Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. Why do you equate getting good with survival with being underdeveloped? In my opinion, the better you get the hang of survival - the more developed you are. And mastering survival is one of the best self-development strategies there is. Leo himself mentioned that entrepreneurship will make you improve yourself like you're on steroids, because you can't really succeed in business if you do stupid stuff. And the journey itself will FORCE you to improve yourself. I agree with him on this. My self I am moving towards that vision (before he commented it) but I also incorporate spiritual stuff and care about life purpose\zone of genius stuff. It seems to be making stuff easier\more effective. Being more conscious doesn't make you shitty entrepreneur or less effective in wordly endevours, lol. If anything, it makes you more effective at anything you decide to do, entrepreneurship included. Consciousness helps you be more creative and smart, as well as to help you see things other people don't notice. How this can possibly be bad for business? Consciousness doesn't make you stupid, lol
  2. Of course, considering the perceiving party is conscious enough. It totally depends on the level of conciousness of the watcher. And how much close you are to something they are not comfortable with discussing
  3. I think @Leo Gura should do an episode on the duality between being open-minded and having a strong position\firm point or believe. From my experience I founded that you can be so unsure of everything and so openminded that you're not perceived seriously, you're basically a toxic sceptic, that frankly, probably can't do anything firm with his life (because it requires a certain degree of assertiveness). Which, I thin, there is truth to that And on the other hand, when you're too assertive at certain ideas\positions you may find yourself sort of closing yourself to other viewpoints just for the sake of "controlling the information intake" and not getting distracted. And you're getting perceived as a stubborn dogmatist 15\10 times when you do this by others. And sometimes you indeed miss a valuable thing or two when you're being too assertive. This stuff is so hard to balance. And it requires so much nuance. I typically preach the balance of openmindedness\assertiveness, but every time I am assertive at something people perceive me as some stage blue\orange rigid person because they can't understand the nuance of what I'm telling. People are generally bad as fuck at understanding nuance. It's so sad. From my social circle, only like 1-5% of people can maintain a nuanced conversation that has at least some fraction of "relativity" and the grey area in them. And the saddest part it happens usually about "unimportant" topics. When the topic touches their survival issues more directly, they become rigid as fuck in their views and points.
  4. I came to the conclusion lately that all this doppy-moppy love and other stage green stuff works well only when you're secure financially. Going for this doppy-shmoppy love without being financially secure cases a TON OF unnessary suffering
  5. But women are way more complex than cars. Mediocre car won't bother and limit you that much, but a mediocre human being can. Mediocre girlfriend may project all her baggage into you and you may find yourself constantly reacting to it like a hamster in a wheel just so you have a consistent pussy in your life. Maybe you'll be able to handle it well, I don't know. Just giving you my opinion\perspective
  6. Wait what? You had 10 000 cold calls and still haven't sold a thing within 3 years span? Isn[t it a clear sign your business model\offer is not working at all?
  7. You guys speculating about what people like you would think, not what the majority of people think I think the majority of people would call Jesus and Mohammed, not some cool new age hippy enlightened master
  8. If you decide to go into that dating route, be prepared to be getting massively distracted from your business. There is almost no way around it, unfortunately.
  9. From my experience - you can. You feel sad on a meta level when it happens. You're like "Man, shit, I"m not as conscious anymore' and it makes you feel sad
  10. Charisma Myth is super good book.
  11. it's all cool and well, but. Did you think through the money question? Or your family agrees to support you?
  12. It will make your game 100x effective if you're a serious spiritual seeker and do meditation practices the right way
  13. NO, witchcraft fucks it all
  14. Moscow, Russia. red/BLUE/orange. 20% 75% 5%.
  15. Learn valuable skills, become financially independant from parents as soon as possible and leave this toxic nest as soon as possible
  16. In our circles, I feel it's somewhat condemned to use this style of motivation for spiritual work. But I find it is actually quite a powerful force to get going. It fulfills you with positive self-belief that "you will figure it out too". I found many types of motivation people follow here and in general is more negative and fear-based, often it's some sort of escapism. You're playing to not lose rather than to win. Like "oh, all these guys are doing meditation, psychedelics and doing all these cool spiritual techniques to enlighten themselves, I should do it too, so I won't miss out and even if I fail miserably, I will feel spiritual, like I did something useful, although I'm a broke hippy, at least I'm not this materialist stage orange type of guy, haha". But I feel like it just doesn"t fly this way in the world and you can't achieve or change shit not for yourself, not for others with that thinking. It is weak as fuck. So I'm questioning these notions heavily right now. What are your thoughts on this? Especially would be great to know what @Leo Gura's take on it. I think he reckoned this pretty well, Although he bashes on everything materialistic in his videos.
