Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. Title. Seeking new ideas and inspiration Also would be cool to hear how did you start and what were the first steps you took. Btw, if someone is looking for online assistant for his business to delegate certain tasks (client support, ads, social media management or anything else) - feel free to DM me
  2. That's a tough dilemma for me aswell. I found when I don't fap for too long then it' becomes harder for me to ejaculate with woman.
  3. I think it should be decent, but imo there are more advanced teachers\material with good spiritual background. Spirituality and self-development go hand in hand as consciousness work is the single best thing to transform your psyche. I'd advice checking Peter Ralston's "spiritual" trilogy (Book of now knowing, Pursuing consciousness and 3rd book). Especially I recommend "Pursuing consciousness", it's all about personal transformation based on enlightenment theory. Tbh as I read more of his books I see how much this guy influenced Leo and his content. A pretty big chunk of best Leo's content is based on Peter Ralston's teachings. He teaches you how to contemplate properly, how to unwire the Self and all concepts you have, what emotions are, what concepts are, etc., tons of good stuff, highly recommend. Of course a lot of this stuff Leo already talked about in his videos, but these books are a bit better structured and you go straight to the source with them. And if you're interested in pickup side - check The natural lifestyle on youtube. Here is a bunch of guys who are using meditation and nondual teachings as primary tool for bettering your dating life. And they usually have pretty intense spiritual backgrounds
  4. @Max_V How do you react do dairy?
  5. @Joseph Maynor What do you do for a living?
  6. Julien is probably the most spiritual guy in their team and has decent skills of conveying spiritual stuff to stage orange audience. Although he still sounds pretty shallow imo If you want higher consciousness dating advice check these guys, they are hardcorely into nondual teachings and meditation. It's way better than RSD
  7. turning 21 this month
  8. Title. Not talking about short term fasts which are common in bodybuilding community nowadays but more of a 1d, 2d, 3d 7d fasts
  9. You don't have to have enlightenment experience to notice that the less ego you have - the better it feels
  10. From my experience the more you move up the spiral and the more consciousness you have - more happy your become, your ability to enjoy life literally skyrockets. it is counter intuitive as fuck tho P.S. Watch Leo's videos "What is spirituality" and "Meaning, purpose and value"
  11. Why not? Such a great medium for 21st century
  12. @Shin Haha, it's funny as fuck It seems like you use your willpower instead of consciousness to do all this nofap thing tho, don't you think it's a wrong approach?
  13. A good way to integrate green is to find friends and woman (or man) you really like and love them unconditionally
  14. You need to contemplate\do some self-inquiry, it's not a nonduality nonsense, It's just questioning all your beliefs you hold about reality and Self
  15. @Mikael89This all are just stories in your head, good and bad don't exist in nature, as well as being happy, boring, lazy, "Alpha male". It's all are just made-up concepts you chose to believe in
  16. When you're contemplating with a journal because Leo told you to do so but your girlfriend...
  17. @Etagnwo Holyshit, such a golden nugget of advice here. Enjoyed reading first 4-5 pages of this thread and resonate with it A LOT. From my experience this is really how it works. And when you do the opposite it usually leads to delusion and misery. The most important thing, imo, is to go for women you really desire. With such woman you can genuinely say that you adore her, she'll sense the authenticity off of you and that will make everything so much smoother and rewarding.
  18. For me Leo is way higher than that. And Echkart Tolle too, he looks enlightened as fuck
  19. The book of not knowing
  20. @Mikael89 Why don't you just go and become a monk? If you don't care about "normal life" that much