Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. Personally I think he is yellow too (I've read his books)
  2. Concentraion (focus) Observation (mindfulness) Charisma and persuasion Ability to take action Business, marketing and sales skills Thinking in systems Strategizing and productivity Creativity (Industriousness, putting stuff into the world) Mastery (Set of skills in some narrow domain) Managing emotions, mental skills (refers back to charisma aswell) Sex and attraction Relationship savvy skills Leadership Household
  3. In my opinion, you should have something like that. In my experience, this is more about self-esteem than it is about believing some crazy shit. It's more like you believe in yourself and your ability to do stuff and that the universe will ultimately optimize for greater good
  4. Just ditch her. You look pretty young, I assume she must be pretty young too, no point to chase some immature girl who thinks with her vagina and not with her heart, think about opportunity cost
  5. I noticed many people hate Tony Robbins a lot and they associate being a coach with doing stuff that Tony Robbins does
  6. How to better overcome practical obstacles when being a leader pursuing your LP. How to deal with unconscious people, people who doubt your vision, naysayers, people who sabotage you or try to waste your time, stuff like that. Insights on how to be more persuasive are welcomed too
  7. I think sports can be rather spiritual. It all depends on how you approach it yourself. The center of gravity in our society, though, is the sport is very unspiritual right now. You'll have to be brave enough to be unique and "different" and forgive other people that they don't know about how to make sport spiritual and for looking at you like you're some quack if you decide to expose yourself as a spiritual athete. I'd suggest to check Ken Wilber's work, he has some interesting ideas and models about how to turn sport into meditation and access different states of consciousnes (what you call flow). I'd also suggest reading "Zen body being" by Peter Ralston. He has some profound insights about connection of bodymind too. He is enlightened guy who has very good Martial Arts background, which you would probably considers sports aswell. I think these can be very helpful and enlightening
  8. @Chakra Lion Very profound story, you seem to have a rollercoaster childhood, I feel for you man. Nice to hear that you have a happy marriage after the example your parents gave you. So you guys are not a monogomous couple?
  9. Health, improving your cognitive performance, improving image (as well as self-image), improving physical endurance, improving your psychological tolerance to stretch yourself, self-nourishing
  10. Try to not ejaculate every time you have sex. Do small bets of not cumming and see how it works for you
  11. So basically you found a "why" for exerting this power into the outter world?
  12. I'm almost in the same exact situation as you, brother, you're not alone! I even opened a thread recently which is very simillar to yours. I think the solution is to not cast the pearls before the swines as Jesus said. In this case, our relatives are big swines.
  13. How to not feel overwhelmed with all this work?
  14. That shit is so twisted. How do we craft a conscious LP then? By clinging to our egotistical ideals and inspirations?
  15. Just want your opinions\perspectives on this. I have a few close relatives of old age (50-80) who love to moralize and project their authority a lot, trying to give all sorts of "useful" advice on what I should do with my life. They basically pissed their lives in the toilet, not achieving anything significant in their lives, working on standard jobs for their whole life, getting married in their 18-22 years with instantaneous kids and miserable marriages, having mortgages and not doing anything creative or remarkable at all and they were not trying to do so in any way. In other words, they made a shit ton of strategic blunders and lived rather unconsciously For the last 20 years or so, they were just watching TV, getting fat from poor nutrition they eat and having constant meaningless fights with their relatives\children and health problems. I wouldn't say they have a good education either. They seem to have finished a college in their youth and their education seemed to stop after that. Now they have almost zero critical thinking. Recently I've been very persistently getting offered a marshmallow dessert with words: "Marshmallow is actually a pretty dietary food, they are actually good for you, I've heard it in TV, come, try it, bro." - I flipped a packaging and showed the nutrition facts to them, these marshmellows contained 80 carbs, from which, 79 were from sugar. Basically, it is just sugar bombs, no other component, just empty calories. When my relative saw it, she got in a denial about it, he defended a guy from TV and said that she knows better (she is 100 kg+ overweight) and that government lies about this kind of stuff... They moralize with such certainty and conviction, it baffles you, especially in those type of situations They try to give me all sorts of advice, ranging from how should I approach my career, how should I behave in my relationship (they had the most miserable marriages I've ever seen in my life), how should I use my money (they were broke the whole life) to when should