  17. I double this. I found it super fruitful to contemplate common things between different systems or just things in abstract. For example, I used to be super good at competitive (and non-competitive for that matter) videogames when I was young ( I don't play anymore). To make it more relatable, some examples are I was 2800 2x2, 2700 3x3 in WOW Arena (1-2 years of playing), 0.01% of ladder in euw League of legends (d1) and challenger in my local server. Legend rank in heartshone, and was competing on a high level generally in many other less known games (I love Civ5 multiplayer a lot!). I sort of cracked the code and was able to become one of the best players at any games I decided to play very quickly. I learned super fast. So, i made an analysis of what made me so successful and interconnected it to how I can transfer these things into now my business life and other career (as a designer). And that helped me a lot there. I think that I learn 5-10x faster both in design domain and in business domain than most people. So here is an a beneficial example. P.S. If you're curious, one of the most important factors for me was creating good environmental and mental systems for myself. I really cared about keybinds, ergonomics and ui a lot, so everything is super convinient (So I have a nice infrastructure). Then I really cared about my mindset and what mental models\framework I used to play and improve in the game. Also I really cared about learning from the best players, not just some random dudes. Then, when I had more focus - things were a lot faster. Now, even though, I achieved pretty good achievements in those games (top 0,01% and so forth), I actually regret not being more focused in my pursuits. I think if I had more focus I could go to even higher levels and become even more top. That is what was my bottleneck, I think (although, I'm sure I still was focusing better than most people in games, don't get me wrong). Then - focusing on fundamentals. When you focus on fundamental elements of your skill instead of wasting your time on things that don't matter - you grow really fast. It's basically the theory behind fast-learning in a nutshell, which I am a huge fun off. Also, I've almost always had a sort of humble attitude and a "beginner" mindset, always open-minded to learn something new, even when I already achieved a top 1% status in the game. So, these skills help me a lot in what I do now. Interestingly enough, bad things transfer too. It's all psychological, really. Basically, what made me NOT go even further than 0.01% a lot of times hold me back in my current activities as well. The biggest one is focus, really. I used to dabbble in various niches of design which costed me a lot of time and missed opportunity, because in business it's not how it works. You have to become an expert and leverage your very focused positioning, not being the master of all trades, so to speak. So, now again, when I focus my efforts, I see almost exponential results and everything starts to go very smoothly, opportunities come, etc. Now I am much more aware of all this, so I have more control. Also, there are various emotional problems, which I don't want to far into here because the post is already very long. Basically, at this point, I am convinced that what stops the most people from getting to their goals or getting to a higher level in life (or in a certain aspect of life) is their psychology and mindset. Not opportunities, meta, politics or any stuff like that. There seem to have a lot of layers to it, because, for example, in games, I think I had a pretty good psychology compared to most people. But my psychology wasn't really the psychology that rank 1 people had. No way I could become the same or better than them with the same belief systems\mindset. So, here is what I mean by layers. P.S.S I hope my post will help some of you to see the practical possibilities of contemplation and maybe get some more motivation to do it. Contemplation is a really powerful tool, it is super high leverage for what it does, meaning it yields super asymmetric returns (less effort => more effect, compared to other techniques\methods).
  18. it's not a MUST must but on a practica; level - you probably should and will if you are to become super achiever. It kinda blocks your brain so you start to care about solving problems in the game instead of in your life. Which fucks you up greatly. It interferes with meditation too. i think there is no a problem if you occasionnally take a break from work and play for 2-3 days, or even a week, If that happens like 1 time a year. The problem becomes to happen if you play game everyday and spend 1-2 hours\day. It's a super dangerous zone, because you think it's not a lot. But it actually does a lot of negative things to you because you start thinking about games throughout the day and these thoughts are more interesting because games are designed to be addictive. If you don't believe me, google any good videogame designer education course - all of them spare a lot of attention on how to make games addictive
  19. Yo, bro. It seems like you didn't become a money (or wage) slave yet. I advise you to take care of it as soon as possible. Learn valuable skills, get the mone question handled so you can easily manifest as much money as you need
  20. Yes, that's what I meant. It should be positive over negative (ideally). Sorry, I've probably communicated my thoughts poorly. My main frustration is that people generally have very negative motivation, lie to themselves and have very low standards in this work (and other works for that matter). But then, they bash on you and call you a stage orange "tryharder" if you actually go more hardcore and set some high standards for yourself as well as identify yourself with being a high-achiever type. And secondly, I am thinking about: "what's actually wrong with using this high-achievement identity or character to aid you in your efforts?" People demonize it, but I see a lot of benefits in this character such as: better determination, better discipline, better ability to focus, knowing what you want, innate desire to actually go and achieve things, independent thinking, iconoplasticism (which I think is crucial here). My main confusion is people often label it as ego-based motivation which sort of demonizes these behaviors as well, because they together constitute this "hardcore character". That is probably just some story that needs to be dropped off and such opinions disregarded. But I'm not sure. What if i'm just deceiving myself and it's just more ego, indeed. These "stories" are so fucked up, they are fucking with your mind. Do you or anyone else have advice on how to deal with these stories?
  21. Contemplate "What do I really want" and consider pursuing things that you'll find out. Make strategy\plan and stick to it. You'll feel energized when you do this
  22. Nice stuff, thank you
  23. Wow, such a cool cinematic! Gazelle, such a beast!