Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. Businesses want recurring customers, so they try very hard to make people stay using all kind of tactics. If they succeed we call it addiction. In a sense, Leo made you addicted to his content/forum so you want to comeback for more every day/every Sunday. Pretty much the same stuff happens with these platforms
  2. @Kalki Avatar Yeah, but think of a historical context on how important attracting your desired husband\wife was throughout all history. You can't say this stuff is useless or is a fad
  3. Sparked the memory of our Russian stage blue universities here. Oh man, such a vomit kindgom. When I wanted to go to college and was researching different universities and actually going and visiting them I couldn't believe people give their authority to these shitshows
  4. What? If you don't get laid you haven't learned anything. You seem to confuse Knowledge Set for Skill Set.
  5. What is the alternative?
  6. @Preety_India Do you want to move there? What is so good about Netherlands?
  7. @Apparition of Jack @remember Yes, I agree. Many people escape into that stuff. How is it for the countries of WEST? Do you guys have a lot of people watching anime here? What reactions do these people get?
  8. @remember I think anime is a very potent medium genre for art in a sense that it is much cheaper to produce an anime than it is to create a film or TV series with real people in real life setting. So, you can have more great artists creating good stories and art with pretty much the same expressive power. Yet it also open up a window for a lot of shit art as well.
  9. @Apparition of Jack I agree. I knew a dude, who watched more than 1000 animes, he was intense anime fan and he then made his own tier list of each anime with his critiques and grades.
  10. @Leo Gura Yeah, I don't know how popular anime culture is in America, but it's pretty popular in CIS and we have this interesting dynamic of how traditional people highly disrespect people who are into anime and think of them as subhumans and betas (or omegas and so forth) Stage orange people usually think of anime people in similar ways, but they are not nearly as hateful as Blue. I'm not an anime fan myself, but I had a lot of friends who were, when I was playing in E-Sports professionally, so I noticed that dynamic a lot. To be honest it's hard for me to peg anime into spiral dynamics, its center of gravity is certainly not blue, The anime culture seems to be orange, but its viewerbade mostly consists of depressed incel-type individuals, not really ambition-driven money-driven type of guys. Although, they are usually highly rational and atheistic in their worldviews, I noticed
  11. Funny meme that illustrates how typical stage blue people relate to new forms of entertainment and art
  12. You seem to project a lot of stuff
  13. If you want to ride a dick well, you might wanna purchase a good quality dildo from Amazon (or other store) and practice riding it for like 30-60 minutes/day. There are some dildos you can attach to the wall for doggy style practice as well. Just find out the most important minutia of the skills that you want and make the systemic practice/habits out of it. Practice the core skills for a month or two and then try it with some guy to receive the feedback from him. Adjust your practice based on its feedbak and keep on. It might be very useful to have a consistent practice partner of the opposite sex for this, so consider finding one you are comfortable with and do a lot of sex with him. Being super good at anything requires commitment and practice
  14. @Cepzeu Any updates on your situation?
  15. He might just have forgotten that. Confront him and remind him directly
  16. This is how a real master looks like in action
  17. Wtf is that, dude? Have you ever watched a proper pick up class? I suggest looking into RSD, Natural lifestyles, Attraction Academy or Travel Bum content and see what real pickup looks like. Lol.
  18. @remember But there is rarely a change in perspective, they mostly speak mainstream shit most of the time, which is kinda boring and not useful
  19. My biggest frustration with TED talks is that they are so superficial and yet they have a ton of water in it. These guys just speak for 20 minutes barely touching the surface. They have a big audience because all videos follow the storytelling techniques and have good presentation structure that keeps viewers hooked and the whole setting looks very trustworthy and "professional" from the audience's eyes, so they give their authority to it. Then the viewers create the identity that they are watching somethng smart and they are "educating" themselves that way. While in reality, they are watching a show with no substance and inherent value in it. That's why I blocked it, they are very smart devils
  20. Some years ago I used chrome extension to blacklist all TED channels on youtube, so they don't appear in my feed, because this is a useless channel 90% of time yet they market every video like it is a piece of gold. Toxic stuff.
  21. There are other models that describe metaphysical insights/powers Check the Meditation book on Leo's booklist and check the recommended reading section on that book to get an idea
  22. What is wrong with breast tenderness? I love tender breasts