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Posts posted by DnoReally

  1. I know this forum is not supposed to be a market place, but it seems the book "Lectures on the Ten Oxherding Pictures" by Yamada Mumon Roshi is out of stock everywhere, even on the publishers page, so I wanted to ask if anyone here is willing to sell his copy or can at least tell me where I can get the book for <60$ withing a reasonable timespan

  2. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Scott is one of the most deluded thinkers I have ever heard speak.

    The self-appointed master of reason has been hoisted by his own petard.

    Oh the irony...

    When you hear people speaking of "reason", run for the hills. Reason is the #1 tool of the ego. Reason has absolutely nothing to do with truth.

    The mental gymnastics that Scott goes through to backwards-rationalize Trump, are truly astounding. And Sam is right to call him out on his shit.


  3. @Leo Gura What is the alternative? I mean, you might think it's an arbitrary division to say that science and mysticism aren't the same, but what really is the alternative? It has brought us tremendous wealth and lifted millions of people out of poverty.

    Scientific arrogance and the belief that science holds, that it will one day be able to explain the world rationally might bother youy but so what? As long as they deliver results that deal with peoples lower needs on maslows pyramid I'm perfectly fine with the scientific paradigm. 

    Yet I don't really understand the point you often make about evolution, hope there's a video covering this topic soon ;)

  4. But science needs these metaphysical assumptions. If it hadn't every scientist would be just like you or a yogi, exploring consciousness and the metaphysical. I actually like the scientific paradigm and its assumptions, because they are reliable and work in the physical world. They are practical and should remain the way they are in order to maintain our rate of progress.

    Mysticism and science are not two seperate approaches to the same problem, they in fact deal with two non-overlapping parts of reality, and thats's the issue. I don't give a fuck what sadhguru says about the physical universe or what richard dawkins says about consciousness.