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Everything posted by Hafiz

  1. Hello, I think I am struggling with these 3 things, all my conversations and social interactions feel extremely forced at this point in my life. Do you guys have some resources/some Leo videos I could watch on these topics?
  2. DO you guys have some guided meditations for opening the heart?
  3. I hope Leo does the shadow work video soon.
  4. “Life is a characteristic that distinguishes physical entities that have biological processes, such as signaling and self-sustainingprocesses, from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (they have died), or because they never had such functions and are classified as inanimate.” From wiki So, yes, animals are alive.
  5. Cut out the porn and go down to wanking once a week if you can. Report back with the results.
  6. I don’t think any human can escape the inherent suffering that comes with getting old, getting sick, and having your friends and family do the same.
  7. I’ve been holding off on this thing for years, I want to set the intention to do this before Ike 35 so only have 3 years left to do so.
  8. Hi, I know that these two paradigms are driving me crazy right now. I’ve listened to the no free will video dozens of times and I’ve been sitting as much as I can ton contemplate. The section where Leo you talk about looking at your life as the movie watcher and not the director is beautiful. But on the other hand, my life is definitely not on its life purpose right now and my quality of life and standard of living have been on the decline for over a year now. I need/want/am patiently waiting for when this movie fucking changes and I start to become the hero.
  9. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFMGJbJ9gco&t=4314s[/youtube] Never underestimate the power of dancing through your problems.
  10. Just gave a listen to the last Sam Harris podcast: https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/111-the-science-of-meditation In it they explain that meditation is not really a substitute for traditional medicine to treat depression, and that it's for awakening, not to make you a happy person. This is similar to Peter Ralston's books which I read this summer but will have to re read, because the content was so dense. Transformation isn't enlightenment. Before I double down here and keep up my practice, I want to know what you guys think and why you are here. Are you here to get over some emotional problem, or do you think enlightenment will help with that.
  11. Worried about upcoming travel plans but thankful that I have been sleeping well.
  12. I was in a similar situation but I chose to leave my parents house because I knew I wouldn't get off my ass "find my life purpose" if I stayed at home and just binged watched youtube all day. Luckily I still live in the same city as my family and they are a good support system. Have you considered moving to a bigger city? You might find a wider and more plentiful source of jobs there. And yes, it will suck, but what if you work 2 jobs for like a year, save up a bunch of cash and then really take some time to sit down and sort out your life purpose. Also, meditate. You always have time to meditate.
  13. "It is just straight up the uprooting and destroying of your belief system and ego to the point that you die and don't identify with anyone or any role anymore" How does this translate into how you behave and act in the world?
  14. I've listened to the "comprehension has many levels" video a number of times now, and I really am intrigued at sitting with this question and seeing what comes up. Here is a short list of responses: I'm a pussy. The girls have a inherent distrust in a guy that is not confident. I'm not doing well financially. I have nothing to offer, I can't have fun for hours on end with a girl without going for sex. I would be a terrible father. What do you think of my list?
  15. I am also on Nofap, so this would be my first real 13 day streak of being porn free. I really do believe my anxiety and body shakes during vipassana were due to coming out of the addiction that has plagued me for so many years. What are some suggestions for riding this energy out, besides just to keep with the daily meditations. Also, do you guys have some insight into how to make decisions after a Vipassana retreat. I feel like I have infinite options for my life at this point and I am having trouble just sitting with the overwhelming choice of paths to take.
  16. I am so damn anxious. Mostly this is due to me doing Nofap, and only being at a 2 week streak. I think porn has been my biggest sticking point for a long time. Will this retreat change me? Will I just use it as an excuse to "fake it til I make it". I have been meditating on a chair for awhile now, so I am going into the retreat with the intention to ask for a chair. I would do a cushion, but I was watching a movie cross legged the other night and my legs fell asleep. My legs falling asleep is even a problem when kayaking. Do you think this is enough justification for using a chair, or should I use a cushion in the lotus position.
  17. Final Fantasy 6 I've played that game a couple of times in my adolescence, and at the time it was more than just a game. I was IN that world and the story was so engrossing. It don't think I was the same kid after playing that game. I replayed the game during a very depressed period of my life in my mid twenties. Still had the same vibe. If you never play any other RPG or Final Fantasy game, play this one.
  18. There are slots open near my dhamma center. My biggest concern is giving up 10 days of income from my job.
  19. UPDATE: I am signed up from Nov 29 - Dec 10. The most important thing I think right now is to change my daily 15 minute meditation to 25-30 minutes, to build up some sort of momentum going into the retreat. I don't know how I will get through the strong determination sitting.
  20. @ryan_047 "What is happiness?It just an emotion,and what does an emotion is?" What you state here is not accurate. Happiness is not an emotional high. Why am I doing what i'm doing? Because I intellectually understand the truths Leo speaks about but I haven't experience/brought them into my being. There is a quote by Adayshanti, "To know, and not to be, is to still not to really know." So ya, I might know some stuff, but if i'm still a piece of shit to this temporary universe, it indicates that I don't actually know anything.
  21. Who would do this? $49000 USD. Who's go the cash and the balls. http://www.kcc.org/article/sealing-scols-first-three-year-retreat
  22. I did. If you go through the website to apply, it specifically says they have separated cloisters for men and women. I think it just so happens for this 3 year retreat it was all women.