Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. Bro, I'm sorry to say it, but you was spending 10hour a day playing videogames, probably for a long time, what do you know about how economy works or how business works?
  2. It includes long term relationships where you form a civil union with a partner (So-called civil union). I've been contemplating a lot about it lately and I think many people don't appreciate how much the marriage or close long term relationship with another person can influence their lives and how many deep ramifications it may have on your psyche, development, worldviews, life purpose, action, self-esteem and many other facets of your life. I think many people take this topic very lightly and lightheadedly. They think the other person will only serve as a sex-partner and a mother to children\provider role but in reality, it is so much more than that. You're basically becoming one unit (one holon or a system) and your choice of partner and where or not you're in a relationship (and what type of relationship) has A TON of ramifications. You become so TIGHTly together with that person, it is although you sum up all the worldviews of each individual and then you divide it by 2 and now both people have an average of 2 people and you live your life in that way. And now you don't only have to account for your own ego backlashes but the backlashes and resistance from other people. It can greatly weight you down or accelerate you, in case you've chosen the right partner for yourself. I think this would be a great topic as I see so many people are wondering around having no clue what's going in that domain aside from one-dimensional knee-jerk desire of everyone to know how to attract the right partner (pickup for men, pre-feminist\post-feminist movements for women). They want the relationship so bad but they are not conscious of all consequences.
  3. Yeah, managing a proper "feel" matters so much, branding as a discipline is all about it
  4. Well, one beauty of entrepreneurship is that everything depends on you! You can come up with a great product or service that these guys need a lot and ship it better than others in your market or even something completely unique that you have no competition at all The latter can be achieved as easy as through branding and positioning means (here comes brand strategy). For example, how many transportation companies are out there? A shit load of them. Now, how many of them are specifically focused on a healthcare niche? Way less. Now, how many of them are specifically focused on carrying the complicated equipment i.e. some reagents that need special care while transporting (I just came up with it)? Even less so. It's almost the same as companies that focus only on ART transportation, lol (Original Art takes so much care because it is so fragile). You can spot these opportunities and see what you'd like to do. My example with transporting reagents might sound pretty complex but it doesn't need to be. Im sure there is a ton of ways to serve this industry. As a more simple example imagine becoming a stress therapist for overburnt doctors. These guys have very specific anxieties and worries! Probably can treat it with some trauma-release techniques and maybe by teaching them meditation\yoga or some breathing.
  5. Sounds like "He doesn't even lift"
  6. @Michael569 You seem very knowledgable about the topic, a lot more so than I am (although I know a pretty lot about this stuff too). What is your favorite diet for health and productivity (clarity of mind)? I personally lean-to dairy-free gluten-free plant-based vegan diet lately with a moderate to high amount of fats. I eat legumes everyday but besides them I try to eat less carbs (Especially stuff like rice). I eat things like nuts and seeds instead, although in moderation, because too much of nuts is toxic as well. So, instead of having typical 400g+ carb\day veg diet I only consume 150-200 carbs on average. My main challenges are overconsumption of fiver (can quickly go 50+ of fiber with all these legumes, nuts and veggies), difficulties with filling up calories (I now use potatoes\oats to do that) and the lack of candy (I plan to bulk-buy plant-based protein bars and different vegan sugar-free candies in the future, but these are a bit costly). We also have a pretty good plant-based milk company here in Russia called "Nemoloko" which costs only around 2$ per littre. Moloko means Milk => Nemoloko = Nomilk. I tend to avoid Rice Milks because of their arsenic content (and rice in general), so these oat guys are very handy.
  7. We don't even have any vows here in Russia like you guys have in the EU and America officially (Although you can, of course, come up with it if you like, noone prohibites you)
  8. Consider niching down at healthcare for your business. You pretty much get the same benefits of working with those type of people but you're doing your thing. To help you stretch the mind. I myself do Brand Design (i am graphic designer). At any time, with some effort and time put in I can elect to niche down and do branding and website projects only for the healthcare industry and help them with that. I can elect to make 90% of my projects to be for healthcare stuff! Speaking with all those people, being an expert of the industry, yet to still do brand identities that is a very artistic and expressive work at its nature (although it has a very distinct functional business angle, of course). For now personally I am niched down at startups (although I plan to change that) and I basically hang around IT startup folks (Founders) and startups have a very specific subculture, where all people care about +- mostly the same stuff and share +- many o the same values. I am sure, healthcare subculture is very similar in that sense this is probably what you love about it. What I am pretty much saying is, to work with doctors, you don't have to become a doctor, you can become whoever you want that works with doctors. Your Zone of Genius ( Your Craft) and your Industry (Your Niche) can be different things. I hope my perspective helped you
  9. Most of these people are lame businessmen and they try to handle a lot of topics at the same time without going deep and without any specialization or branding. No wonder their advice sounds superficial. Imagine a person that dedicated years of his life exclusively to research and develop a REALLY PROFOUND time-boxing model that is really the cutting edge of personal time-management, they guy just considers EVERYTHING that is related to managing time and is focused just on that. Do you think he would be perceived superficial?
