Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. Try meditation specifically tailored on improving focus abilities. Leo has a video on that. If not, check out "Mastering the core teachings of the buddha" to get info. Or really, just sit and focus on one single object (like breath etc) for some time and really practice this skill, no need for fancy books or videos, it's very simple
  2. This one is pretty obvious. I think what more often overlooked is how undeveloped typical green is vs yellow. Cognitively, emotionally and in other aspects. Green is really a pretty lame stage for creating results\making a real difference in people's lifes. I think it's more important to get conscious of limitations of green to go further than to bash on blue. Talking about blue is like beating a dead horse now, everyone is pretty much aware how limiting it is and there is no real point into talking about it very much. These people will die soon and get replaced by orange\green folks. We only have to make sure to not get influenced by them very much intellectually due to our childhood traumas and prepare some nursing homes so they can die in peace and get some compassion (which they deserve or not deserve).
  3. Try to contemplate what language and symbols are. Very fruitful contemplation
  4. I agree with Leo, but I'd add from my experience that if you don't have very unique skillset yet, it often helps to play numbers and send out as many applications as you can. I see many people send like 10-15 applications and then they get frustrated when no or very small opportunities come. When I was starting in design and wanted to get the job (i am self-employed now), I've sent about 150-200 applications total. I"ve been on a bunch of interviews then, some companies I decided to reject right away (Because they did very whack stuff) and then, eventually, one company hired me. It took like 2-3 weeks of going to interviews and sending new waves of applications, I think. So, don't overthink it too much but do collect the feedback and iterate on it. You want to find the job position that you like and see what employers generally want to see in you for that position. Then you add these skills\qualifications to match it. It's pretty easy to do so for lower entry positions than for higher, of course.
  5. Yes, because these guys will meet the basics and then women will backwards rationalize what they like about the guy. If you want to attract a woman, you need to satisfy her in the root. If you do thst she'll then make up whatever stories she'll like to justify her catch. These pills are superficial trash, just focus on growing your inner strength and be more powerful as a human and as a man. Then you can get any woman you want and she won't care about superficial things like dildo size, your jaw and stuff like that. You'll penetrate her with your essense, not with your STEM degree. STEM degree will most likely put nice girls off, if you don't have anything else. It will just attract some brainwashed surpressed girls from stage blue households who died before they ever began living and you probably won't like such a partner. Just get stronger and girls will come
  6. Most people are unconscious idiots. It's usually a huge waste of time to try to convince them in something. They will nearly always choose their dogma and shitty beliefs and won't ever dare to question it because they are sheep.
  7. What are these powers you're talking about? Struggling with it too
  8. https://sdtest.ru/result/3328a8d92f5293d43f87224bfb3cb116
  9. When my current situation will finally change? Will it change for good or for the better? My questions ^ HI there , glad you're here
  10. Wow, nice list, dude
  11. Shit, I want that too
  12. Some form of financial stability and freedom is crucial, in my opinion. Investments can play its part too
  13. I think a lot of it comes from your survival. Probably the more you transcend\ease your survival - the more stuff you'll be able to like and enjoy
  14. I found that the less the perceived Level of Consciousness of a person -> more likely he is going to lie to you or to anyone else
  15. Yeah, makes sense. Thank you for taking the time to restate your point!
  16. Can you rephrase it? Sounds like a very interesting fact but I kinda didn't get what you mean, perhaps because you made a typo or something
  17. Creative visualization - is a pretty good book on vision. Principles (by Ray Dalio) - pretty good to envisioning and setting actions\systems on how to achieve this vision There are a lot of books that talk about this and expensive courses too. One good advice that can serve you quite well in your situation - try to setup some kind of a system of reminding you of your vision\goals\inspirations\values as well as your past achievements (For keeping up the self-esteem). It should work everyeday. For example, it can be an online sheet somewhere, or the moodboard\dreamboard. You can get pretty creative with that. The main point is to get you to review it everyday so it becomes ingrained in you and you don't forget.
  18. Can you clarify what you mean by vision?
  19. Tell him he is shit at system's thinking
  20. It's not how it works, bro. You need to show it where a substantial amount of people can see it. Probably close to noone watches your facebook page, hence, this is why you don't get any traffic\results. At least it is one of the reasons. You need to think of your target audience, how exactly your product benefits them (it should benefit them a lot) and where these people are hanging out. Then you go there and market the shit out of your product focusing on volume of your outreach. Then you collect the feedback from the market and you optimize your offering\product\messaging and other stuff. This is how it's done.
  21. I think if we can take 2 persons with roughly the same amount of consciousness and blind one of them we could say that then blind person will be less conscious as he'll be perceiving less visual phenomena. However, interesting thing is, he can compensate the lack of visual phenomena by listening more closely to his thoughts and ears (mental and sound phenomena), so he can become much more conscious about these than the first person as he'll also won't get distracted by visuals, but he'll still able to command his consciousness so to speak and use it. I think it's all very interesting. How do we measure consciousness, though?
  22. Fuck this shit, I suffer from it a lot too.
  23. He deserves it. Actually, more than that, based on value he created.
  24. Amazing analysis. Many people here don't seem to understand how systems work and think way too linearly and then make bunch of drama out of nowhere
  25. beans and eggs can be stored without a fridge. Most grains don't need a fridge too