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About T1r1on

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  • Birthday 08/01/1991

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  1. I helped my sister with her larp today. It ate a pretty good chunk of it. Then I played D&D until 1 am with some friends. So, not much really happened today. And yesterday was mostly reading and research. I did burn some audio books to listen to in my car.
  2. The past couple days have been rough. I decided to go a day without sleep so I can get up at reasonable times. 1 in the afternoon is a little ridiculous. But, staying up until 5 is also. I guess I'm just a night owl. Anyway I'm going to keep this short. I made it to chapter 3 on the book this morning. And I weny to a monster truck rally this evening. It made staying awake quite easy.
  3. Today was awesome but strange. I've had this strange feeling all day. It's honestly a new one. It's kind of like patient determination. I'm calm and motivated at the same time. I like it but it's still new. This morning or well this afternoon when I woke up I went straight into learning new stuff. I signed up for a few webinars about public speaking, life coaching, business, marketing, etc. I also took a few yesterday. As a matter of fact, I stayed up until 5am taking notes and expanding on everything else I've already learned. I'm at the point that I'm ready to just start something. I've learned a ton, but it's not helping me to just learn. I've also been thinking of how I can get people together in person. I live in a little town with nothing to do, so I have to create somthing, and my bugget is $0.45. (Lol) But where there is a will there is a way. And, I'm resourceful enough to figure it out. I just need to set aside some time to think it out. Who knows maybe I'll spin that 45 cents into a couple hundred. Needless to say I have some pondering to do.
  4. @Yukise99 honestly right of the bat he gives a pretty good way to go about all of your personal development processes. I've only skimmed the first chapter so far. So, nothing yet. I didn't get a chance to read yesterday or today. I attended some webinars that I signed up for earlier this week. But, I'll be reading it in the morning, so I'll give you something tomorrow.
  5. Today we ramped up the workout. I'm so freaking sore. I drive a standard car, and the clutch was amazingly hard. Every time I touched it my whole leg trembled. But tomorrow I get to stretch the muscles, and that feels so good. I did more studying on life coaching and started reading How to win friends and influence people. It's quite good so far. In all I would say it was a pretty good day. Now all have to do is stay on the rise. Honestly, I've left myself little else to do. So it's be productive or sit in a room by myself for a long period of time doing nothing.
  6. Today went awesome. I'm almost done with the LPC. I learned some awesome information. And I gained some wisdom. I just finished the me sheet on the LPC. I only have a little left to go. And I'm already seeing some results just from getting that info down. I can't wait to see what it'll be like when I finish. I've been learning as much as I can about life coaching. And I found an awesome YouTube channel about it. I taught me alot more today. I'm excited to see where this takes me.
  7. I got some designs up finally. And the first store is up and running. All I have to do is start the other one and a few other smaller projects, and I may be able to start bringing in some money. After marketing of course. Needless to say I have alot to do. But, after I get them going it won't take much to maintain them, so it's a ton of effort now for smooth sailing later. Or, well for a little while. Really I'm just trying to get 10,000$ so I can become a certified coach. Speaking of coaching, my friend and his wife are doing really good. His wife told me they haven't been this happy since they got married. I'm not sure if that's just them exaggerating or if it's actually how they feel, but it gives me a huge confidence boost. I've also been mostly listening to them for an hour a couple times a week, individually. I got to play some D&D with a few friends today. It was ok. Our DM is fairly new and he hasn't quite wrapped his head around everything yet. But, regardless it was fun. We had some crazy little adventures and laughed a lot. To me that's what it's all about.
  8. @Yukise99 Discipline for the win. Keep it up. I know that when I started limiting my self I got to where any time I played I would just beat myself up kinda. Just a heads up, maybe. You might not.
  9. Ooh, side note. As I've been getting rid of distractions I noticed something quite amazing. I'm completely at peace with whatever happens to me. I don't worry about loosing my car, house, Internet, etc. It's all just stuff. To top it all off I've built a complete trust in myself to handle the "worse case scenarios." It's really an amazing state to be in. Also I find pleasure in standing against the tides of adversity. It brings a certain type of beauty into my life. Perhaps I'm doing better than I thought I was. Also, I'm going to create some art that depicts these emotions. I'll post them as I go. It'll be a better way to see a more raw side of me.
