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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @now is forever I'm not 100% sure what you mean but I can sense the beauty in what you have said. All I'm going to say is thank you. Love you sister ❣️
  2. Do without thought. Be without thought. Be. Relinquish any effort of any sort
  3. Today: Microdosing and mission's 23°c outside. Upped the dosage again. Feel like a mission somewhere on my own. Let's see where it takes me ?
  4. @Nahm loud and clear bud ❣️
  5. Is it a silly idea to go ahead and do it on my own or should I wait until I find a responsible trip sitter? Or (this is whay my intuition is saying) fuck it and accept everything alone no matter what.
  6. Made me giggle ? You WOULDN'T Nahm? What would you take if you where me? Thank you for your advice Nahm your awesomesauce. @Recursoinominado thank you dude for your opinion I highly appreciate it
  7. @thesmileyone If you are nothing... NO THING. Why you suffering?
  8. @thesmileyone as in like take a dosage big enough you will surpass the anxiety? @Waken thanks dude!!
  9. Fuck ? Gotta find someone. Pain in ze arse
  10. To be honest though if I'm honest I feel this fear has gone, I can still feel remainders of it but I don't know... I just trust now.
  11. @Rilles losing control and harming myself and going psychotic through the use of Psychedelics ??
  12. @Nahm thank you so much Nahm ?
  13. @Nahm can you shine your perspective on this? ? ?
  14. This week... Wow. I can't even put it into words what's occuring/occured. Change... Definitely but in a way I cannot say, I cannot verbalise. I keep stopping and feeling this overwhelming love, joy and bliss. I don't wanna sound cliché and I know it can because we all seem to be using the same type of words to communicate this but it's so hard to put it into language. I'm starting to realise that I have HEAVILY underestimated... Actually... Not underestimated but... Maybe looking at things from a different paradigm might be the right word to use. I'm starting to question what the mind ACTUALLY is. Like on a deeper experiential level. I see I have been looking at some questions from the smallest of corners I could of. From the most limited perspective. Reality, life, god, whatever the fuck it is... Seems to be opening up right before me. Everything is growing in depth, width, breadth and height. The way I can possibly describe it is I feel I am not looking at life (reality) anymore from my small self. From my corner, from this one perspective, it's more holistic, deeper, more breathtaking perspective. I can't describe it. I wish I could. I close my eyes and breath, 'it' is there.... The perspective I speak of. Edit: don't know if this adds to anything but my own delusions and egoic needs lies and manipulations are literally appearing more and more in front of me everyday.
  15. @ajasatya Yup! Started researching already. If it turns out to be a flop then that's also fine with me.
  16. ?? Without giving too much away it's a service that would help farmers help themselves but also help the planet animals and people that consume a plant based diet. Thanks for your input Mrs ❣️ @Elisabeth Thank you! Yeah I'm not looking to sell anything there but I know that's where they all congregate, catching all my prey in one big net @kieranperez solid structural advice there Kieran, nice one dude. ? @Nahm Wow, I know exactly what you mean. Onit brother! Thank you so much.?
  17. @GromHellScream it's more a service than a product.
  18. @Andreas identification to the self leads to suffering via relationships through unhealthy attachments.
  19. I've upped the microdosing dosage each time and the more I up it the more I'm feeling like I am trying to send or give myself a message. A universal message I am not willing to receive, I don't know... I cannot receive? I am denying? I don't know I just feel there is something I am pointing to or something is pointing me to and I can feel the ego self resisting this guidance, this message. I can feel the tug of war at play. Then again I could just be full of shit but I feel this intuitively. This 'message' has been trying to get my attention for some time now, the more I welcome it the bigger the resistance. Is this making sense?
  20. @Nahm feels? ? Thanks @thesmileyone !!
  21. @Shroomdoctor I'm sure you'll find what your looking for as your awesomesauce ??