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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @Mighty Mouse You could be on to something there! I've felt like shit all afternoon/evening. I'll try and take the positives out of it. Thank you. @snowleopard Thanks for the tip @saint_charming7 At least I'm not alone! Actually your absolutely right when you say... Spot on! Different perspective but it actually resonates with me a lot. Thank you.
  2. My pleasure bro ?
  3. If your morals are not the same and she has crossed your boundaries, tell her first, make sure she knows your not comfortable with it. If she continues, she doesn't respect you. I would also class it as attention seeking, she should be fulfilled by the attention she receives from you, not others.
  4. @Michael569 Sorry the sweets was an example of what I was referring to, meat was my problem
  5. @pluto I don't watch TV so I have absolutely no idea ?
  6. For me it's organic honey and Xylethol
  7. Aaaaaah, I see! Will do, thank you @Nahm . Don't think about cake ? The what sorry @pluto?
  8. @saint_charming7 Make a habit to visualise your goal? Really visualise though. If you don't already know how to practice this, Leo has a video on the subject and it's awesome!
  9. @egoless To be honest I don't think the original poster was complaining about the life purpose course itself (he hadn't purchased it so how can he?) he was expressing his desire to want to purchase it but struggling to afford it. Little bit of a difference
  10. I have onenote on my smartphone home screen, I click it and I can start typing almost instantly. I did try the notebook and pen idea but I constantly lost my pen ?
  11. @JustinS I felt she did try to create the new age/spiritual vibe but could tell it was definitely forced. Yes, I definitely will be doing, thank you
  12. I start my first ever Yoga class tomorrow (Hatha). Can I have some pointers please? ?
  13. @Dragallur Wow what an interesting read! I just looked this up. Thanks for this insight. Very interesting. Thank you for the compliment also Will have a watch of this after, thank you ❤️ ... The penny just dropped ?
  14. @Shin Well... I upvote your upvote so ner! ? Is that where you are in your development shin?
  15. @Vaishnavi "There was no focus, no feel and zero mindfulness. This is an attitude I've seen in most of these classes, i.e. to get done with a set/pose. They don't usually care about the breath or connecting to the body. This ain't with everyone ofcourse but I've seen this first hand with many 'experienced teachers'." This is exactly how I felt she ran the class... I stayed behind after everyone left to get to know her a bit more. We chatted back and forth about mindfulness/awareness and I don't mean to sound rude and no disrespect to the lady but I could definitely tell (as she stated) she wanted to teach yoga for psychical body reasons, the exercise aspect of it. Practicing Yoga at home does sound like it has its benefits BUT I wanted to partake in a class for social reason's and to also possibly meet some like-minded potential friends. I will definitely research a little more into your suggestions so thank you so much. Well I will do the same, I won't quit, I'll keep trying until I find somebody I feel I'm comfortable with
  16. @Leo Gura Completely agree. Starting to witness this in my own relationship sadly, causing a lot of friction.
  17. Quick update: Extremely enjoyed the session. The teacher I felt didn't suit her job, I felt she wasn't calm and connected to her body enough (if that's makes sense). Very fast paced energy from her, her inhale and exhale instructions, for me felt far to quick and I could hear from the room that everyone was breathing from there chest, very shallow. So I decided to listen to my body and do what felt right. I did exactly what you guys suggested and for this reason, I think, I really enjoyed it. I was able to obtain the true benefits of yoga, felt very connected to my body. Regardless of being very tired I was able to stay mindful and focused. I felt a lot of relief from my lower back (where I suffer with Chronic pain). I think I'll be looking at resteration yoga next, I've heard it's more a mindfulness/awareness based class which sounds right up my street. Can anybody tell me, does it take some time to find the right teacher?
  18. @Shroomdoctor Thank you! Meditated on and off from Aug 2017- Dec 2017, but I made it a habit at the start of the year and I do it for around 20 minutes. I also practice mindfulness 24/7 every single day, made this a way of life rather than a practice.
  19. @pluto I totally 100% agree. For the past 4 days I've felt I've made a breakthrough with mindfulness. At first, I was drifting off that often it became somewhat frustrating but for some reason this week I've felt at peace, able to stay mindful for much longer periods of time. This week I've been so happy! Just driving down the road in complete happiness, doing nothing spectacular but inside I feel almost complete peace and happiness, not through external circumstances but just because I'm breathing and alive, thinking to myself EVERYTHING is a miracle and oh so beautiful! ?
  20. @pluto Also I was the only one not drinking alcohol around the table Mindfulness eating, I try and do this as much as I can. How do you make this a habit? I turn off the TV when we eat but I still find I wonder sometimes... Thanks for the reply ❤️
  21. @ajasatya @Vaishnavi Wow, thank you for your pointers guys. I've really taken what you said on board and will apply. Thank you again, priceless advice ❤️
  22. @Michael569 thank you Michael, will do ?
  23. @Max_V I'm so jealous! ? There is nowhere in my local area that offers kundalini Yoga. Hope you enjoy every minute of it! ? And thank you ❤️
  24. @Slade I admire your kindness and compassion but it could be anybody behind the computer screen? Could be somebody looking for handouts (I know I'm assuming but still). I always say if you want something that bad you'll make it happen, no matter what (obviously within reason/realistic not like a quick flight up to the moon or anything) ?
  25. @Shroomdoctor haha yes! I wish! It's a shame were all spread out over the globe, can you imagine the friendships we could all make together in person! No your not part of a cult, although at time's I've had this fleeting thought. Just because nobody else is doing it and it isn't what culture/society calls 'the norm' doesn't make it anything 'abnormal' or 'weird'. To be honest I strive to anything that isn't perceived as 'normal" because that means I've stepped out of the society/culture circle and I know I definitely don't want to be part of that clan ?