  10. I fucked up today. Instead of doing something productive I just screwed around. Don't get me wrong I still did all the basic things I've been doing, but instead of using my time to further myself I watched a movie and alot of YouTube. The upside is the little I did acompplish was really powerful. I finally boiled down my zone of genius to 1 thing. It was a tie between 3 things. And now I figured out the one I want to go with. I tell you when I finsh my life purpose. I've been wanting to meet some new people and maybe get a girlfriend. But, I live in a little town where there is absolutely nothing to do, unless you like going to dive bar's. I don't drink so that's not the best place. Anyway I've decided to start something myself. Instead of going to the people, I will bring them to me. I haven't figured out how I'll do it, but rest assured it will happen.
  11. I found an interesting new hobbie. I enjoy making lether stuff. I'll just add that to the list of artistic hobbies I have. This one however I can actually make some money doing. The workouts are going good I've raised the bar again. And, I can feel it. My favorite part is stretching the sore muscles. It feels so good. I don't own a scale so, I can't really track my weight. I can measure waist and such to see, but I kinda like the supprise. My friend and his wife are doing great now. It really didn't take much. All I really did was shine a little light on some of their little issues, and suggest some little activities to bring in some variety. I also suggested they read a book together. I took my meditation to the next stage. I'm meditating a few times a day with a 20 minute minimum. It's going quite well. I'm also quitting smoking. I have to take a cold turkey approach and just keep myself in check.
  12. I've been busy the past couple days. I've been getting some stuff up and running. Tweaking my workout plan. I'm coaching my friend and his wife. Plus I've been doing a ton of research on communication. It's been busy, but so rewarding. I've been waking up at 7 or 8 and going to bed at like 4 am. It's starting to get to me. But, that's what naps are for. Plus I've been getting alot done, so it helps push me forward. The coaching is actually going pretty well. They've gotten over a bunch of the little problems and are starting to work on the bigger ones. It's really cool how listening and gentle guidance can make such a huge impact.
  13. I got quite a bit done today. I've been making drawings for my fiver gig, and I'm up to 4. I wanted to make 6 and pick the best out of them. Two left to go. I've also been doing alot of research on a lot of stuff. Tomorrow I'm going to do some planning and other stuff. The workout is going great. It's pretty tough to be honest. And I learned some stuff today that I'm going to implement. I'm really excited about trying it. I'm also really sore from it. But, you have to give your body a reason to grow. The cool part is I made it so that I don't have to go to the gym. It's mostly body weight and bumbells. Right now that works, but I weigh 300, so as I loose weight I'll have to add it back. I've figured for all this though. I have a strategy in place for when certain criteria are met. Stack all that with cleaning up my diet, and it should work quite well.
  14. Well the past few days have been interesting. I quit my job. I've started changing things in my life. And, I've gotten a lot of things done. So, far as my job goes, I got tired of the continuous cycle of bull shit. I was working to pay for the car I needed to get to work. I was getting pushed into cycles of repetitive blame and traps. And, I just lost my give-a-damn. I'm totally cool with losing shit I don't need. It can only push me further into what I should be doing. On the flip side I do have a kinda job lined up. It's not stable at all, but I will helping a friend and I'll lime what I'm doing. It's just driving. But, I really like driving around. I've been changing alot of my habits. I figured out how I work. I can add a new habit, but getting rid of the old ones is the hard part. So, I'm adding new ones that counter, or obliterate the old ones. Plus I have some that I've been working on, so I'm a step ahead. I've been taking a new attitude towards handling things. I used to put things off, or wait for the issues to solve themselves, but that's not getting me anywhere. So I just started doing them right then. It works. It cuts out all the extra shit that gets added on top. So, I can't forget about things. I've also started a morning workout routine. I've lost 50 pounds over the past few months doing nothing particularly special, so I decided to up the ante. My goal is to lose all the extra weight. I want to be healthy for once in my life. I see it as 50 down 100 to go.
  15. I noticed something kind of funny. When I talk to myself I reference me as we. So instead of saying to myself I'm going to....... I say we are going to....... When i notice it I'm all like who is we? Maybe there's a reason for it, or maybe I'm just insane. I don't know. Maybe someone on here does. I've been busting my ass the past couple days. I'm working on a few things and they're coming along nicely. The only downside is the 2 or 3 am bedtimes with a 6 am alarm. I'm pooped. Ha, that's a funny saying. I wander where it came from. I may research this later. It can only add to the surplus of menial triva rattling around in my head.