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Everything posted by Azote

  1. Sounds like this is just the type of girls you would be attracted to at current stage of development
  2. @jjer94 2. Thanks, it was worth it, I guess 4. Well, if it really is prozac, then it's one sneaky bastard. Anyway, now I gotta take charge of my fat butt 6. Yeah, it feels like catching up with simple human activities after 20 years of being an alien theorizing... plant?.. Lol
  3. Updates, updates I think I should document some news and recent shifts in my mindset, for the glory of pseudo science. Cult or not, deathproof dynamics checklist is a cool tool. Really helps if you are an overthinking fucker like me. I'm a fucking bachelor of applied mathematics and physics now, Jesus Christ. Now that my concerns about homework are gone, my weakspots start to be seen practically, not just as low SAAFE scores. Particularly appearance. Like, it suddenly hit me that my value (as assessed by clients and employers) very much depends on it. I never put much effort into it, because it was about looking fuckable, and why would I need that? Oh but suddenly it as about looking reliable and respectable, and here I am, borrowing mascara and decent shoes for a job interview, lol. I even started mini-research on how to look decent and distinctly adult female, but without sex appeal. I became really really fat, + 22 lbs, and there are 3 possible reasons. Either it is a year without PE classes, or a year without learning advanced maths, or a year on prozac. Oh yeah, life purpose. I guess the best definition for my recently acquired path would be "data artist". Guys, look for your LP, knowing is relieving. I also tried socialising, and you know what? Friends are fucking important and good for ya.
  4. To become the world's dopest data-driven visual communicator
  5. Man, I can feel it right now
  6. Metaphysically I dunno, but 'something wicked this way comes'.
  7. Things kinda started to move
  8. Okay, I don't knowhow to do shit. That's confusing. God I need a mentor Just, get this lazy ass up and find them.
  9. Just wanted to share Finally, I had to merge the "science" and "art" folders on my hard drive into one "life purpose" folder.
  10. Update Yo, folks. Guess who's still alive and on their way to get shit handled Although my health marathon doesn't go as expected, I kinda proceed organically with my development. Made some progress in both life purpose, relationships, mindsets and body domains.
  11. @thesmileyone This particular test is kinda lame tho. The best easy introduction to SD imo is given in "spiral dynamics integral" book. Or Leo's first video on the subject:
  12. Well thanks. However, I believe I'm dealing with obstacles of another kind right now...
  13. It appears to me that I have no real ambitions or purpose in life other than returning my debts. This is how I see my future: I do some self-actualization work, that allows me to repay my loans, compensate my parents for losses they had while upbringing me, compensate ecological damage by some virtuous activities, and then take a shot of morphine and die in sleep, since I will have no more reasons to live. Like, shit, I can't force another, more optimistic and ambitious vision. And of course, I'm not motivated or productive, because any work brings the death closer. Is it a self-esteem issue and I should just do more of Nathaniel Branden's exercises? Some experience I should have that would help, maybe? Limiting belief? Why do you live and do the work?
  14. I probably should, although they would probably tell me to just stop watching bearded bald talking heads on the internet @OrpheusNovum That's the thing. There are no suicidal tendencies as long as there are debts to pay. I try to imagine my life without this obligation. and I fail to find any meaning in it. So, it is in my best interest to keep this status quo. If I want to change this situation, I have to find better meaning in life. Option 1: Lurk more until I stumble upon another random shit as @Shadowraix proposes. Option 2: Go study metaphysics and find a higher purpose. Unfortunately, this is where total nihilism awaits. Option 3: This is all just beliefs/self-esteem/shadow/lack of life experience/etc, so go fix that and everything will be fine.
  15. Yeah, much more dangerous than advising to get enlightened to cure depression for example
  16. Nope. You need separate account for the main website.
  17. @Hardkill You get access to this series after registration on It's not about relationships though. It's about limiting beliefs that make you wander in generalisations instead of working on actual strategy to resolve your situation
  18. Rewatch Leo's dreamkiller series, for a start.
  19. Will? She's damn 43, man!
  20. New (old?) levels of self-doubt So we know how searching a life purpose, for example, sucks because of all that doubts and thinking of your feelings and emotions as temporary and fake (aka neurosis). Pff, emotions! Now I see how quick to call myself a hypocrite I am in biological stuff! *facepalm* Just look at this inner dialogs. "I've got green eyes" - "Nope, you've got a brownish thing around your pupil, you actually don't have the right to call yourself that" "I'm allergic to dairy" - "Well, it's not like you have anaphylactic shocks, it's just pimples! Have you checked this at your doctor? No? Then shut up" "I'm female" - "Yeah, but clearly you're not a real woman, are you? You know that!" "I"m asexual " - "Nah, you just want to be a special snowflake, you fake bitch" "I'm depressed" - "Nope, just a big weenie. Get yourself together already!" Well, shit. This only supports the opportuneness of my health marathon, and that's great. Gotta post an update on this soon.
  21. Imagine having more than one kid. They can get in trouble simultaneously... Having kids doesn't work out well, I guess. Or more than one loved one of any kind, for that matter.
  22. When I was their age, I was such a stupid inadequate fuck. Now those kids are bilingual, handle conversations and express their opinions on camera! Their generation is okay.
  23. Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved Go meta! I really need to stop feeling responsible for all the problems of all the depressed people around me. Yeah, ultimately I am responsible, full circle, blah-blah. But hell! When you think about it, this mindset of "I don't have the right to be well when there is somebody I know who wasn't as lucky as me" doesn't seem very viable. Got effective altruism?