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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @lmfao if you haven't already seen the thread.
  2. @lmfao I don't have any medical advice sorry. Do you read often? Or practice often?
  3. Great to see you on here @KyleR Love the excerpt. So true. Hahahaha definitely definitely not
  4. Worry Anxiety Seriousness (sharp stern face) Tight muscles/body Not 'seeing' humour No laughing Sleepless nights Inability to calm the mind Rapid weight gain/loss Stress The list goes on.
  5. @Rilles Cheer's dude!! Not to mention breaking free from the chains of the mind also they go hand in hand. That gig experience sounds amazing!! ❤️
  6. You can do anything! Just fucking do it! This morning I got up. I was greeted with the most beautiful weather (cold though). What did I feel like doing? I wanted to go to the beach. The mind kick's in.... "It's a long drive though just for a few hours at the beach?" Etc. Same old thought pattern returns. I cricked my neck and thought fuck it I'm going. I have life in the palm of my hands here... There's no way am I staying in... Especially on a day like today. I'm due on so the body felt lethargic and lazy but I was going anyway. Couple of hours later I arrived. It was baltic!!! (Freezing) ? I was just in complete awe of this place. There's something about being my the beach... I can't put my finger on what it is... You lose yourself. Just me and my buddy. Perfect. He was so happy. Off his lead, just him in his element with his ball. Fills me with tears watching an animal completely free ❤️ I had the best time. I love just grabbing life by the ball's... If you want to do it and it's realistic be aware of how the mind longs for security and comfort, observe it and just go and do it. While I was there I had a little think about the Portugal trip I was supposed to do this weekend. I wanted to still go. I wanted to be even further from my comfort zone. So I came back and booked the hostel and the flights... I am going in 2 week's.
  7. After being overweight my entire teenage/adult life I lost 38.102kg and broke free from the chains of prescription meds (morphine) after 7/8 years of daily usage. You?
  8. @outlandish Absolutely fair enough. If you aren't addicted and you just generally don't mind it then why not ?
  9. Following and supporting you every step of the way!
  10. Nice to read that someone else has noticed this also. I've been observing this over the past few weeks myself. It literally becomes laughable. Enjoying your journal ❤️
  11. @ShaharA Brilliant!! @rounder Exactly rounder. I also find it places monkey mind into level 1000, just doesn't shut the f up ? @outlandish Have you experimented with a few weeks with and without?
  12. I'm in absolute love with your words@ivankiss . Thank you ❤️
  13. God this forum format can be a right pain in the back end sometimes ? Okay so today. I decided I was gonna go on my first solo trip. I had bits of fear based around it. I searched and searched for a decent hostel and the most relevant area to me in Portugal. i gathered all my information and noticed I was still in two minds wether to go or not. It was such short notice. Like tomorrow at 0600am I would of had to set off. I couldn't differentiate wether it was fear not wanting to go or actual logic/common sense. So I left it up to the universe. Prior to setting off for some bits and bobs for the trip I said. "If everything goes smoothly (as can be) I'll go. That will be sign to go." I offered that and let it be. So I got all my bits and bobs no problem but then I realised I had no euros (lol) I checked all around my area to see if an exchange bureau was still open and nothing was apart from one way across town. It was getting late by this point and I still had lots of packing to do including evening meditation, exercises and tea. I thought fuck it so I ventured through the traffic across the other side of town and when I got there I had 30 minutes spare before it shut. I pulled up and emptied my purse for my debit card... I had forgotten it. This was all the sign I needed. I felt resistance to letting go, I was devastated. But I let go and trusted it wasn't meant to be this time around.
  14. If you accumulated/inherited about £10,000 what opportunity would you take to use it for personal growth?
  15. @ajasatya Good shout!
  16. With regards to the money, I had an idea this morning. I thought why don't I go backpacking somewhere for 3 nights alone? I found flights for very cheap and a hostel also very cheap so I think I'm going to do that. It fills me with fear doing it so that's another reason I want to do it ?
  17. @Shin @Key Elements I'm currently studying and also volunteering at a place that is based around my LP. I feel the more experience and knowledge I can build prior to university the better. I've started right at the bottom and I'm currently sitting exams I should of taken in high school. I honestly don't care if it's a long road ahead of me because I know this is something I should/need to be doing.
  18. @Shin I'm getting quals for daaaaaaaayz mate
  19. Thank you so much guys ❤️
  20. Fear has arose... I have contemplated whilst being observing fear. My answer to number one is To keep the illusion sustained, to remain in a place of security, knowing and comfort