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Posts posted by DnoReally

  1. Palms up, face east, blink only after an uneven number of seconds have passed, dont curl the toes, never let your thumbs meet as it interfers with your pets energy field and might cause an involuntary kundalini awakening, always close the door but not fully, draw a flipped pentagram on your doorstep to prevent demons and bad karma from damaging your prana flow, never chant om more than 5 times / 15 seconds (this is EXTREMELY important, dont ask why tho!).

    Furthermore you should restrain from thinking of the third eye as a literal eye as it might actually materialize as such! Also inbreath and outbreath must be the EXACT same duration, violations of that rule will result in yogananda appearing through your 7th chakra and he will steal all your prana and sell it on the black yoga market (prana depletion aint no joke).

    If you stick to the simple ruleset that I outlined and every single other one that has ever existed, you are good to go and you will eventually awaken the archetype of the eternal lobster in the crown chakra, fuse order and chaos and salvage your damn father from the belly of vishnu.

    Also clean your room prior to every kriya routine.


  2. 8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    15mg is a small dose
    20mg is a decent dose
    25mg is a heavy dose
    30mg is a monster dose

    At least for me. Tolerance varies person to person.

    Be very cautious with anything above 25mg. The mindfuck can become almost unbearable.

    Thanks. I should have enough 5-MeO to work my way up. 

    Still am a little hesitant to do the low dose, since I still remember you saying those are worse in your video.

    @Serotoninluv 32mg? How are you not fainting? O.o :D

  3. 5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @How to be wise I'm conscious enough to know they are not conscious enough to know what they are talking about.

    If someone tells me "You are not God", they are straight up ignorant of nonduality. Case closed. I'm not gonna entertain their delusions any further.

    Being openminded does not mean that I'm tolerant of bullshit. Just the opposite. A deep understanding of nonduality makes it extremely obvious to spot who's full of shit and who hasn't reached the deepest levels yet.

    Egoless was promoting a dualistic Christian version of a separate God. Which is pure devilry.

    It's obvious these people have not even bothered to do the basic research, to read the books, let alone to have direct experiences of the advanced and subtle things being discussed here.

    But these devils don't just stop there. Then what they do is they use the PM system to corrupt the minds of other members behind the scenes, out of sight -- trying to recruit them to their narrow-minded ideology, slowly sowing seeds of doubt and controversy.

    It's devilry plain and simple. And I'm not gonna sit by and watch it unfold. Devils who come here trying to run their tricks will get slapped across the face.

    If you want a forum where devils run free, there are thousands of such forums available across the web that you can join. The purpose of moderation is not to censor free speech, but to weed the forum of low-quality members. It only takes a small handful of low-quality members to turn a forum into a cesspool. Because it's the low-quality members who tend to be the most devilish, the most arrogant, the biggest know-it-alls, the biggest bullshitters.

    This should be a forum disclaimer