yeah man that makes so much sense! But why does ego feel the need to defend? To avoid doing the work? ? Including oneself.
  15. @Rilles That's a superb question to ask Rilles! I will use this. ♥️ TY
  16. Michael could you elaborate a little more on this please (doesnt have to be targeted towards exercise, just in general). P.s you talk so much sense ?
  17. Fair enough. I'll reach out to him then. Cheers @Shin
  18. @Elisabeth true! Well the reason I became initially interested in this because I met a lady not too long back. She was clearly a systems thinker. She asked me relevant questions about my family history etc and started to tell me behaviours within my family (presently) that occur because of the past history. She was absolutely right. Also how they effected myself etc. I was literally blown away by it.
  19. Nahm shared this with me a good while back @Shin and I've used it ever since You told me it would be near impossible to get hold of him ? ?
  20. ????? Your such a dick! @Salvijus yeah, wait there a minute whilst I pop down the road and have a quick chat with Leo, Sadhguru and Eckhart... Said no one ever ? (sorry my sarcasm is level 9 this morning) Thanks for the link ♥️
  21. @Blissout I understand that blissout, I get I'm experiencing the 'me' but I am using that feeling to self inquire further. By questioning the I AM feeling.
  22. @Bluebird this was incredibly heartwarming to read. I'm so joyful for you ♥️
  23. @Outer random af. Isn't that, that Micheal Shermer dude? Anyway, I wanted advice and info on the topic, stop derailing you butt hole!