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Everything posted by Iksander

  1. @Alejandro12pte Hello Alejandro I hope I am finding you in good health. I am an investor, the natural and obvious answer to the question of whether or not trading/investing contributes to society/humanity is that of course it does, because it's inherently a financial contribution. Of course, depending on to what and how much you contribute are the primary factors that affect the degree to which you are contributing to society/humanity. Now, if you are troubled over what would be a good or bad investment for humanity I won't comment but I will say that the best way to invest, like all things is to do it consciously! I Hope my response leads to some clarity for you my friend, be well
  2. I go in for surgery on Friday. I'll let you know what happens
  3. I've been experiencing these 'shakes' for about two years now. Still haven't had a full blown awakening but I am gradually becoming more aware
  4. @Leo Gura Sports is an art form with as much value as any other, there is also extraordinary discovery at pushing oneself to overcome beliefs about what they can do physically. The point of competitive sports is competitive sports. It's beautiful. Like a dance or a great song. The feeling when you yourself pull of an incredible move or the awe when you see a brilliant player score something spectacular on television or live at the stadium. Mastery of a craft. Of course we can say of the singer, 'Why devote your life you making sounds' or of the painter 'why devote your life brushing canvas' but these are obviously reductive remarks. It's all for the love of the game.
  5. I've been meditating for 3 years and practicing Kundalini Yoga for 1.5 years. A while ago, I had a Kundalini awakening. After this I went into a bizarre psychosis for a couple of days and my arms would often move on their own. If I sit down and pay any attention I can feel the energy move, beginning at my tailbone, sometimes it will cause me to shake or muscles to tense themselves, other time it will shoot up my spine and temporarily 'release' out the top of my skull. Here's the issue, meditation has become very difficult due to the intense nature of the kundalini energy. It's out of control and I have no idea what to do about it or how to master it. If any one out there on this forum is in the know, please respond. I've searched, but Kundalini information is so varied that I struggle to separate the wheat from tye chaff. Thankyou.
  6. This had me in fits of laughter
  7. Thankyou Nahm <3
  8. This all started with a dream I had. I was a commander on a short-grassed plain where a violent battle was occurring between men,women, horses and some Green Skinned creatures (whatever they were) I was butchering my enemies left right and centre with ease, to the point where I was enjoying the primal brutality of my victory, which was giving me a deep primal sense of actualization, I was good at what I was doing, enjoying it to the point where I felt like an artist. Beauty. However, the joy came from my pure fearlessness in the battle. I was NOT afraid to DIE! this impacted me massively the next day, I was joyful, confident and at peace, a stark contrast to my usual anxiety fuelled days. So, silly as it may be.. here is my goal: To become FEARLESS. I have become acutely aware that most of my problems/failures in life have stemmed from fear, fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of confrontation, fear of death. This fear must be transcended if I am to actualize myself. I meditate daily, are there any specific methods of meditation or other practices that can move me towards reaching this state of being that anyone is aware of?
  9. Thankyou. This seems like very grounded, simple advice. I'll do it!
  10. Thanks for sharing
  11. Hello everyone, hope everybody is well! Today I'd like to share with you yesterday's meditation experience because I had a powerful mystical experience. I'd like to contextualize this session by saying that the day before, I had the worst day of ego backlash I have had in a long time. I was lazy, had poor control over my emotions and actions, and procrastinated. To sum it up I wasted the day. But as they say, the night is darkest before the dawn. So, here I was playing some poker. I love to play poker, I find the game fascinating.I find games that have a certain balance of luck and skill completely thrilling and interesting. After my session, I decided to sit down and meditate. I'd been putting it of too long. During my poker session I noticed my concentration dwindling after a short amount of time so I decided to re-implement a metronome concentration practice I used to use (credit goes to Leo, I got this Idea from one of his videos a while ago) I did this practice for 5 minutes, it went reasonably well, then on to a 30 minute meditation session. People were noisy moving around downstairs so I decided to put headphones in for this session. I listened to a 30 minute deep 'OHM' chanting video on Youtube. I sat cross legged on my bed, I usually practice a 'do nothing' meditation where I sit however I like and do nothing, but I decided to switch it up because I felt like it. I went pretty deep in a short space of time and noticed high levels of discomfort and tenseness all over my body. After some time my body began to tense itself different areas without my interference. I could feel this process healing me moment by moment. My breathing went from shallow and interrupted, to deep and interrupted, to deep and uninterrupted. After my body had finished tensing, i became aware of what I would describe as a ball of uncomfortable, needy energy around my tailbone area. I was aware of its extreme discomfort but I refused to pay anything other than awareness to it, I intuitively knew that my awareness was healing me. As Leo once said awareness alone is curative. I had suspicions that this was true, but I hadn't directly experienced it before. Then something amazing happened, as I focused on the ball of discomfort, it expanded. The closest thing I can compare this too is the feeling of stretching a tight muscle that needs to be stretched, however this was many times more powerful. This ball expanded over me as I went deeper into it until it gradually covered me like a blanket, and waves of euphoria swept over me. My spine had straightened itself out and I was completely balanced and still. My mind was silent, and I was enjoying this state of euphoria. Then I had two incredible insights. I gained FULL awareness of the workings of my body. If you asked me to write it down, I'm not sure I could because this was different from mental knowledge. This was highly intuitive. I could only describe it as a quantum leap in sensitivity to all the subtleties of the body. Next, I became directly conscious of what I am. Ready? An Idea. Literally and Idea. An idea so incredibly powerful that it exists. The potential of this idea is literally unlimited. A human being can truly be anything. Easier said than done I spend the next few hours enjoying life. I felt truly AWAKE and in tune with everything. I knew I had all that I could ever need to deal with any situation life cooked up. My ego had crumbled. I had amazing insights into how I want my life to be. I realised 99.9% of my plans and dreams were COMPLETE bullshit because of the way I had them framed. Wanting things for the wrong reasons. Money, Fame, Adoration ect. give such unsatisfying pleasures compared to the beauty of being AWAKE. I now want to do things for the sake of doing them rather than any sneaky motivations I didn't realise I had. For example I want to play football for the sake of the game, to put on a beautiful show for everyone watching and give everything for my team mates, I don't want to 'be the best.' My eyes had been opened to my terrible selfishness. The falling away of falsehood is beautiful. The take away from this is NEVER underestimate the human mind. Whenever you think you get something, watch the hell out. You do NOT get it!! The mind has a certain form of knowing but this is not true understanding. The mind is suspicious and fearful. It picks things apart. I can not put into words the power of mind illusion. It has kept me unconscious for a high percentage of time in my life. I am so grateful I have become aware of it. I am sure many of you have had incredible insights and mystical experiences like mine and I would love to read them. Anyone who hasn't, stick to the path. You will be paid. And these experiences are priceless.
