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Everything posted by Stevo

  1. Thanks for sharing. I don't know why, but seeing various claims has never perturbed me. I've had what I consider a very mild jealousy when I've wished for the experiences the person mentioned.
  2. @ZenAlex I have only watched a handful of her videos. I thought she was weird, but didn't bother articulating it as well as you did. Doesn't she claim to be an alien?
  3. Listen to this:
  4. @fridjonk I left these out when considering my list. I completely get the car, the tractor, and the building.
  5. The movie "Contact." Rumi Leo's video "What is Art?" Marina Abramovic Robert Smithson for adding his touch to my favorite location in Utah, where I live. This Guy Stevo
  6. I listened to the video on Sunday. That book came to mind and I resolved to visit the forum to see if anyone had mentioned that book. It is neat to see the synchronicity of seeing this mention of it.
  7. Thanks for that insight on The Curch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was a member from about ages 21 to 42. I had never encountered such an idea. Brilliant! As my understanding grows, I keep seeing things that are taking me full circle. I also consider that it is very possible that there are preachings and teachings that I (and 99% of followers may still yet have to grasp. I used to see zero value in their books, but now when I see one in the thrift store I think, "that isn't for me. I know of scores of other books that have so much more to offer me now." My journey out began with hatred and enmity and now I just see so many examples of all my old criticism being untenable. Many of that organization's actions and the actions of the believers aren't something I want to associate with anymore, but man, they're just tryin! Sort of like I am.
  8. Glad to have become acquainted with this video. Thanks.
  9. As far as mood is concerned, I've been at a 1 to 3 for the past 4 years. The degree to which I project I have the potential to be fulfilled is 1-4. The degree to which my experience is measuring up to my expectations is 1-3. I spend at least a minute most days at a 9 or 10. I sometimes think suffering is underrated. I was at a 3 when I read this but am now at a 3.1 since I was able to tell someone.
  10. What Is The Devil? and All Criticism Is Untenable.
  11. It mostly doesn't work for me on podbean for android.
  12. I've lost so much of my mind that I can't tell if the Maarten intended irony or not. Had it been posted on April 1st I would have been certain that was indeed ironic and that Maarten has lost as much of their mind as I have.
  13. A few of mine: Barry Long, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts, Jeff Foster, Master Chief Eligio The Christ, Sadhguru.
  14. Barry Long has great teachings regarding romantic/physical love.
  15. That was great! Hawking is so humble he didn't even mention he did some vocals in a Pink Floyd song. I like how they worked Carl Sagan into the rap.
  16. Get a couple of consultations with a financial planner. They can help you allocate for what you want now and also for future needs you may have not considered.
  17. I have avoided dealing with my ex in order to avoid pain. To me that is not "always doing the emotionally difficult thing" as Leo puts it in One Rule For Acing life.
  18. It shows a lack of respect to say women are "community property" and to say that they have "been passed around" because of the consensual sex they have had. His description of women is unlike any of the women I have been close to as those women are my examples for selflessness, caring, and non-transactional generosity.
  19. Nothing. Culture shows me how I need to change.
  20. Looking forward to this episode possibly even more than the free will episode.
  21. @mandyjw A lot of what you said makes sense to me. It is hard.
  22. Reminds me of this:
  23. A lot of what you said reminded me of my past. I'm almost 50 so if I were to talk to the 26 year-old version of myself I'd say" "Keep your head up and don't stop looking for your answers! Be patient and think about your resilience in terms of decades. A lot of what you struggle with will resolve itself with time alone. And who knows how much time you'll need. So hang in there. Stay curious and hungry." "And don't ever believe you have turned over every stone."
  24. I resonate with what you said about your love for your kids. Mine are over 18 and I often think that I am just now getting mature enough that I could maybe think about having kids 5 years from now. But... they're already here! They have blessed me by illustrating how conditional my love is. I've made strides in putting love above survival, but have a really long way to go to reach my vision of the type of love I want to give.