Hello from Russia

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Posts posted by Hello from Russia

  1. Yeah, we need more advanced stuff for sure

    The main problem seems, indeed, the ease of access of this content for everybody. Right now It's like Leo is teaching everyone right in the center of a busy marketplace and anybody can join and take part

    When usually the deepest insights were shared in closed monasteries/advanced communities and things of that nature that notoriously had a lot of screening and filtration of its members as well as profound support systems inside those communities. Even if somebody lost their shit completely, I'm sure other people could easily help and correct the situation

    I understand Leo's desire, though, to populize this kind of teachings for mainstream audience. It's a good noble pursuit for sure and we need more of that as well in the world

    But ultimately, it's his channel and it's up to him to decide what direction to take and what to do with it. We can only share our opinions and that's about it

  2. 5 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Any case both are quite expensive. Most retreats are expensive. 

    I find most retreats are very cheap, tbh, at least spiritual ones. A lot of them are free even.

    Mostly because people have a lot of spiritual-religious ideas on how charging money is bad and just shy away from it. It is especially prevalent in asian countries and especially India from what I saw. So I understand your perspective as well, since seems like you grew up in this culture

    I feel like in general spiritual retreats/teachers undercharge vs the value they provide/try to provide

  3. 33 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    If I stay in a hotel in Hawaii for a week, I would be happy too. 

    But only after burning a hole in my pocket. 

    10k is a big joke. 

    You can spend that kind of money in India for years (in cheap places) and enjoy much longer retreats. 


    Most retreat places are around $100-150 per day, this one is on higher-end, of course

    You for sure can be happy. It's more about degrees of happiness. I claim that people who do vacations on wellness/spiritual destinations  experience much higher degrees of happiness vs conventional tourism/vacation industry

  4. 54 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Sometimes such reviews are paid for and fake. 

    You don't know these people personally. 


    No, people in this niche are indeed very happy, for real. I've studied around 2-3k+ retreats across the whole world and I've never seen as many authentically happy people anywhere as in retreats space.

    It just gives you so much.. like-minded spiritual inclined folk is also a huge factor. In our usual town days we are deprived of genuine human connection, and you get it there

  5. They usually have very good resort locations + very good comfy housing, this alone costs a lot. 

    Then there are a lot of costs associated with various kind of experts they bring in, they all need some pay. 

    They cook usually healthy organic meals for you, that's also a cost, costs are products + preparation work. They are usually pretty savvy at healthy cooking/healthy nutrition

    Then you also pay them for their organizational/program creation skill, to set all of it up and for all of it to actually be productive and work well together

    Then there is also a spiritual teaching component, that can have a tremendous value, especially considering it is a very intimate environment with a few people here. How much would you pay to get coaches by Leo 1v1 or in small group even besides housing? 

    Then, they have all kinda of fees & taxes, which deserves to be mentioned as well

    And in then end, they also have to make some profit as well to stay afloat, actually make some money off of it, save for emergencies and to reinvest in their current retreats as well as in new ones

    Considering all of the above, it won't sound so expensive anymore, the housing alone is usually 50% or more of the price

  6. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    5-MeO is not good for clubs because it has too much of a weird body high.

    DMT works much better.

    DMT has gotten me laid. It's instant state. It's was easier to game on a bit of DMT.

    But DMT lasts less than 5 minutes, how do you do that? I can understand lsd/shrooms or other, but DMT? 

    Or you mean you use the afterglow effect?