I have kids with my spouse (as soon, as possible, of course). They preach conventional education a lot, when, at the moment, I've decided to go full autodidact mode, hardcore, as I see it will be more beneficial for my current LP, as colleges don't teach many important topics or teach them poorly and I'm pretty good with self-learning. The most frustrating thing is that for the last 2 years or so I've been reading 2 books per week on average, and before that, I was consistently reading 1 book per week. I usually read pretty quality stuff and value my education very highly. Although now I try to read fewer books and contemplate more, as books seem to give me diminishing returns, lately and I do a lot of other stuff as well. But at this point, I have a hinch that I've read more books and consumed more educational material than these relatives of mine for their entire lifetime of 60-70 years (a big part of that is thanks to internet globalization, making it so easy to access quality books). So, their talk on being educated triggers me a lot, considering how unconsciously and unremarkably they lived their lives. They draw authority from their age, the length (not quality) of their marital status, their family and tradition. When I talk with them about LP, it appears they had one, which was to have children and make a family, which they, seemingly have completed. They speak about it as though it is the most important thing in life (it is, of course, for them) and they project that into me as well, that I should share their values and get a child asap. And everything else then will magically be figured out. They make it seem although cumming into the vagina is a very difficult task. Looking at them, you could easily said that this LP didn't work for them, they lived quite miserable (in terms of suffering) and meaningless, unfulfilling lives, they would often talk how they are depressed and how many regrets they have (But I can avoid repeating their regrets by doing exactly the same thing they did in their lives!) and they would often be very needy of attention of their children (well, no surprise, given how much they identified themselves with family) How do you guys approach these situations, or rather, this type of people and what do you do? It seems like a classic clash between Blue meme worldview and Higher memes. But what do you do, in practice? Especially if they are part of your family? How to approach these situations skillfully?
  16. Yeah, very profound book. Not just writing these sentences but actually living those concepts can definitely change your life for the better. I highly recommend reading the book
  17. I agree with you Imo, it happens with younger generation for a good reason. All evolution happens basically through the younger generation, Young people have fresh ideas on how to live life better and they can change the world when they become adults. Many fail, but those who persevere through the obstacles, including the old paradigm locks of elders - become leaders and role models for future generations. Of course, not saying that all new equals good by default. I think the question is - how to persevere in a more conscious, less destructive manner, while still not letting them and their shitty beliefs (I don't believe all old people have shitty beliefs, but many do) hold you down in your life.
  18. @drmiller100 I don't doubt they do, but at this point their love becomes very toxic and the output of how they show it makes me worse of a person, less capable, less healthy, less loving and more neurotic. Thing is, it's not just about me. I found a lot of people from young generation suffer from this, so it seems like a systemic problem
  19. The problem is the advice is backwards 99.9% of times. If you just take their advice and do the exact opposite of what they are suggesting you'll get the amazing result. I usually get along pretty well with old people I'm not associated with. But not in a case when they are relatives to you. They assume too much authority because of blood link and their old age status. They feel although they are obligated to give you a life advice and push it onto you whether you want it or not
  20. So, did you end up sleeping with her? I'm sorry, too many dating-related posts nowadays
  21. How fear works part 1 “Tell me who you are and ill tell you what you fear Tell me what you fear and ill tell you who you are.” Fear is not a psychological problem or a human problem Why does fear occur? At the existential dimension. People barely teach fear because they don't understand it, we don't put importance on it where you would think to find understanding of fear like science, scientists are full of fear they usually don't know how it works so why learn from them about it. Fear might contradict current culture and science. Fear dominates your entire life -peter Ralston You’re fish in water a human in fear swimming in fear every day of your life this is deeper than an emotional problem-constant fear. And you don't even know it. The majority of your emotional system is outside your awareness its controlling you. Fear is a survival mechanism it's the thing that keeps you alive, it's not only that. All emotions are elaborate and sneaky or subtle. Fear is there to help you maintain whatever you identify with--maintain whatever you think you are. Survival is not just physical it is conceptual-social-cultural