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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. ?? ? If this comment was a person I'd snog the shit out of it. Ivan I appreciate everything you write. Thank you ?
  2. @Odysseus 9 years?! Wow! Well done my man ?? I've already put on 3lb there's no way I can cope with this for 3 months ? I worked so so hard to get the weight off initially. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment because usually I'd counteract the extra nibbling with some serious exercise but the body is healing at the moment so I'm like Got to watch everything I eat and count the calories.... Hate it ? be worth it in the long run though. Thanks dude ❤️
  3. @Michael569 Oh right yeah I see it now. Yeah I don't have caffeine anyway Michael so I'm okay in that department. I think they are working already ? thanks again brother ❤️
  4. @Michael569 Oh awesome! How coincidental is that! I bought these the other day before the symptoms kicked in properly. ? The universe knew I were gonna need these before turning into full blown psycho mode then ? Caffeine Micheal? Where? Yeah I was vaping for about 4 years @Aeris thanks for your input!!
  5. @Michael569 I picked these up the other day at tkmaxx for experiential purposes do you think they would help as they contain 150mg of L- theanine per 2 caps?
  6. @Michael569 Thank you so much Michael for your reply. I thought I was starting to develop an eating disorder of some sort (seriously) then this morning I remembered that I had quit nicotine 3/4 days ago. "That's why I can't stop thinking about food!" I've totally underestimated this process. Any idea how long approx it will take for me to be 'free' of nicotine? Aye I'll pick up some 5-htp or L-Theanine. Thanks so much ❤️
  7. Oh Nahm ?? your spot on dude. Why no consciousness work? Yes I am drinking water aaaalll the tiiime. Yes 5-HTP worked very well back in the day for me so I'll go pick some up because I feel like I wanna do a Homer Simpson Bart strangle on everyone right now ? I did get a bit of weed off my brother last night (literally a tiny bit) and I'm thinking about popping some into a pipe and going walking in the forest. (It would also be a good opportunity for letting go) what do you reckon?
  8. I agree but disagree with this at the same time. I've dealt with an angry shadow and this worked to a degree but it took so much unnecessary suffering and it took aaaaaaaaaaages. (My own experience) When anger appears... Ambush it with love ❤️ surprise the shit out of it. Mwuahahahahaha
  9. In other words. Actions speak louder than words.
  10. No matter what happens externally remain as awareness. Remain as an observer. Silent. More and more intense situations are happening externally and I can remain unaffected, yes emotions are felt but like a bag in the wind, they are carried away.
  11. Please revert to user guidelines about conspiracy theories. Thank you ❤️
  12. Last year I completed around 16 session's of CBT for OCD. I've just come across (notes) the insights I gained and learnt at the end of the therapy. Hopefully this may help anyone that is managing the same type of issues: Always make the most emotionally difficult decision Checking and reassurance feeds OCD and or anxiety Reassurance is functionless (you don't believe the reassurance anyway and ultimately it adds to the anxiety, it is part of it (same movement)) The mind is unbelievably sneaky, extremely shifty so always be aware of subtle checking and reassurances that may be happening without you even knowing Always do the thing that will make you feel the least secure, the least comfortable, the least abnormal move. Love yourself and treat yourself like a vulnerable child (By checking I mean checking anything related to your OCD and or anxiety e.g. fixing your hair, looking at a specific part of your body, checking switches are turned off, checking other people's behaviours and or actions, the list goes on) These insights I brought forward and applied into everyday life after therapy. They serve me well.
  13. @ZenDancer I'm so glad your enjoying it and it's brought something positive for you. Yes I'd say honesty is of most importance... Always ❤️
  14. @now is forever thanks so much for replying sweet. In the link that Nahm gave me it says that arthritis can trigger it and I seem to be riddled with arthritis this winter so maybe it's that. Either way it's there and that's it and I've had to accept this on top of other things. This year has been so intensely challenging for 'acceptance' ?
  15. Any alternative treatments you can think of for ? As always all replies appreciated ❤️
  16. Gonna journal this whilst it's fresh af in my experience. Currently sat in Costa in the Trafford centre walking around in what feels like a massive infinite boundless bubble.... Okay so just finished the coaoa and shamanic drumming workshop/ceremony. It was a beautiful journey from beginning to end. In the beginning we had to go round the circle and say your name and explain why you came to this event. My answer was. "I have no idea why I'm here but maybe I'll find out." After opening the space with drumming and chakra mantra meditation we all went up to receive our ceremonial grade cocoa deva. We lay down as comfortable as poss and people started their inner journey. I was lay there thinking... The fuck is going on? fuck all is happening, this is shit. I lay there observing my thoughts about other people's journeys and what was going on with them in that moment. Then it hit me. The reason I was here was to just be. Just be still. Be quite. This time it wasn't about an inward journey, this time it was about realising there is no fucking inward journey (fundamentally) and to just be! Game changing insight.... absolute game changer. Experience and experiencer ceased to exist. I lay there in complete bliss for god knows how long. After it finished we all sat up and it felt like I loved everyone. I was connected to everybody. Everyone was me and I was everybody. The more I go to these workshops the more truth prevails. Showing my deepest gratitude for such a beautiful day ❤️
  17. Wow it's been a mad day. Lots of contemplation and introspection. Looking forward to the shamanic drumming ceremony tomorrow morning. Muchly needed ❤️
  18. Legend @Nahm nice one! ❤️
  19. @KyleR Kyle one of the things that the therapist said and always remained in my mind is behaviour change can change thought patterns. I did question this initially but came to realise through experience she was right. So observing thought patterns doesn't always work in some instances. I'd recommend firstly writing down your checking and reassurance habits and then taking it from there.
  20. @now is forever I actually do sleep with my arm under my pillow like you did. Interesting. I'm very aware of my sitting posture so I doubt it is that (although I'm not ruling anything out) Did you manage to heal your hip bursitis? @DrewNows thank you Drew. Your absolutely right. Sound advice right there ❤️
  21. @Alexander Goffrier in the oven I think Michael is referring to.