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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @Shin its ABSOLUTELY magnificent
  2. I just had the opportunity to practice some serious meditation during a 6 hour tattoo. Oh my goodness what a learning curve. I kept my eyes shut the majority of the time and I noticed that 'pain' is in awareness, my arm was no longer an arm. The 'pain' was just a sensation, as is thoughts, they are also in awareness, so is my face, others face and voice and everything ?
  3. @Shin ?????? You're french douche
  4. @herghly your welcome dude. I did the 'staring at the thumb' for 3/5 minutes a day and found it greatly helped. Plus it was great for observation of thought.
  5. Ego will react physically. Don't label or try to 'work anything out' just accept and continue. It's all part and parcel. Let go, let go, let go.
  6. @herghly this thread may be more of help to you?
  7. @K VIL awesomesauce!! Glad to hear it ?
  8. @Shin I have no idea what Means ?
  9. Mushrooms on toast (My eating schedule and portions have gone down the pan in the last 4 days)
  10. @Mezanti Have you contemplated why you care what people think? Have you gone 'into' it?
  12. @dharm4 Work and observe yourself. No need to worry about other, do they effect you?
  13. This is a phase that will pass.
  14. @Samra I'm 99.9% better. Going into the panic and contemplation helped heaps. I'm actually planning on doing a trip real soon. I'll let you know how it goes. There will probs be panic but I feel I know what to do now.
  15. @Samra this is exactly what happened to me. Never had any form of like panic symptoms before I was spiked, never reall experienced fear to be honest until this one time happened. Then someone spiked me and then that was it, panic always came up whenever I took a microdose and then it worked it's way into everyday Life. My personal experiential advice to you would be to go to into this fear sober, explore, there is a teaching present.
  16. @kieranperez Have you tried microdosing?
  17. I'm back!! Yay! What a fucking experience! I have learnt so much! How unconscious and conscious I can be, how much fear I've broken through, where some insecurities still lay, a deeper understanding of mind made concepts etc etc My next plan is to do an actual mushroom trip, not a physical trip ? @KyleR how was your trip?
  18. Plane was landing and fear arose, I was staring at the wing saying "ground yourself in ACTUALITY... ACTUALITY." Arrived in Funchal, into the hostel. German guy below my bunk. Seems nice enough. Tim. (Lol don't know why that name makes me lol) I went out trekking for some almond milk and some vegan food. I was wondering the streets and I observed in the moment how the mind can cling to culture. I cannot speak Portuguese so a lot of my communication is through smile. Although I've learnt a few words. I was absolutely starving and I was really struggling to find anywhere that offers plant based food but I eventually came across somewhere small. (Yay). I got back to the hostel around 7pm and noticed there were 2 people in the communal area chatting so I thought I'd sit for a bit with a herbal tea. Got chatting to this one guy named Ray who claims he is a Buddhist monk. I was asking does she still meditate daily, he said he doesn't need to anymore after 50 years, I asked if he knew of Eckhart or Leo and he said. "After all my time I don't need to learn anything new." He offered me countless advice on meditation if I wanted it but I remain skeptical of this guy. In the toilets I met a lovely girl from the Netherlands who asked if I wanted to hang out. I kindly declined because I am here to be on my own. To be in as much silence as possible. So far I've definitely been pushing myself out of my comfort zone, funny how you cling to small things at home. E.g. 2 pillows instead of 1, thicker quilt, organic foods (that's been a biggy for me here) Today I am going to face another fear. I will update later. Tchau
  19. (just to confirm I don't mean a psychedelic trip (yet, that is planned for my return), I mean like a backpacking trip
  20. @KyleR very powerful, definitely give it a try. Missed your input Tuesday! Thank you @DrewNows ❤️
  21. Finished packing. (Eventually) ? Up at 5am. The booklist book I ordered is too big to pack so I've brought the 'Power of now' to re-read. Remember Leo saying go back to books and read them later on.
  22. @Michael569 Oooohhhh thank you Mr Micheal!