emotions are important facts don't exist in reality all that exists is emotion. You can kill your self image by not avoiding fear You cannot have an accurate perception of reality or do proper science if you are in fear. That you are is defined by your fears and what you fear defines what you identify as. Identities like being a human of a physical creature or real Identity is like the sun it has various layers to it the layers become denser and denser when we say your identity is the edges of the sun and the inside you cant be another way like being its easier to detach from your car then your family then to being a man or a woman it's hard to detach from being a human then a gender. You make yourself up to be this way out of thin air this is what your identity is as a human being you fear losing all of your attachments this is what you call death. total ego death or loss of self. All fear boils down to the fear of death. Psychological death or death of the self image. Suicide bombers don't fear death they fear being a bad Muslim this is how powerful identity is. Identity is relative it's hard to change it calcified Fear is constructed from the mind and is never objective or found out there then its projected outwards. ALL FEAR IS IMAGINARY Try validating this, the fear of death is imaginary. Become conscious of this it will change your view on so many things relationships, war, and politics. Everyone is scared shitless and all fear is falsehood and a lack of consciousness if you were totally conscious you would not fear anything you cannot even imagine a life without fear. There is no objectively dangerous situation even if you run into a bear it only depends on what you identify with Truth transcends fear because it transcends survival this is the way to realize Truth. Fear is an illusion. If you think the fear is real, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy society doesn't care about truth it cares about survival. It uses fear against you for survival. Your controlled through fear. Even high quality stage green fears are imaginary there's levels of delusion. Low level is being afraid of homosexuality or other religions higher fears are global warming or environment going bad these aren't completely irrational but there is a problem with the fear itself, Under the materialist paradigm where they think death is real fear seems legitimate or when you run out of money or when you meet a wild animal. There is nothing scientific or rational to fear. Radical terrorists don't want to disobey their god so this surpasses the fear of death so they suicide bomb in the name of truth. Which in reality is just another religion that became hideous. The real god allows this freedom you made up your whole life out of thin air, it's just a story you invented. You must misperceive reality in order to experience fear. If you know what death is you wouldn't fear it keep your mind open its possible all fear and death is just a misperception of reality and maybe death is an illusion. Maybe it's not true that no one can know what death is. Bring up a fear and feel it. Your not going to contemplate fear while a bear is charging you it's designed to keep you alive. Survival takes precedence over truth. Its a reaction without knowing why or what it is. Notice the times you are in fear and instead of reaction unconscious you can pause, feel it consciously and mindfully and ask what is it where is it why is it here what's its function and purpose. You only have fear when your in a bind. If you want to transcend it you have to change how you react to it start to feel it before you react to it it's counter intuitive. Every cell in your body will try to react to it. Real power is standing calmly and consciously in response to grave danger don't put yourself in grave danger most of your fears are relatively minor start with small stuff. Fear is resistance to a future experience The strength to experience everything (the strength to be okay with your daughter down an alleyway sucking dick for cocaine) Understanding this will transcend fear. You don't want to experience what you fear you refuse to experience without resistance. Consciousness doesn't have to do with god it has to do with this. Be able to cut off your hand experience everything without fear. You become conscious that you realize no harm was actually done and that pain never existed, you have to stop identifying as a physical body. The only way you can do it is totally align with truth. Use your imaginative mind to come up with radical fears that are with you that you don't even know this takes lots of consciousness and work fear is directly attached to survival. Brute survival trumps everything, Attachment creates fear. The solution is to surrender yourself to the very thing you are afraid of. Your beliefs logic and ideals are survival at work fear is the base/foundation of the pyramid and it gets less important as it goes up your logic does not touch your fears. Fear of being poisoned (Donald Trumps fear) the Russians are the masters of poisoning this tells you that he fears being crossed WRITE DOWN ALL YOUR FEARS (not going to give them here but that would be another fear for it to be public) Most common macro fears below Macro fears below There's thousands of these kinds of micro fears you will notice more and more. Become aware when you fear, notice micro fears and how it shapes your