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Posts posted by DnoReally

  1. 8 hours ago, Someone here said:

    Yes ..one challenging question to answer is on what basis do we cherrypick the right religious texts .

    This is the funniest shit in the world to me.

    So guys, lets get all together, everyone grab a seat and we're gonna debate what texts and values will be part of our brand new religion. This is so far detatched from reality, from what religion is, how it comes about, how people relate to it and the cultural context in which it emerges.

    It's only fitting someone proposed Esperanto as an accompanying language.

  2. @ZenAlex  Sure, what makes a human happy is certainly more complex than just sitting at the top of a niche hierarchy. Status 'just' having survival value seems like a weird things to say. Striving for and achieving status is a major factor in emotional well being. Theres no worse feeling that being socially isolated or outcast.

    I also agree that obsessing over that whole stuff isn't doing anyone any good.

    To me it just seemed that you were questioning the underlying fact of the matter. The title and some things you said certainly suggest so.

  3. Status hierarchies are undeniable facts, arguing against their existence is obvious cope. Alpha/Beta/...Theta/Sigma whatever are cringe labels pointing to a reality that is immediately obvious to anyone who spends some time at a night club or any type of social gathering and away from the PC screen.
    People who deny it are giga-coping, discord-inhabiting 'betas' or people who can emotionally afford to be blind due to their own high status.

  4. @Apparition of Jack  Good luck being ruthlessly taken advantage of in the future. Being the only one to abandon the game in order to let others have a shot is a terrible strategy. You will live to see the consequences. No one thinks like this in the rest of the world, and if so it's either pretense or a thin layer that people will shed as soon as you lose geopolitical power over them.

    8 hours ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

    He really doesn't though. His team of engineers, scientists, etc. does all the great job. He's really just a scamming, manipulative, pathologicaly lying, ruthless CEO, with great PR campaign.

    Elone is cringe, but no one except literal comic book Iron Man could live up to the image that people project onto him. Fact of the matter is he either actively pushes or at least jump started innovation in several key industries that you should be grateful for. Of course the people in his company do all the work, but ultimately he still invested in the surrounding infrastructure and brought these people together.