Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. I am not awakened yet, but the more woke I become, the more I realize that FOMO is bs and everything is perfect. I basically experience less and less FOMO as I become more woke. YET, there is still this magnetic longing for certain experiences that you want to live out as this bodymind. So there is still some "seeking" in a sense, but it feels way more healthy and way less neurotic and I personally get a lot of pleasure out of it. It is a sort of Exploration of the world while accepting the moment as is with ever-increasing strength and intensity. There is no more winning and losing as winning/losing is a duality, but there this vastness of various experiences that you can experience in your life which you can pick and choose which will have a unique meaning to you as you are unique yourself I hope what I wrote makes sense
  2. What the phrase "Following your bliss" clicks in you? What you'd do if you aligned to that? It sounds like you have some limiting beliefs about dating/pickup, though. It is not over even after 30. Especially since you're in this forum and seem to follow Leo's stuff. The type of women you'd probably will like to associate yourself with will mature and be even more awesome with age. Consider these 35-40 vegan chicks, who do yoga and go on retreats. They usually look like they are 25 and super hot/sexy, probably will be much better in bed as well than your typical teenage/young 20s girl. Much more feminine and open. And you can always find young chicks even in your 30-40s if you're developing good enough, especially if you're developing spiritually and advance in meditation. Go see more older pickup artists who are into meditation (Like TNL, travelbum and so forth, even RSD owen nowadays, lol), they have pretty much 0 problem picking up a young chick if they want to. So i wouldn't be (1) In a such a rush and a hectic space of mind about these things and (2) feel like time is running out and that you'd miss the girs. You can bang chicks even at 60s if you do everything right. Take a look at folks like Mooji, for example. If we are to believe what they tell about him, he is fucking his students left and right and they seem to be very happy about it, because he is this grounded grandpa sage. I am sure you can be a sexy grandpa too, if you want
  3. I totally feel you about this banking job From what you've wrote it seems that answer is very obvious - just find and engineer the job that "Clicks" for you and is compatible with your new values and everything else you have going in your life. It is not a super easy process (although it might be an easy one) but it is definitely worth it.
  4. Guys, you seem to all live in California or something. I personally see a ton of different sorts of bugs and flies all around me every day. Some are microscopic as fuck, yet you can still notice them. For sure there is a whole world of microorganisms we don't see just because it's too small for an eye
  5. Dude, just go to any park and buy the $1-2 map they usually offer. You'll get fucking lost with this map, I guarantee you, happens to me every time
  6. Bro, discover your life purpose and you'll be ok
  7. Another perspective to consider: What about enlightenment work? Are you woke? It might be harder to awaken when you have a bunch of kids screaming and jumping around you
  8. Dude, get serious and learn some real skill which you call sell to other people and build business around, don't go for that trading BS. What you need is to learn how to provide value to other people so that they can give you money in return. Flipping stocks doesn't provide value to anybody and, really, a very lame lazy way to go about things which will backfire on you later for sure
  9. @abrakamowse I mean more like attachment to life. I think he could mean that when you get attached to life, you live in constant fear of not losing this ocertain way of being (life). If you let it go, the fear is gone and you get to love and appreciate everything you have now, even though it might go away later. You learn to accept and love "What is"
  10. I think the guy was talking about the nature of attachment
  11. Damn, this thread pop-uped just as I was ordering the blood work on heavy metals and other stuff, what a synchronicity
  12. You can train your physiology and mind to be more passionate and loving on a daily basis. Just practice being more passionate and loving (specifically about stuff that you do) and see how it will work for you. For sure It is also a good idea to ask yourself what the F do you want to do in life and have a vision of your desired more passioned life, where you pursue the things that you enjoy the most every day. And then you align to this vision, and then - bam, you live a purposeful passionate life, you're happy, everything is nice and great. It will continue until your mind comes up with some other issue, but at least now you will have that!