behavior and affects your thinking not just in your actions but feel them more rather than just reacting fear is not held just in the mind but tension in your body you have a lifetime of fear in your body. Fear happens in humans collectively Life is a love simulator another way to say that is to say life is to learn not to fear fear and love are inverse to say life is a love simulator is that life will present fear over and over again and life is trying to teach you to transcend it life grows your love the fear is an illusion this requires consciousness don't deny or avoid the fear confront it head on facing it so deeply that you won't react the same way when it happens again. It will probably take a long time to realize fear is an illusion. Confront your learned helplessness confront your mental behaviors obsessive habitual negativity boils down to fear. Confront the worst of it feel it. You will get relief and this will help you. Face your own greatness fear is a poor survival strategy sometimes it's healthy and effective but human life is more complicated than bears in the woods fear is a self fulfilling prophecy Fear of being authentic Fear of facing yourself being your best self. Face fear of death - You cannot manipulate your way out of death YOU WILL FACE The more you run from it the more you feel stuck in the fear There are real dangers in the world when it comes to relative fear and its healthy for physical survival this is a good short term survival strategy but never a long term. Fear is status quo fear is not for great change a great society has to be built on love Homework Observe your micro fears at the end of each day you will write down your micro and macro fears for the next 7 days contemplate the following question: How are these micro fears realized to my identity? How is my mind projecting these out onto the world? How am I creating these micro fears? How are your thoughts shaped by your fears? How are your actions shaped? What am I unwilling to experience? Coming in part 2 Top 10 ways to overcome fear What is the most important quality you need to succeed in life? Sorry for shit formatting, I copied it from youtube comments
  22. HOW FEAR WORKS - PART 2 [NOTES] "Wherever there is other, there is fear." - The Upanishads Make sure to have watched part 1 where a lot of foundation is established. Recognize that without fear you'd be dead. Therefore, fear is not bad or evil. Don't reject it or demonize it. Fear is there to serve you. Fear is absolutely necessary for base survival. All of your spiritural persuits, as well as everything else in your life, are predicated upon your base survival. You already know how to live through base survival, driven by fear, that's just nature. But there's also a way of living life beyond fear, beyond base survival, which you have to work hard to understand. Don't judge. There's no such thing as a legitimate fear versus an illegitimate fear. Fear is relative. What you're afraid of is relative to what you're identified with, what kind of situation you're living in, how you were raised, what kind of enviorenment you encounter yourself in, your genetics, your beliefs, among a million other factors. Notice that whatever you fear is completely irrelevant to somebody else. The very nature of fear is to be completely self biased [check episode on Self Bias]. Let's dig a little deeper into fear. Question: existentially, what is it that you ultimately fear? All fear ultimately boils down to fear of yourself. How? It doesn't make sense. Yes, it does, once you have a proper understanding what a Self is. Once you understand all is one, all your fear ends up being part of your Self. Consciousness is terrified of itself. Nothing exists but you. What you fear is your own infinite scope: when you're born, you're identified with this limited, weak, fragile body and everything around you threatens you, so you fear everything around you that you disassociate yourself from. As you grow up, you start to get over some fears. That's what growth is, essentially. The ultimate growth is when you finally realize that you're infinity itself, so there's nothing to fear. This entire process can be smooth or very difficult. You are God becoming aware of itself. You are being forced by the Truth to realize your true nature, so you need to be strong and corageous to accept it, when many people are in denial about it. You fear the enormity of what you are. It's difficult for conciousness to accept itself. So how do you ultimately transcend fear? By expanding your sense of self. It's pretty hard, though. It's super rare to find a fearless person. You can attain high levels of conciousness and feel no fear while you're at it, but it's not a state of conciousness that's easily sustained. So don't be a perfectionist and don't give up. Try to improve your life through this practice. Persuing fearlessness will get rid of a lot of unnecessary suffering and your life will be better, your survival will be easier and smoother. So don't aim at some sort of Jesus Christ kind of conciousness and fearlessness. It's too radical a decision to make. This can't be stressed enough. So don't kid yourself. Are you actually willing to make the ultimate sacrife of not even caring whether you live or not? Most people aren't. For most people talking about fearlessness is a joke. So set realistic, practical goals for fearlessness. So let's work