Ricky Walt

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Everything posted by Ricky Walt

  1. What's happening here is yet another fake guru conning the local populous in India for cash. Cash is king baby. The Cobra's have had their fangs brutally amputated and pulled out so they cannot harm anybody and due to long mistreatment and often slapping on the head they have brain damage. Hence their catatonic states, fooling people into thinking he has some control over them.
  2. @Valach My take on your post is that there seems to be a lack of pushing through with this issue to conclusion. You come close, but then at the last minute you sidetrack yourself and then don't finish the job. I think it is a very subtle and insidious habit that a persons mind develops and it reminds me of a story I once read where the person was describing that your mind is the slave while your real self is the master. Only to find that your mind (the slave) is now walking around pretending to be the master. In this instance I think you will need to cultivate some discipline to follow through with your actions to conclusion. You can't decide to approach a girl and then at the last minute pull out... Over time that type of behaviour will develop a very nasty habit of self-sabotage, that's going to spill over in all aspects of your life. It's good that you've identified this now so that you can work on it.
  3. @heisenburger You know what hey, thats some really insightful commentary right there!! I also had a similar insight where I was procrastinating a bit on my studies and I managed to trace it back to a history test I took like way back in the day and somebody's mom commented that its ok to leave the studying till the day before if you still manage to get through with a reasonable mark. Since then that was my main study method (until many years later). I think doing this excercise to gain some insight into an issue and then chasing it with teh Sedona method would resolve a lot of problems fairly quickly.
  4. Look man, the truth of the matter is that looks matter, but depending on the context. If you are going to go to a fashion show with high flying DJ's and rich mofo's hanging all over the place, yeah, women will probably gravitate towards the better looking guys. But you would probably find yourself at a place like that very seldom. For the other 95% of your time you are going to be walking around, going to work, going to gym and shopping for groceries. At these places really looking the way you normally look is fine. You'll come right. What I do nowadays is simply to chat to girls I come across in my daily walk of life, and only if I am attracted to them on some level. I've come right so much that girls really ain't a priority in my life at all anymore, and so will you. Eventually you will get tired of the nonsense facade chicks put up, the low quality time wasting mentality, I could go on and on... If you want to play with the looks variable, then do simple stuff. Get a haircut, wear clean nice clothes. And stuff the rest. But please sir, if you do nothing else then lift. Lift till those muscles scream for mercy btw I balded at like 20 and never got laid before then lol but afterwards was a different story...
  5. @Nahm Very true. I must admit though, I have met specifically three people in my life where the sense of their higher awareness was undeniable. And judging by the impact that they had on me and their environment other people perceive it as well.
  6. I don't think I agree with that, simply because it is expected of guys to approach women. No approach = no date. It is rare that a woman approaches a man. So by default a man must pay because he will most likely be the one approaching?
  7. I don't think there are any specific questions to test levels of enlightenment, simply because a question comes from the mind (most probably your logical mind) and being at some higher level of spirituality will almost inevitably involve moving (and living) beyond the mind. As you grow yourself in awareness you will become more in touch with your intuition and feelings and you would be able to sense a persons relative level of enlightenment merely by taking in a chunk of their interaction (verbal and non-verbal).
  8. Look man, honestly, this sounds like her way of interacting with people. She plays the helpless, indecisive role and then lets the other party step in to "save" her and make the decision on her behalf. This could eventually become very tiresome, and in fact it sounds like it already is for you, which is why you are trying to "help" her make decisions. It seems to me though that you helping her is exactly the attention she was trying to get in the first place.
  9. Personally I don't think that's a realistic example. I was driving to work this morning listening to a guy that just won half a mil in some competition and while him and the radio presenter were talking about it his wife couldn't stop calling him. The radio presenter then went ahead and called the wife and she was so excited lol. I find it hard to imagine a situation where a wife would sit there on the couch after hearing the news and not have a reaction?
  10. It's weird though because some of my most successful dates and relationships have come from first dates where the girl insisted on paying the whole bill? But my current (and longest relationship) is with a girl that tries to keep things equal between us financially. It's nice, I appreciate it.
