Hello from Russia

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Posts posted by Hello from Russia

  1. 14 minutes ago, zurew said:

    Yeah, its fair to say that democracy is higher, however, what would be interesting to think about , is that, how useful would democracy be,  back in the middle ages? I think it definitely requires a certain type of development first, to be able to even think about democracy.

    Sometimes, when the political sphere is so polarized most people can't agree on basically anything, even on the facts, then the development is really hard to continue. Of course, that does not mean that dictatorship would be better, but from an dictator's pov, it is better because by excluding people decision making,because the country can develop easier on an economic level, especially when every issue is radically polarized (assuming that economic power is the most important for that dictator).

    Democracy isn't higher/better if most people in society have no clue

  2. 18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    he situation reminds of this scenario: guys at the corporate office have a culture of groping women's asses. They grope ass every week. The couple of women who work there keep telling them to stop, it's hurtful, but the guys think it's all just fun and games and that no one is getting hurt. So they keep groping ass for 10 years. Then some woman finally get fed up and tells them, "If you touch my ass one more time I'm going to fight back." But they laugh it off. Then one day they grab her ass  and shes stabs one of the guys in the dick with a letter opener. All the guys are shocked, surprised, and horrified. "OMG! How could this woman be such an insane psychopath! What's the big deal? All we were doing was just grabbing some ass. That isn't hurting anyone. Ass is great for grabbin'. That's what ass if for. Anyhow boys... let's get back to groping that ass. Let's grope some titties too. I hear a few boys in accounting want join in. What's the big deal? Every man has the right to freely choose to be part of our ass-grabbin club. Let's throw them a welcome party. And in the future if any woman complains about us, we'll have our boys in accounting cut her salary in half. That'll make her think twice."


  3. 54 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Everyday girls on the streets aren't porn actresses. 

    The porn industry makes men have unusual ideas about women and womanhood. 

    Try being more in touch with the regular women on the street and women won't need to explain much. 


    I don't deny its unusual. That's why it turns you on, sexually unrepressed women are rare

  4. 6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Because she will say no.

    If you make girls feel like sluts the universe will punish you for it.

    Did you encounter many girls that "love" being slutty and completely own it? I see a lot of good world class porn actresses are like that and it's kinda a turn on.

    What makes it cool is that they are like this in real life too, not just in porn. Hence why they choose such a profession

  5. Was revisiting this Leo's video lately cause I notice I became glued to watching Ukraine-Russia situation for the past week, basically updating all different kinds of media to get the most holistic picture of the events


    But I noticed my state becoming stressful af and I've now created a ton of needless fear in my psyche. Feeling very negative in general on a daily basis despite me taking a sort of "neutral" state on the whole issue. I don't really attach to any theory/view on a situation

    Then I also noticed how basically all media I consumed during the past few years or so gave me not that much, actually. But I also can't say that it gave me nothing as well. It gave me something, but evaluating its value is a very tricky matter. It's so hard to judge these things.

    So it made me raise the question. Is Youtube basically a new TV? I already blacklisted and restricted my access to a lot of channels as well as recommended section here. But still, even the most conscious stuff I watch still can have a lot of gossipy qualities about it and can lower my state & make me distracted. Not to say regular news/regular stuff

    What do you think about it this issue? Is Youtube really a new TV and we should avoid/restrict it as much as we can on individual level for self-actualization purposes? Is it actually different and okay? What's your take?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    Woman care about height. Do you care about a beautiful figure and a pretty face?

    If you're 5ft6 you can use lifts to be 5ft9 and your time pulling will be way easier

    They do not. You care about it all 1000x more than they actually do in reality. 

    Forget about these lifts and height and just go talk to 1000 girls. You'll see that all this height stuff is pure horseshit, man. And you'll actually get a first hand experience of it. As well as what actually matters (If you do everything consciously) 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    YES! Absolutely. 

    But none of that is awakening.

    Nice, man

    I guess I was looking for an excuse to continue all of that stuff. Cause I really love how it makes me feel/how I start to develop super powers via it. If things like awakening were not on a line, I guess I would love to live my dream out in this fashion regardless. Still very cool dream, imo. You're expanding the capabilities of your human self and it feels so damn nice to do so, especially with all this psychic stuff

  8. @Leo Gura One more question if I may

    Let's say most meditation/yogic techniques are very inefficient for the aim of awakening as you say. Things like Jhanas, various meditation states, etc.

    Do you recognize these things can actually be still useful? Not for awakening-sake but just to do some cool stuff inside of a dream? To develop some siddhis for example or things of that nature. Or to have some really great tantric sex and whatnot. To develop some extra-ordinary health/physiology like Wim Hof guy seems to have?


  9. 1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

    Yes. You dream up all awakenings except your own.

    Do you think it is possible to have such an intricate dream/illusion that some teacher will seem to actually experience the same stuff as I will experience once I awake? Though all consciousness would still be sourced from me

    Can I copycat/take some "enlightened teacher'"s techniques and still awake, despite it being not as efficient as methods that you recommend (with 200 shots of 5 Meo and etc)? Do you recognize there are still other paths to achieve levels that you're talking about?

  10. @Leo Gura Sorry, I still don't get it. Do you claim that everyone else's awakening is fake except mine? Is there at least some validity to them? How come an awakening teacher who guides you to your own awakening is not awake himself if he succeeds in doing so?

    Such mindfuckery, man

    Would be much easier to tolerate it if noone would talk about awakening/try to awake "with me"

  11. 53 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    I have heard this same story from you a couple of times before. Hmm. If a girl locked eyes with you, she'll automatically take everything off. Nothing to do with leadership. 

    (now don't ask me why) 

    Maybe because you look like a cute little handsome mouse. 


    Yeah, but you still have to initiate, otherwise nothing happens

  12. You can work on your tits via exercise, as well as your ass and other features. Most girls who have shitty tits just have very weak chest muscles

    My girlfriend's tits actually improved A LOT shape-wise after she started going to the gym consistently, not to say her ass and other parts improved quite a lot also too

    But also, tits alone are a pretty superficial criteria on its own. If you work on yourself in other areas, quality men will not care about your tits that much. We look for partners Holistically, not just by 1 factor

    That being said, I'm sure if you start exercising and improve your tits by around 20-30-40% you will already feel happy about them and actually be proud of having such tits because you consciously worked for them, not just simply got born like most girls do with their awesome tits. Some girls just get born with genetically "weak" tits before they muscle them up

    If you exercise them, It's good for your health too, you can severely decrease risks of a ton of various tit-diseases by doing that (I've studied it quite at length for my gf), so it's a win-win for sure. Can't say the same about implants, they seem to damage your health long term (As well as your self-esteem I guess)