  13. Wage slave job can teach you a lot through suffering. Which in some ways very spiritual. But it is only if you pay attention and apply consciousness to it
  14. I think it depends a lot on your personality and preferences. But If I was in a similar situation I'd choose the freelance option, which I did in my own life (I'm not an engineer but a designer, though). Maybe my rationale will help you in your contemplations You control your hours of work and it is huge for self-development work and alignment with your working style You develop more rounded this way and get all kinds of skills (entrepreneurship included) that will help you achieve your purpose later. Companies, on the other hand, often force you to specialize In a short time you'll probably make less money but long term the possibilities are endless. Especially that you start to master entrepreneurship this early. Most entrepreneurs suck heavily at entrepreneurship as a skill, it is easily explainable because when people have the excess money, they often create some kind of a venture, but they don't really care about learning how to do business properly You develop the right kind of connections this way with other entrepeneurs\highly creative people which can actually be useful. The peers you'll meet at companies will either be useless to you (in best case scenario) or they will drag you to all sorts of bad shit like partying, gossiping, wasting time at videogames/tv. 99% of workers do this stuff, even at faang. That is why they are workers and not something else. Also, they will rot your mind with a worker mindset, which can make you complacent and less prone to take some real independent actions in your life You have way more control of your life and you actually develop something tangible for yourself. You're creating the capital for yourself (which is not only money). You're in full control of what it's going to be. Many creative people, for example, struggle because they can't control how their portfolio will look like when working for some firm. And in most scenarios, you won't even own the piece. I personally worked for some creative firm for a while and it did 0 to my portfolio, even though I was busy 8-9 hours/day working on their creative tasks. This isn't the case right now with my own practice. With every project I create I own every piece of it and I align my business with what type of projects that I want to do which is quite easy when you have control over it That will force you to be more creative/have more responsibility. In your typical work, it is way too easy to go to the automatic "manual" mode and become a "monkey see - monkey do" monkey because you're told what to do my your managers. On the other hand, even if the work is not manual, you're basically wasting your creativity making someone rich. Creativity is what creates for work. But in a company setting as an employee, all the margin is usually taken by the CEO's and you get scraps for it. Like, you could create some kind of creative solutions that makes a certain piece super effective and it will make the company an extra 5-10 million dollars. But you will probably get scraps from this amount
  15. @AlphaAbundance Actually, one good hint might be that you're just too motivated to do all other kinds of stuff that saps your brain chemicals. Such as (indeed) videogames, too much sex\masturbation, alcohol (if it applies), too much sugar, too much food indulgence in general, consuming too much media (especially social media), recreational drugs (weeds included), too much partying/gossipping All this shit numbs you and takes a toll on your motivation levels
  16. @AlphaAbundance Like, come on, man, your country has the most opportunities for whatever work you want to be doing and the best ratio of self-made people across the world. You seem to be too complacent and spoiled by your country and conditions that you were born in
  17. I'll make sure to include a scene with son telling his mother that he was never born if I am to ever make a movie or a novel
  18. Can logic be used for existential inquiry fruitfully if you combine it with post rational cognition? I'm wrecking my mind right now on how much authority to give to the simple lines of reasoning (such as if X is true, then it means Y is true) while you're doing it from the heightened States of awareness. Of course, If you don't combine it with such a state, all rationality is bullshit. But from such a state, I intuit there is a very high degree of truth in your logic mind. And you even can "feel" If your assumptions are actually truthful or wrong. I see the problem is that we still seek (or that we actually need) this conceptual mind to make sense of what is occurring. It's hard for me to imagine how understanding is possible without concepts, especially since the concept of understanding is a concept in of itself
  19. @Drake72 Seems like you just got your defense mechanism activated. Ask yourself, why did it happen? What are you really afraid of with this work or line of inquiry? Thing is, this stuff can really be somewhat old-fashioned, but did you actually go through it with seriousness?
  20. @Drake72 But you believed these statements even before I came here arguing with you about your identity, right? Why do you think you need to be identified as a human to be typing stuff?