Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. @Bernardo Carleial Sounds like high a level of system's thinking for sure, great book
  2. Maybe we can even burn scientists and other rational people here at the stakes
  3. Could be just stage blue in disguise. I found true new agers (stage green+) don't buy into that shit very much. Who do, however, is mostly stage blue guys based on my experience
  4. Where do you live? Just move to a more progressive country - problem solved (Although I don't buy into this bs that you can't find a woman/get laid because you're too short)
  5. Fuck them, man. They are not worth it
  6. The problem is that most scientists don't actually value truth and don't have very strong integrity. There are too many corrupted publications where the results were deliberately crafted for some corporate conglomerates (You can research a ton of these in the healthcare/food/supplement industry). If a thing can be corrupted so easily, it is unreliable to put 100% trust in it. Especially as science researches contradict themselves every 10-20 years and have this cyclical nature to it (as you see in the food industry). It is really easily noticeable, yet most people don't bother to think about it on a meta-level, nor they bother to look into research papers itself to find flaws in the methods, they just collect random information from various blogs and then use whatever fits their beliefs the best. Scientific knowledge becomes more a matter of preference, not a matter of truth This is the same as veganism, really. If all these factory farms had glass transparent walls, that anyone can look through and see what's going on here - most of us would be vegans. Or at least we'd revolutionize this industry for sure, would make something more conscious out of it And if people actually bothered to look at how most scientists conduct research and what they actually make conclusions from - holy-shit, man. We would instantly drop all this overblown authority
  7. What ranks did you get in these games?
  8. Just eat enough protein and enough fat, then you can shuffle your calories in whatever direction you like and it won't matter that much. I'd advise focusing more on micro stuff after this
  9. Time to start a new "SagePhone" brand for spiritual people
  10. Nokia is shit. True sages use oldschool motorolla flip phones
  11. @Leo Gura Nice Do you think it is correct to say that the Nature of Reality is paradoxical at its core? Like, the paradox is a fundamental building block of reality? Meaning, when you get rid of dualistic thinking/cognition - only the paradox remains. And, non-dual cognition = pure embrace of paradox?
  12. Cool shit, man. Waiting for a ton of further creative output from you
  13. @AminB501 That then might be the #1 bottleneck in your effectiveness in those things. Concentration is a huuuuuge fundamental skill in pretty much all meditation disciplines (and the stuff you mentioned counts as meditation disciplines as well)
  14. How good is your concentration skill?
  15. Anything that I want/need: Business skills, design skills, self-development, psychology, various meta skills, relationships/seduction 80-90% of juicy topics you can't even learn in university. They are just simply not there at all. Even in the mainstream stuff like business and art/design. Not even talking about spiritual domain and the domain of meta knowledge/meta skills (meta learning, meta cognition, systems thinking, epistemology, etc). Some professor at some classes can hint on existence of those, but then, he won't go there deep, it will be like 1-0.1% of the course material because most students don't care about deep stuff and professor is likely to not know very much himself I didn't go to the uni (well, I dropped out from one of them in my first year), but I've experienced uni culture, that's where I draw my conclusions/observations from And the problem is, you can't even socialize there properly, because most of your peers will be close-minded materialises, it will most likely be junk relationships. Unless you utilize it to bang some young chicks, of course (Which you can do without uni) I think the future of elite education is private school with hardcore teachers who teach deep skills/knowledge Hard skills (that are more "tangible", you could say, the ones that give you money directly), you can obtain on your own in 1-2 years time or less and you will be way better and be ready for business/real world than some college graduate who spend 4-5 years learning them. That, implied, if you are serious and apply some good meta-learning tactics and strategies
  16. I can go to college, but I choose not to. Going Autodidact is so much more efficient and rewarding than going to college
  17. Lmao. Tbh, there is no need to watch Leo's video, you can just watch how these people behave in comments and draw pretty much all conclusions you need about the scientific crowd. Pure religion, holyshit
  18. @Jayson G Yeah, not it's probably not worth it and the young chicks are the way to go. However, once you get to your 30's yourself, don't be upset too much, because you have yoga chicks here
  19. @Yarco Why selling sources isn't a real business?
  20. Ability to change your name, Karma system, that's it, pretty much, from my pov
  21. @Javfly33 You seem to guilt yourself too much. Why not just go for these tities and "own" it if you desire them that much? I love tities too. It can actually be the most spiritual thing to do at that time. Why think of them as something dirty? Imo, true spirituality is more about flowing than adhering to some rules of what is good or not. That is usually ego-construct and not much fulfillment can be found here. Unless, you can find the flow in the rules and totally enjoy them (which you totally can do). Right now, however, you seem to really authentically want those tities, why not get some?
  22. @Shin Yeah, totally, dude. I think with more consciousness work you (1) become more attuned to this intuition and (2), this voice becomes more "mild", less judgemental and non-guilt based