on practical things! Practical things like fear within your marriage, your family, your career, your ambitions, etc. But realize that your fears will never end. There will always be fear unless you tackle the root cause. Recognize that there are many degrees of fear. Some people can't even leave their house because of crippling fear. There's difference in overcoming specific fears versus transcending fear as a whole. Is fear a thought? No. It's a feeling. It's a very distinct feeling. To get a sense of what fear is, feel it in your body through mindfulness work. Thoughts can contribute to that feeling and the feeling can contribute to thoughts. You can realize that through mindfulness practice. Is there truth behind fear or is all fear innacurate perception? There's a difference between absolute Truth and relative truths. In the absolute sense, all fear is false. But in the relative sense, fear can be a valuable indicator of something that's going to be harmful or dangerous to whatever you're identified with being. Isn't it dangerous to eliminate fear? If we eliminate all fear, what will keep us alive? Nothing. Because if you successfully eliminate all fear, you literally won't care whether you're alive. But to surrender to the idea that you will die is different than actually dying. The thing that's going to keep you from danger if you get rid of all fear is conciousness, wisdom and caution. Being fearless is not being reckless. Doesn't God want us to fear him? Otherwise what would prevent us from sinning? Absolutely not. Any religious or spiritual teaching based on fear is a corruption. God loves you no matter how much you sin because God is concious that it's you. God is not the devil. The devil judges. God doesn't. 12 METHODS FOR DEALING WITH FEAR: 1 - Face your fears head on. Just do the thing you fear. If you avoid the fear, all it does is deepen the fear. 2 - Put yourself proactively to challenging situations. Don't get too comfortable. Push your comfort zone. Be bold on purpose. Be bold, not reckless in a stupid way. 3 - Training. Massive experience. Massive exposure. Expose yourself to something mindfully, conciously. Feel into the fear. Get comfortable with that fear feeling. 4 - Rigorous mindfulness practice 20-30 minutes a day [see episode on Mindful Meditation] 5 - Be totally present. When fear comes up, if you're able to be totally present, you can notice that your mind is jumping into the future. This can be done through a lot of meditation practice. 6 - Psychedelics. One of the most practical and powerful tools for dealing with fear, because it puts you face to face with death. 7 - Kriya yoga, which is sort of a meditative yoga rather than physical [see episode on the Importance of Yoga] 8 - Contemplation using a journal: what is this fear? Why is it arising? How is it connecting back to my identity? Contemplation alone will not be enough, though. Fear is too powerful to just reason your way out of it. [see episode on How to Contemplate Using a Journal] 9 - The letting-go technique. The Sedona method. [see episode on The Power of Letting Go] 10 - Breathing conciously, slowly and deeply as you feel the fear. [see episode on Body Awareness] Fear is a physiological phenomenon. 11 - Visualization and law of attraction. Overwhelm the fear with a positive vision. 12 - Love. Love is the ultimate solution to fear. Whatever situation in life that you're in when you're scared, the most counterintuive move you can do in that point is experience love. There'll be a separate video in the future on how love and fear inter-relate. Be grateful and more appreciative of life. When you feel grateful in your heart, there's no room for fear. When you're feeling afraid, do something selfless to another person. Help somebody. Fear is selfishness incarnated. LAST OBSERVATIONS AND HOMEWORK EXERCISE Notice that knowing somebody's fear allows you to predict their behavior. This allows you to help them, create rapport with them, come up with solutions to people's fear, have good relationships, be a good leader, etc. Get into the habit of accessing other people's fears. For example, sit down with a piece of paper and brainstorm: what does your mother fear? What does your father fear? What does your spouse fear? What does your fear? What does your company fear? Your client? Scientists? Christians? Spiritual people? Atheists? Muslims? Etc. [Download the file in the decription to guide you] Don't judge people's fears. Understand their fears. Everyone has unique fears. Realizing how selfish, limited and ridiculous other people's fears are ultimately helps you realize the same about your own fears. The paradox of fear is the shocking truth that what you really feared the whole time was not bad or evil stuff, but rather what you really feared is the realization that there is no such thing as bad or evil at all and that all is infinite love. What you really fear is dissolving into that love that leaves no room to your limited ego. Love is scary and radical. The surest way to fail at life is to allow yourself to be crippled by fear and to not be bold. You're not exploring the Earth. You're exploring your own self. What is the most important quality you need to suceed in life? Fearlessness (which is synonymous to courage, love, conciousness). Fearlessness means that you feel fear but don't succumb stupidly to it.
  23. Why do you think it's getting collapsed?