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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. London was awesome by the way. Many many opportunities for personal growth. Everything is perfection.
  2. @Girzo I will do dude. I have this new feeling (deeper than a feeling) of trust that has risen which brings me to surrender much much easier.
  3. I enjoyed reading your rant. Glad to hear you've come out the other side for the better @Shroomdoctor good luck on your quest for love my friend (it is already you ?) ❣️
  4. Exactly. Puts a lot of things into perspective Cetus pal.
  5. It's like having too much of a good thing, I've sickened myself with it ??❣️
  6. @KyleR we where talking about this! (great thread)
  7. @cetus56 it does feel somewhat that way that 'I' am not actually doing anything it is doing it itself. I'm doing a full trip next weekend, no more pissing about dipping my toe in and out
  8. @Leo Gura cheeky innuendo there ? @SgtPepper on it next weekend. Thanks for your reply dude. @Aeris I love you but I have absolutely no idea what you just said
  9. I wondered why I was crying deeply and then I stopped wondering and I felt why... I am crying at how beautiful life is. How beautiful everything is. Everything, absolutely everything is unbelievable and I can't describe how much love I feel in this moment. It is radiating throughout my entire being. I just want to share it with everything.
  10. @SgtPepper something to do with a bigger picture. Something huge. Something underneath everything. Something I love. Something very close to my heart, maybe too close. @outlandish I plan to in the next few weeks. Mushrooms every 3 days. Currently at 0.2. I am very sensitive to substances of all kinds.
  11. Will update later. So glad to be back ?
  12. @DrewNows I understand what you're saying dude, I do. I don't think we are above it all that's exactly my point. I zoom out and see ever-yth-ing as one. I perceive every being as the same, there is no hierarchy in my mind, no level's, no pyramid. ?
  13. Egbloodyzactly. Couldn't of worded it better myself. ?
  14. @DrewNows I genuinely accept what goes on with animals I do, it couldn't be any other way and I actually see that. It took me a while but I managed to accept it through love but at the same time I don't accept it to the point where I won't do anything about it. It seems like a counterintuitive comment I understand that. I am not suffering being vegan I would just like to make a change for the better.
  15. @KyleR this is Rupert spira. Also ace vid ??
  16. @now is forever oh aye! Send the recipe my way. Thanks so much! Do you think maybe this could just be an assumption on your part? It's all the infections that come along with it. Imagine a women being pregnant 24/7. The pressure, disrupt and turmoil it would create on her body and life. I know women that where relieved when the 9 months were over never mind a life of it! ? Yeah I'm not pointing at the actual insemination (although it does play a part) I'm more pointing to rest of the animals life. Being constantly pregnant, hammered with hormones and antibiotics for the rest of her poor days. Yeah 20% is pure bs as I'm sure you're aware ? I've physically seen mother's go after their calves when the calves are being holstered by a mini digger away from her. Let's be real dude. It wouldn't die overnight would it... I mean from the points you raise I'm glad it won't ? less demand over a realistic timescale would give everything a chance it needs to change slowly. Also there are many many people opening sanctuaries for animals saved from slaughter. Also there are farmers even opening sanctuaries ? Like I said... Demand and supply chain ?? Can you elaborate what you mean by 'improve' please?
  17. I can see the ego at play in daily life. In obvious ways. I'm sat talking to people and it's staring me in the face like I'm looking at a pane of glass. I can see the lies, the subtle ways in which 'I' remain. Ego is more noticeable when conversing with others because that's where the BS comes out to play the majority of the time. I can literally feel the pull of the BS wanting to sprout and flourish ? Starting microdosing again was one of my more strategic moves.
  18. @zambize these farms you speak of zambize that treat there animals well... I'm genuinely curious... Do they artificially impregnate their cow's? Do they take the calf away from there mother? Do they still pump the animal with hormones? What I'm curious in is do these good farms even exist? I don't think animals will be kicked out of anywhere really though, I think they just stop breeding as many animals for slaughter the less meat is bought. I understand your point though don't get me wrong.
  19. This week has been fucking brilliant Yesterday I combined reishi with a microdose of magic mushrooms and I literally felt a miniscule ego death. I was walking the dogs and this fear energy penetrated 'me' then it just erupted into love. Because I was able to observe everything rather than Identify it just flowed. When the love came I cried so deeply. People must think I'm fucking nuts (bet this is why people think other people look nuts ?) Then the blissful feeling passed and it was just still, like an uninterrupted still lake. The whole day I observed action without thought. It was fucking mental. I was doing things without thinking ? this shit was slowing I tell thee. I also started fasting again. I had fasted yesterday before microdosing so I'm wondering if that had any positive effects to the dosage. Either way I'll keep upping the dosage. When I went to Madeira I met a guy. Our hearts where old friends. You could feel it. We became such good friends in the space of 4 days. He's not long arrived in London so I've just booked a hostel and a return ticket for this Saturday-Monday to go and see him. He's really woke this guy. He's originally from Canada, he's absolutely hilarious. Looking forward to that. This morning I am going meeting friends to study for 3 hours. Will catch up later ?
  20. @zambize may I ask what's stopped you at vegetarianism? So true @now is forever ?
  21. Ssshhh ?... Your awesome
  22. @Nahm w.o.w
  23. What can I say? do I need to say? or can you just feel with me? how beautiful this all is... How majestic and sacred 'this' is. I thank everybody I meet no matter what they bring. I thank everything I pass on my travels as I ride this wave of life. How can I ever show my gratitude for what I have? For the feet that carry me, for the ego that protects, for the fear that guides me to eternal love. There is nothing else... You need nothing... You have everything... You are everything. See this now and you will see you're love, you will feel compassion like you have never before, you will be gratitude. Everybody you meet is perfect, smile at them through your eye's and extend this compassion to them, walk over the earth and give it back what it gives to you, give it love and grace. Witness this. Be this. Awaken to the miracle around you, in you, through you... You. ???