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About Berjohansen

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  • Birthday 06/27/1974

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  1. Nothing you dont want will ever happen so theres nothing to be afraid of? This is a great opportunity thou, to find out who it is that is afraid, deep down you know its nothing to be afraid of, still fear arises. Why is that? Is it your fear? Do you WANT to be fearfull of freedom of suffering?
  2. What is aware of the mind decieving the person? Anything «you» can observe is not what you are that said, you probbably could write forever about it, the whole meaning of the mind, ego, emotions and so on is to enternain us just enough to hide that we are in a short lived dream of separation from god/scource Try creating more egos/enteties in your mind and see how quick you can watch your ego watching your spiritual ego watching your thoughts.. its all about entertainment, it will let you do whatever as long as you dont look for your true self.
  3. Just try it.. might be suprized
  4. Im way more emotionally stable after trips wich has been a real problem for me earlier. I also spend alot of time integrating the trips wich makes me learn a good lesson or two everytime. I also have heightened awareness after trips, it tapers off some but i feel it ends up higher than the last time if you understand. I trip every two-three months. Psychological effects stays with me all through theese months and im very thankfull for that???
  5. There is no past or future you should watch this???
  6. ?im not sure it works exactly like that. In that case everyone capable of it would be a lottery millionaire long time ago? and as i said im only in the early stage working on it?
  7. Just write it out right here. This should be one of the places with the least judgement and if there should be discussions on the subject you get to «practice» to argument your opinions/beliefs. Thats healthy?
  8. I work on an abulanceboat 2 weeks on/off with two others. We have a very good relationship and whatch a lot of documentaries and conspiration theories. I have opened their interest for consiousness questions through documentaries on ayahuasca, DMT, quantum physics and so on to the point where we can have discussions about it without them calling bullshit. Really valuable to me
  9. @Nahm Pasting a answer to a pm below? i fell into a lucid dream spontainiously during a afternoon nap. After that i have been able to «pierce trough the vail» if that makes sense.. if i wake up tired in the morning and set a goal of doing it, i lay on my back and consentrate on just seeing something while letting my body fall asleep (hard to explain but sort of intentionally leaving here to go there) after a while i see patterns wich becomes clearer and then i intentionally go through like looking out a window and im there.. you could argue its a lucid dream and not astral projection scince i dont get up by the bed sort to speak. But im looking at it more like climbing out the vindow? Plus its intentional. i have no contact with my physical body what so ever but still have a different physical body and can do whatever i want. Flying into space looking down on earth and such i have yet to do anything else than flying around going to places around the world but meditating in space, going through mirrors to other dimensions and such is on the list now?
  10. My goal so far has just been to get good at it and enjoy the ride but im ready to put it to good use. Will try what you said and read up on it. Ill check out Buhlman thanks??
  11. Thats being in the moment. Not enlightenment..
  12. @egoless yes i totally agree, but you accused me for saying i was god, wich is not what i meant..
  13. @egoless ive never said «i» was god.. All is «god» its pointless praying to god because your asking yourself for favours...