Hello from Russia

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Posts posted by Hello from Russia

  1. On 5/21/2022 at 1:17 AM, Leo Gura said:

    I've done both. 95%+ of my trips are eyes open.

    Would you say their suggestion to keep your eyes closed is just a normie crap? As they are afraid to really face what's going on on a big enough dose

  2. 30 minutes ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

    That would belong to "intimate relationship" skills, not PUA skills. PUA is about getting laid, period. Let's not mix these things up.

    Besides, you can't "get deep" with someone in a short ammount of time. Just like sex is not serious at first, only casual. Without knowing how to gain casual sex, you'll have nothing. No love, only your hand. And that's just a fact.


    Look, I don't idolize absolutely noone - and his personal life is none of my concern. What I care about is whether he can or can't provide me with some value - and whether his skillset is legit. And, objectivelly speaking, when it comes to pure pick up, he belongs among the elite. So, it's only logical for me to take information from the people that are best at what they're doing - whatever it is.

    By "quality of number", you mean whether the girl is into you, or whether she is 10/10 stunner, or she has the best personality? Cause he's clearly excelling at the first 2 criteria.


    Nah, you definitely can and I did it. Such a intimacy build up can be even more precious and valuable than sex. Not to even say that if you get it all to the actual sex, it's 10-100x is better than just getting some random sex with random 

    You and your coach have their own biases in that regard, which is fine, if that is what you truly want to get from it. You do you

    Don't take the limits of your skill for the limits of reality 

  3. Feeling the same. I can deeply appreciate stage yellow thinkers/content especially in the contrast to what we have in our mainstream society. But damn. Whenever I look at it I can't help but see it as a masturbation (often mutual) that just happened to use each other minds instead of body parts

    I feel like what's missing at large here is the energetic component in them, some sort of experiential one, something that is of "being", something more innate, the celebration of expression of form, not just emotionless observation

  4. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    If that's true then IQ doesn't measure intelligence at all, because consciousness is intelligence.

    These images (in IQ tests) are so silly. I can literally train myself to be good at IQ tests. Every time I was taking one again I was doing better at it simply by knowing what you're supposed to do here and how they usually build these problems

  5. 14 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

    Fundamentally because the desire and the drive to bring it to fruition won't be there. Do you realize the level of mental craziness it would take to be Elon or Bezos?? Otherwise, I would say that it is materialistic lust justifying itself through awakening. 


    But how about becoming woke? Doesn't it also require a huge amount of desire and ambition to pull it off? 

  6. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Acquiring power requires desiring power. The most conscious people have no desire for power. The same applies to the highest levels of wealth and sex.

    But what's the problem with highly conscious person wanting it just for fun? What else you get to do after you've awoken after all, why not become an awake conscious billionaire?