Vegan Duff

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About Vegan Duff

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  1. This video may help clear it up @nowimhere . Also @winterknight is a specialist in self inquiry and has it explained on his site. Here it is
  2. @kieranperez I came here after watching one of his Youtube satsangs where you said you were reviewing him. I guessed it was probably this forum since here is where I found his enlightenment thread. I have to agree with you completely after watching every video on his youtube channel, amazing content. Very little views as he is new and doesn't strike me as someone who would put too much effort into marketing himself. Very intelligent genuine guy.
  3. You say deep but really it's incredibly simple and straight forward. I guess it's subjective though It's always simple once you know what they are talking about cause you've experienced similar directly.
  4. Amazing, I just got up from a 30 min sit of meditation (Do Nothing technique) basically just being. I noticed there was way less resistance than usual to everything and great relaxation. Then I opened laptop and found this video straight away. It's like you just commented on my direct experience. I'm hooked on your satsangs btw. I've watched them all bar one but was only able to catch one live to ask a question which was extremely helpful so thank you. As for the smile I can see how one could perceive it at first as maybe being 'fake' maybe but I can assure you (not that it matters) after seeing it repeatedly lately that @winterknight is unmistakably authentic in every way.
  5. I didn't talk to my teacher until the third day. As mentioned already you put your name on a list and you see the teacher in the order of the list. Go every day if you like or not at all up to you. I told him that my thoughts are very negative and they don't stop for even 5 seconds. He smiled and said that's OK some people have down 3/4 10 day courses and have the same issues, he said the best advice he could give was to ACCEPT it. This was and still is the best advice anyone has given me in for meditation, non-duality, everyday life or any situation. Suffering happens because of resistance to what is, accepting reality as it is whether 'good' or 'bad' will bring peace. Having said that there will be a LOT of resistance and that's great, it's an opportunity to learn and grow. I also resonate with all other advice's in this thread, I promised myself before going that I will stay til the end and did and hope you stick it out too. Best of Luck
  6. This helped me as I had the the exact same problems and am also a HSP. Meditation has also helped a tonne because it helps you to accept yourself exactly as you are right now. Check out his self acceptance stuff too if you haven't.@tinB
  7. @Shroomdoctor I learned at a 10 day Vipassana meditation course that you should always just observe all thoughts without judgement whether good or bad. Instead of saying 'shut up' in my head I would just smile at the thought (observe) and realise that these thoughts (mind) are essentially not my true nature. I believe this technique will in effect have a better success rate of lowering these thoughts in the future (stripping away the ego slowly) than fighting against it. I agree with @Heart of Space though about your attitude and open mind. I just wanted to share what I learned because it's helping me to reduce my ego.