  12. Intuition transcends survival dynamics. When you're in a state of joy, your level of intuition is so high that it goes beyond words. If you are thirsty, the body will say 'Give me water' if you are hungry the body will say 'Give me food' this is a survival mechanism. If you are a christian and I rip your bible in half you may become upset and angry, or feel like I have threatened you. I have threatened your perceived identity, and you feel fear. Intuition transcends fear. When you are awake you do not identify with things, but there are a very small number of human beings that experience life this way. The body has its way of signalling what it needs to keep on functioning. If you are conscious, Intuition goes far beyond this.
  13. It makes sense because IT IS. You say why die, but why live at all? The nature of all form is to eventually fall away and become something else, there's a time to live, grow and die. You've been here long enough, time to give something else a chance
  14. Try free range eggs and some high quality steaks. High protein foods are great for energy levels. It's good that you eat a lot of salad and vegetables.
  15. Namaste, Do you not believe there are layers of awakening that you have not yet accessed? perhaps 5-MeO-DMT has a 'ceiling' whereas other means (although generally taking a much longer period of time) such as meditation, yoga can lead to enlightenment. In other cases in existence it seems that the most powerful advances and changes take long periods of devotion and effort before growth. For example I have heard Sadhguru speak of meditation leading to his enlightenment, Eckhart Tolle speak of long periods of suffering and searching (among other teachers ) whereas I have only heard you speak to the ability of 5meo to reach enlightenment. -Are you enlightened Leo? -Do you believe 5meo alone can spark enlightenment ? - Do you believe that your time meditating, in yoga ect. opened yourself to the experiences you were subject to during your retreat?
  16. On the one hand it is as simple as 'stop making poor food choices' On the other hand these are the foods that you are addicted to eating. You will encounter cravings and obstacles whilst you are addicted. Often times trying to force yourself to not eat foods you are addicted to will simply make you feel guilt and shame when you cave in, and you will go into self attack. Try this: Eat whatever you want, but be conscious and present whilst you are eating. How does it taste? How does it smell? Stay present and aware of what you are doing. Pay attention to how you are feeling whilst you are eating it and how you feel one and two and three hours after you have consumed your food. Then ask yourself if this is the lifestyle you are happy with going forward. Good luck!
  17. "Close to" no desire You either desire or you don't desire my friend. You might want to reflect upon yourself more deeply and honestly before making airy fairy posts about things you do not understand.
  18. Usually after getting her number I will immediately text her my name and a This is playful, confirms the number is correct and gives her the chance to put your number in her phone. If she then starts a conversation I will send a few messages back and forth before asking her out for drinks. If she doesn't message at all I will wait a couple of days and then send her a message asking if she wants to meet up for drinks. I've had success with this method, it's straightforward and doesn't waste time!
  19. The first of these to statements is deeply delusional, the extent of your ignorance cannot be understated. Also, don't you think the second statement conflicts with the first? I recommend some careful and patient self-reflection my friend. All the best!
  20. I would read Carl Jung if you're interested in dream interpretation. He spent a lot of time studying dreams and his work is held in high regard
  21. I am having my first enlightenment experience as I am writing this. But I already know the answer, I am nothing. Nothing. Nothing collapses into itself over and over again to infinity. If you look at yourself you look into infinity. Nothing just goes on and on and on forever. It can never end, because it is the only thing that exists. Endless data swirling into nothing from nothing. Do not take things so seriously, it's ridiculous. I am eating some chocolate and it tastes like it is made of pure love. Even things that are made from hate eventually end up being made from love! Love is the theme of reality. The matrix is consciousness deluding itself into believing that it's real! (Ego) Truly, everything is one. Yours sincerely, yourself. I do not know if this reality that I see is going to delude itself into believing it's real again or not? I suppose it doesn't matter now that I can't die!