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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Safest, ideal trip locations please? (Except home and a friend's house)
  2. Found myself thinking about the friend I made in Madeira. She hasn't contacted me in 2 days, I think I still become egoically attached to people as sometimes it can cause suffering. Is this low self-esteem? Insecurities? I have definitely a million percent radically increased my alone time (naturally) in the past year or so but something is definitely still lingering. Also found the most perfect trip location. By a little stream, 5 minutes drive from my house with as little light pollution as possible.
  3. @TheAvatarState I've found the perfect location and it matches to something similar as you've mentioned. Cheers bud ?
  4. You unfortunately clearly are experiencing health related anxiety. A good course of CBT should clear this up brother ❤️ (Or at least drastically reduce it)
  5. 'How to stop gaining weight from making poor food choices?' Stop making poor food choices.
  6. @Nathan ?? People take a lot of things for granted but if you look at them without the self you will see they are as beautiful as when you first laid eyes on them when you were a child ❤️ 'Let that shit go' (Pun intended)
  7. @Nathan pigeons are just as mesmerising as anything else ?
  8. @Sahil Pandit Thought this read 'panic' I was like I know tell me about it ? @SgtPepper nice one dude ❤️ Great advice thank you @Nathan
  9. @SgtPepper Cheers bud! Yeah it's starting to look like a hotel room. Thanks so much.
  10. I don't you know @cetus56 I'm struggling trying to find somewhere decent.
  11. @KyleR Will have to update me Tuesday... Arrive a little earlier so you can update me in private? ? Oh definitely bro, already planning the location ?
  12. @Shin Oh no yeah that's heaps better! Well done Shin! You must be shattered though with like 5 hours sleep ? You will sort it. You know what to do ??
  13. (also! Well done man! Knew you'd do it) ?
  14. @ShaharA try matcha (premium organic quality)
  15. @lmfao I do the inhale thing like you do. I'd possibly just stick with that? It's the most natural way I suppose?
  16. I think it's a really good question and genuinely I have no idea of the answer ?
  17. No I did understand. It was a joke reply. Nevermind. Take it you haven't sorted your sleeping routine? @Shin