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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Literally practice saying/writing no, it hasn't been part of your vocabulary so it will be tough for you to even hear it. Start by writing it down and then go to just practice saying it out loud @spicy_pickles
  2. That's all they know, I understand why they are the way they are. How far they'll go in life? In terms of what?
  3. Not that I'm aware of ????
  4. Oh no, he's on anti depressants so his sex drive and our sex life IS literally...
  5. I decided to keep drinking it because I read a cup or 2 a day is good for you ? That's my lower self excuse for having one in the morning anyway. But I am going to go 2 week's caffeine free and see how I react, if I crave or have any addiction like behaviours, I'm coming off it.
  6. Once again, ignore these boxes ⬆️ Innuendo means 'allusive or oblique remark or hint' You said earlier... "At least there is one good thing coming out of it ... Easy sex the next day" And I replied "They'll be nothing coming out of anything in my house" My house referring to the people in it (me and my partner) As in, they'll be nothing coming out of his d*ck tonight, as in, we won't be having sex. Now I come to think of it, it is quite confusing ? Either we are miscommunicating or my jokes are just shit
  7. Hahahaha aaaaarw @Shin ? It's a sexual innuendo to what you said ? Where are you from shin?
  8. They'll be nothing coming out of anything in my house ??
  9. He has me everyday, that's enough ?
  10. It's just a way to make more money out of us @Shin ?
  11. First of all... Well done! This can be actually life changing, talking from my old people pleasing experience, I found I suffered A LOT! You genuinely sound like my old self, I could of wrote this last year. I was able to bring awareness to the fact that I learned my people pleasing traits from my mother, she still does it now and I see her suffering ?. You've seemed to realise that you can't control other people's reactions but your own, this is critical! Take that with you and apply it everywhere in your life! Keep up the good work and again, well done! ?
  12. Rome wasn't built in a day. Be aware of mental masterbation and take more action rather than just accumulating knowledge You will slowly align to your true self, have faith in your decisions. ALWAYS take the most emotionally hardest and difficult path.
  13. Looking for opinions & reviews (if any)..
  14. @Leo Gura Would you consider shooting more guided meditation episodes?
  15. No it's definitely more on the lines of...
  16. I smile for no reason anyway, nothing new there then ? I'm also going to concentrate more on the breath, I'm starting to realize the power of the breath, something I've naively overlooked for many years, only now am I seeing the true power. This morning, I noticed a stranded car with passenger stuck in the snow, I pulled over and offered help, she claimed a highways officer had already tried to push the car out with no luck, "I'll try" I said, I focused on my breath and pushed the car back out onto the road. Afterwards I noticed my heartbeat had risen quite significantly and I was shaking from the adrenaline, I took deep, slow mindful breaths and slowly returned to a place of calm. I'm learning
  17. I get you now. Thanks for clarifying that. I've taken another perspective on it... It's an illusion anyway! From now on, when I get into a social situation, I'm going to view these people as just an extension of myself, which they are.
  18. @Shin I've read that people can control it... And I honestly believe it is within my control. I'm producing it so why can't I unprpoduce it. Ignore these quote boxes ⬇️
  19. Are you referring to the social anxiety @Shin? @Happy thanks, will do! ❤️
  20. Thank you @egoeimai helps a lot. I do after a certain amount of time, slowly start to feel myself relax. I really contemplated last night as to why I get like this. A lot of it is self image issues and other times it is something else. Like yesterday for instance, I noted myself starting to relax BUT then I needed the toilet, so I went to the toilet and whilst washing my hands I naturally started looking in the mirror, adjusting my hair etc, I then noticed punishing self doubting thoughts arising... "Look at you you ugly person, look at the state of your hair and make-up" etc from that moment in the bathroom it escalated. I've had image issues for as long as I can remember, not just in company, in my life altogether. I will definitely give what you said a try and stop resisting. Thank you ❤️
  21. That's helped a lot @Vipassana thank you. I've just read the link that shin kindly posted and it gives a breathing exercise there also. Thing is, how can I focus on my breath whilst listening and communicating with another person? Do you have cold showers? Please tell me how it's helped you? Thanks again Vipassana & @Shin ❤️
  22. Sorry, self image. Yeah, all that time. Thank you for the link