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Everything posted by Hafiz

  1. I don't think I am myself at all and I don't know how to start. You know how it goes in social relationships, you talk about jobs, career, dating, the news, entertainment, music, anything except Truth. I hide the fact that I've read dozens of books and have seemingly spent thousands of hours contemplating this stuff. I know that I am simply a perceptual functional apparatus no different fundamentally than an amoeba. What if in all my social relationships I only talk about this fact and nothing else? What would happen? Do I HAVE to do this?
  2. Ya'll come across this guy yet? http://advaita.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/1-I-Am-That-Nisargadatta-Maharaj-Resumo.pdf To those of you who are far enough along the path to understand what he's talking about, how are you pragmatically applying what he is saying? How do you actually "do the thing". To those of you who haven't heard of him, I am really jealous, when I first read I AM THAT it was a really wonderful experience.
  3. @fuse I want you to know that even though I am an internet stranger, I am sending you good wishes and that you may find some solace soon. Try going for a walk everyday, start with the BARE minimum.
  4. The peak of LSD comes on at about 3-4 hours. You won't be tripping hard for the entire 12 hours. I feel like DMT is so strong and so quick, that when I did it, it was almost instantly forgotten by my brain. It was just like a dream, or like someone just put on a VR helmet on my eyes and then took off 3 minutes later. Work your way up the psychedelic chain, let your brain be strong enough for what you will see/feel. Stop trying to rush enlightenment.
  5. LSD. DMT will take to too far into another dimension. Baby step your way up there. Have you gotten really high on edibile marijuana yet?
  6. @thinair I don't think so. I mean, going down the rabbit hole of enlightenment kind of shines a lot of light on just how neurotic I am. I have some addictions and soft addictions for sure, that get in the way of my life, but not enough to warrant medication. I used to be an alcoholic, and I am now clean. I'm in a pretty stable life situation.
  7. If what you say is true, that you aren't afraid of experimenting, then you are in the unique position of having overcome approach anxiety already, something that I still struggle with. Try talking to 3 strangers, guy or girl, a day, and get your mindset ready to meeting new people.
  8. I don't want to identify with this particular image. I definitely used to be a hippie, but not so much anymore. What do you guys think of this term?
  9. "You'll find someone special one day" What if you find them the day before you die?
  10. Will this change the manner in which you behave around them? Will you treat them like ghosts or hallucinations?