  11. Lol a few girlfriends that have awakened??? impossible
  12. I am ENFP. Actually now that I think about it yes, different excercises bring about different levels of calmness. I would rank them as follows: Cardio (running, rowing) - least calm Lifting - medium (my staple diet) Yoga - best results for calming my mind (I do this once a week)
  13. I don't think I "grew" by 2cm but I did manage once to increase my height from 181cm to 183 cm. The measurements are factual, they were taken at a clinic, and I can also say that I didn't set out to increase my height, it was just a side effect of the particular training I did at that point in time. My gym buddy and I started on a series of posture correction excercises that we did I'd say about 4 times per week as follows: 1) Bent forward head stretch. You stand upright and tilt your head forward, gently pushing it forward with your hand (you can vary it by pushing it sideways at different angles as well), stretching the back of the neck 2) Wall planks. Standing straight against a wall and forcing your lower back flat against the wall. I.e. standing as fucking straight as you can 3) Head pushback. While doing the wall plank, push back against the wall with your head, excercising the back of the neck 4) Front neck clenches. THis is a bit hard to explain but basically pushing your head back using the two muscles running front your ears down the front sides of your neck and connecting to the top of your chest bone. THe two main neck muscles you see from the front. It takes a bit of practice to get this right but it is doable. 5) Hip flexor stretches. This is the ultimate problem for men. There's plenty of videos on youtube for this one. 6) Vacuums brother. As Uncle Arnold recommends. Everyday. Depending on how your posture looks you could gain anything from 2-5 cm I'd say. I also suspect its possible to trigger some growth through hypnosis, but that would be extremely specialised and there's probably only a handful of professionals in the world that would be able to trigger your body's natural growing abilities. However even if you managed to get that right I stil ldon't think you would see growth beyond a max of 5cm (including the posture correction).
  14. From what I understand about the olive oil situation is that when you use it in a pan for like stir frying purposes then at some point the pan will heat the oil up and it will start smoking. It's at this point that the carcinogenic properties of the oil increases rapidly. Carcinoma (which I don't know much about) increases your cancer risk, so the common advice is not to fry food in olive oil because of this. Other oils like sunflower oil have a higher smoke point so it is more suitable for pan frying purposes. But if you are interested in eating healthy you would probably be staying away from frying altogether in anycase. However if you add it to a soup or brothy kind of food the likelyhood of it reaching the smoke point is not high so there's nothing there to be worried about. I agree with the other statements in this thread that the oil consumed raw is healthy.
  15. That's such a keen observation! I have done the Meyers-Briggs test (and a few others) and I'm extroverted in my nature. For me when I do a workout I actually have the exact opposite of what you experience. My mind calms down and the chatter becomes less!
  16. I haven't done excessive amounts of research into soy but some of the things I have discovered in a cursory glance is that the soy bean contains some compound that mimics estrogen. i.e. it isn't estrogen, but the human body mistakes it for estrogen and in response to the intake of soy, balances out the perceived increase in estrogen by increasing a number of other hormones (not testosterone unfortunately). Soy has come under criticism for this, but the thing is that the amounts we are talking about here are very small. We talking the kind of quantities here that are irrelevant. Even so, our pro meat colleagues still choose to jump on the bandwagon and used this as a point of argument. All this is very technical though so I don't know how practical it ends up being
  17. Since when is hairloss a genetic defect?? There is a specifc gene that causes male pattern baldness, but it is most definitely not a defect. I'm bald as the flat side of a cricket bat lying on the grass on a shiny summers day and I can assure you that I have gotten laid with hotter chicks now than when I was younger. So no, it's not seen as disgusting.
  18. That's not true. Cows milk is biochemically engineered (by nature) to match the DNA structure of cows, and therefore it's maximum absorption only ever happens for cows. Same story with mothers milk, which matches humans and can most easily be absorbed my humans. There is literally a plethora of academic studies that support this. imo pea protein is the way to go. The average whey protein % is somewhere in the range of 25% - 45%, while most pea proteins, especially the unrefined ones come in at a whopping 70%-80%.
  19. You know in many instances those foods in and of itself are not bad. But the problem comes in when it is mass produced and processed. Corporates have profit in mind, not your health so the cows raised in feeding lots etc. have excessive hormones and anti-biotics and all sorts of other stuff in it that facilitate mass production. That makes it bad. If you could get hold of actual, real and natural meat then it would probably be just fine to eat it. But good luck finding that.
  20. There's no way to stop the intake of flouride through the water. Best you can do is switch to bottled water that comes from a natural source. As for needing protein, bodybuilding, etc. you can get more than enough protein from plant based sources, the same place that the cows you eat get it from... And just bear in mind, our ancestors didn't have refrigerators, so their meat intake was sporadic and opportunistic, not staple. Therefore you can comfortably cut down on animal products and still bodybuild.
  21. If you are living a sedentary lifestyle then following a vegetarian diet isnt going to make much of a difference. Without mobility and excercise your body won't see the need to absorb all the good nutrients from a vegetarian diet and the food will pass through unused. My advice would be to combine a vegetarian with some sort of excercise (at a minimum).