  10. I kinda get it in both ways The more I get results from this stuff the more realize my potential and what is possible for me And at the same time the more I realize how limited and fragile human life is. Your time is so short, your health and energy is so fragile and short, there are so many limitations you have to deal with when it comes to other people. A lot of this is probably imaginary, but a lot of this feels very true. Maybe I'm just hypersensitive right now because now I'm dealing with a lot of bullshit from family and other people and it bogs me down heavily
  11. Damn, I double that. You guys are so demonizing pickup and creating all kinds of stories about it, turning it into anti-ideology. But secretly, you want to be treated like that, your soul yearns for it. And the thing is, it is a learned behaviour. It is a learned behaviour to be a man. It is a learned behaviour to be a man that you want. And modern pickup schools teach it, especially those who add authenticity and spiritual wisdom into it. Check out this pickup school for example: https://www.travelbumcoaching.com/ I'm not a super pro-pickup advocate, by the way, but this thing can be of a great beauty too, be careful to just demonize it because your favorite feminist channel told you to do so (You know what I mean and I don't mean to offend)
  12. By the way, there is also a concept about "The Villain's Journey" which is quite similar to the Hero's journey but they are a bit different
  13. This is so strange for me to read after growing up within the abusive family
  14. I think zero is the way to go, especially when they like toxic substances (such as alcohol, drugs, shit diet, etc) I personally for now have no close friends except for my spouse, I have some other people we sometimes talk to each other but it's not regular. It is just way inefficient for me to develop friendships and put my energy there right now for my goals\development. I think, however, it can be a tremendously good thing if you are able to create a mastermind of people who share your highest values and inspirations with you. I Imagine, though, that it takes some investment from your time&energy and you also need to be in places where these people hang out (Geographically or community-wise)
  15. Just become THIS women that is able to attract THAT man . Once you're yourself at THAT level, THESE men will come, trust me. It's all about YOU in the end. I will also claim that it works the same for men. You will either be able to attract this wild women pretty easy or you will be able to open up women to this level who are not at that level yet, but are capable of it, all about you.
  16. The awakening of this guy is clearly incomplete
  17. @TheUniverseIsLove What's your definition of rich? How much money is it? I did a quick research on this girl you mentioned, she seems to have a networth of less than 1m$, why listen to her? It's hardly upper-middle class and she is actually almost 70 years old, which makes it even less impressive and more average From my experience, books like these and the books from people who are poor are a huge waste of time, they usually give very shitty false advice, because they don't know any better. I found what works good is researching biographies of wealthy people and especially wealthy\successful people from your industry (if you know your industry) and research material (books, etc) from people who actually made huge amount of fortune themselves. They often give a very legit advice (sometimes you have to pay to know more details, though). After I did that and blocked all information from people who have no clue what they are talking about, my money situation got significantly better and it is getting better and better every month. As well as my opportunities and horizons drastically start to increase, I can feel them almost tangibly. Even take Leo, as example, he is not a super ultra rich guy, but he has for sure earned a million or two, maybe even more. Look at his advice on money. There is not a lot of videos on money from him but they are super legit. Because he knows what he's talking about from his experience. Compare what he says to what your parents say (unless you were born into a rich family) about money, or what your broke friends say about money, or your professors and teachers from school, or your coworkers, you get the idea. So, for example, if I want to get rich and I know that my industry is spirituality-oriented self-help, I don't go to some hippie guy with no shelter from the streets and ask him how to make money or read a book from him, I search for people who actually made it in the field and study them. Take Teal Swan, for example, there is the evidence that she is making millions in that niche. Probably worthwhile to check out what she does and her philosophy on money. And there are many other spiritual guys who help with addictions and mental illnesses on a big scale nowadays which makes them rich, there are so many!
  18. Your Piano Teacher is brainwashed by society that has anti-mastery mindset. Just push through the bullshit and do what you think you need to do @BHARATH
  19. Around 1-2k in graphic design
  20. What a great way to stand out in the modern economy Model Agency with enlightened chicks only Such a brand promise
  21. It's just a tool bro, almost the same as thinking and the language Imo, there is a shit ton of value and there are, of course, some possibilities of self-deception
  22. @Hardkill Just collect your "own" feedback and iterate how much is 100+ actually? Sending just 100-200 might not be enough still, although it is a pretty statistically significant number to analyze your resume and see what you're lacking and then make changes. You need to analyze where your bottleneck is and then fix it
  23. I think the theory and its implications for self-development\life purpose\self-actualization deserve as much attention as spiral dynamics or probably more. The current stuff on the channel is too basic to take any action on and lacks details. I think collectively people here would benefit TREMENDOUSLY from applying systems theory to their life and I believe this is a 20\80 piece of puzzle that moves people from green to yellow and is crucial for achieving anything in life with great efficiency.
  24. @Leo Gura Do semantics matter at all here? Or it is only about the state of consciousness? I've been practicing a bit of self-inquiry lately and it seems to me that words are pretty much useless and it's all about directing the consciousness somewhere (But it's hard to know where) Would you recommend just ditching the words (To not distract yourself) and just focus on cognizing more subtle and subtle stuff? Could it lead you to awakening? Or after a certain state you need to do some observation and ask some questions such as "What is", "Who am I" etc? Or just staying in the formless will do the trick? This stuff is so tricky. I"ve been able to train myself at concentration pretty well lately and I am able to access different pretty high states (That are described by your recommended #1 book on meditation in booklist), but I am very confused on what to do next with this hyperawareness