Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. Can also be a poor diet or chronic undersleepness
  2. @Mikael89 Reground yourself, go do some pickup or things like that, it's refreshing and can actually be benefitial for spiritual journey
  3. It's hard. Most of the guys are big pussies, so they won't do it anyways. Being attractive, open and authentic helps tho, become "approachable". Beauty helps too, but I wouldn't say it is #1. Being too beautiful can be an obstacle in a sense that a lot of guys will think that they are inferior to you, that they are a class below, when in reality it's not always the case. Also, try to do women's version of pickup. Initiate and get exposed to the world. Go socialize a lot. And by that I don't mean with your current friends. Go and meet new people, start conversations, do small talk, join new social circles. And when you'll be doing all that, if you find a guy you really like, go send him some subtle signs of attraction, idk how that thing works from women's point of view and idk if it is conscious or unconscious (I guess the latter) but this shit is real. It is a real turn-on for a guy even if you're not 10\10 in this stupid pickup estimation (I speak from my own experience here) . Also, doing public and leadership stuff (such as speaking, singing, giving a presentation, etc) to a big audience will help you to attract confident guys who are leaders and do shit in the real world. Which is probably what you want from a guy.
  4. @7thLetter Watching the best self-development content there is in open source JUST FOR ENTERTAINMENT is a meme in itself
  5. It is totally WORTH IT. The amount of self-development you get from this is ENORMOUS. And it doesn't matter if you'll end up sleeping with these girls or not. It is about pushing your comfort zone, being fine with your sexuality, crushing your fears and being the leader, that is what leaders do, they see the girl they like - they approach, they take action on it.
  6. When GF is distracting you from doing self-inquiry\contemplating
  7. You can dedicate your life to serving others if you choose to (Doesn't mean you'll not act selfish from time to time to achieve it)
  8. What do you mean by art? what exactly you want to do in "art"?
  9. I'd gladly send a 100% cacao sugar-free chocolate if I knew Leo's address (No homo aswell)
  10. What if you don't really believe you're going to die
  11. Very interesting conversation here, enjoyed reading it Can you tell me, though, who the fuck JP is? I tried to do google\youtube search and came up with it: I doubt everyone is talking about this
  12. @Widdle Puppy Note that the following is just my assumption about you and might not be true. I don't know exactly your situation and your mental state but I have the wibe that you try to cut out things just out of moralization. You have a belief that these things are "bad" for you and you try to act "good" by eliminating them. Deep inside your don't really believe that they are bad for you, you don't really "understand" why they are bad, you're acting on a belief, not on genuine insight. Such thing always backfires, because it's not genuine and true enough. You have to use your your willpower to fulfill your moralism. And that never works long term because our willpower is finite. What I'd advice is to look deeply inwards. The point is to move from Morality to pure awareness, to having a genuine insight for yourself. Do a hardcore self-therapy and contemplate each thing you mentioned. Why do you really want to get rid of it? Will it really make your life better? In what ways, how? Be super self-honest, honesty is the key. Unless you're brutally self-honest nothing will work! I hope It was useful
  13. Fear is #1 and lacking certain know-how's is the other
  14. Advice on how to build a contemplative conscious lifestyle while being part of the "material" world. How to make a living and do business in a conscious manner, how to relate to other people\deal with them in a conscious manner, especially when they are trying to harm\sabotage you in some way. How to balance spirituality and materialism in general.
  15. @CreamCat Great post . Incorporating waking up at 4 am at the moment and it feels great. I also schedule 2 hours of consciousness work right in the morning which feels great aswell.
  16. Do I understand correctly that with Kriya Pranayama you're basically imagining or trying to connect with your "energy" and moving it from bottom to top as you breath?
  17. Title: How to build a contemplative lifestyle Most of us struggle from lack of freedom in our lives and this lack makes it harder to go really deep with this work. I bet Leo has some good advice on how to free ourselves and become independent as he did it himself. Some more business\marketing advice from new 2018 version of Leo would be great, especially how to build your business in a conscious manner. There are shit ton of books about real life success but they are all mostly written from materialistic\stage orange paradigm and they advice to run your venture and market yourself in the same fashion. It's hard to balance between abusing low consciousness of people around you and actually doing something in a high consciousness manner.
  18. Is kriya yoga good for developing emotional mastery&self-governance? Or conventional meditation practices are better for this kind of stuff?
  19. Didn't watch the whole episode yet but the timing is amazing, it is #1 thing I'm working on in my life right now and this vid seems like exactly what I need
  20. From my feelings Russia is becoming more and more orange each year. Half of the country is deeply blue (mostly elders) and another half is deeply orange (usually younger generations). 5-10% of population is green I'd say. Government tries very hard to promote blue values. We have plenty of immigrants from middle east who also try to promote traditional blue values. Universities and Academia are pretty bluish too from my experience, although now they are becoming more and more orange as business gets more popular. You guys from America did a very good job importing your orange business culture to us. From what i've seen in the internet our younger generation and american younger generation are almost identical value-wise. The only difference is that we have way less of stage green than you do. Green people usually get shamed and judged if they are too green or too differed. It's not that bad, we are becoming a little bit more green aswell from social media and internet influence and as world becomes more global, but it's very tiny, blue and orange influence is still so much stronger. If I would do an estimate, I'd say we have 45% blue, 50% orange, 5% green and less than 0.5% yellow population. Big cities are highly orange (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg) and smaller cities are more blue.
  21. I actually contemplated this question seriously and came up with an answer for myself. I do both, 80% of time - digital, 20% of time - real life version, all for different purposes. But I advice you to go find out for yourself. I find using phone not very convenient unless for writing some quicky insight. But maybe I just have shitty phone who knows