Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. Lool, man, why hold yourself back by such a minor thing? There are like 1000 creative solutions to it. Just create a pen name or modify your real name to your liking. It is your brand, after all, not some strict legal thing, you don't have to be super formal here. Especially in the Art world where it is 100% common and everywhere
  2. We ARE fucked, in a sense. I really can't trust conventional doctors anymore, personally. They give very misguided advice usually, good for short term relief, not so much for treating root causes. But hey, this is where the demand is. People typically care only about feeling good short term, not so much about the long term health&well-being
  3. So what? There is no rules about it as far as I know, you take 100% responsibility for your writings here
  4. Why don't you just learn some actually valuable skills and create a service/consulting business instead of this bs? Will be much more reliable and you'll get way more long term benefits out of it (not to say you will actually be doing something good and constructive to society and feel good yourself as a result)
  5. Well, more than half of countries live like that if you do some research on economics. They typically try to diversify the economy after getting some success, though, but the main economic vehicle a lot of times remains the same
  6. They give a very good perspective on how it all works in a BUSINESS setting, quite a good seminar
  7. How can you question anythng for real without some sort of meditative state and truth alignment? I'd say your questioning would be severely limited, while good meditation faculties would tremendously enhance it
  8. @integral Very interesting stuff, thank you for sharing. Do you have any info on what age were the participants of that thing?
  9. I reckon the possibility that if you've had some boring-ass unambitious life in past lifetimes or if you lived as a monk in those lives you may naturally be born with lots of natural drive without really any good reason why. I feel this is in a similar way with me, I can clearly see that I could live a fairly simple existence (and maybe I will at the end of my life), but it just "makes sense" for me to do stuff, to go experience life, to build or attempt to build some grandiose things. There is no judgment, there is no FOMO or neurosis about the subject for me (although you for sure can of course be very neurotic about this topic), it just simply IS (If it makes sense). It could easily be any other way around and it would still be perfect, despite having or not having regreats/fears/neuroses in this alternative existence. It is just different ways of being, it just is.
  10. What? IQ test was designed by and for Estj/Istj people which is like the mainstream type that our education system pushes. How is IQ about intp?
  11. It can be a genuine desire for sure. In any way, in any case it is always a tradeoff, just with any other thing. Would you really love to dedicate your life to games or there is something "eh" when you think about it? I think that might be a very worthwhile area to investigate for ya
  12. That's next in my list of checkups, as well as checking some vitamins Got checked on Minerals and most heavy metals recently. All is in normal ranges and heavy metals are fine too, it showed only negligible amount (below lab ranges) Will take a look into this yeast thing, thank you, man
  13. Yes, of course, but it usually goes away relatively quickly Yeah, I see what you're trying to say. But it happens with brown/black rice too, to me. My research tells me the white rice has the least amount or Arsenic in it and then it usually goes uphill in a brown -> red -> black sequence. So you can get even more exposure of Arsenic off of it (Although the glycemic load will be much less) and it is generally what I feel. Time-wise, It usually lasts for like 1-1.5 days, in my experience. And heavy glycemic loads for me usually last 2-4 hours and then it goes away (Unless I eat more stuff in the process). I have a similar reaction after eating a good portion of fish. So I rationalized this might be related to heavy metals. With fish I can experience the same even without any carbs eaten with it (I don't count plant vegetable carbs) I also noticed that if I've eaten this stuff and remained fairly physically active after the dinner, the symptoms are reduced like 80% (Although not completely), could probably be because detoxifying works faster with sweating
  14. @Michael569 Very nice perspective on Soy products, thank you! Apreciate you sharing this Doesn't your typical rice contain a ton of Arsenic (Organic rice included), though? I always have a brainfog after eating lots of rice, and to me it feels not as your typical Carb Loading brainfog but more like something heavy-metal related. It also usually doesn't go away as quickly as with other pure carb products (Like potatoes, gluten-free corn-based pasta, buckwheat, oats, gluten-free non-rice flour treats, etc)
  15. Tbh his books are not the best in the field or, at least, they are not very comprehensive for that biz, they are mostly about mindset which is nice, but there is a lot more to it Look up these books: Principles (Ray Dalio) - the best META book on business and epistemology of it from a 50B$+ guy Spin Selling - the best book on selling, hands down Get Clients Now - one of the best books on marketing for rookies (Especially if you're in a service/consulting business) Building a StoryBrand - will teach you the copywriting framework and how to craft a brand messaging Blue Ocean Red Ocean - will teach you how to gain leverage through positioning (Which is branding 101 thing) Zag/Brand Gap - will teach you brand strategy in more depth. The more complex your business is, the more important is the brand strategy for you Win WIthout Pitching Manifesto - one of the best books on biz principles for creative businesses. If you're in any way related to creative biz, make sure to check this book out. Can adopt many of the principles for other industries as well Any books on copywriting - there are so many good ones, can't really nail down a few that are the best, but copywriting and messaging is crucial in biz I think it compiles a pretty good list. If I were to choose 2 books that would give you the most immediate results, it would be "Spin Selling" and "Get Clients Now". If I was to give the importance of each skill/domain of business, I think I would put it something like this PRODUCT (or Product design) -> BRANDING (Positioning) -> MARKETING -> SELLING You can't bypass marketing/selling, but having a good product and having a good angle in a market place makes selling and marketing 10-1000x times easier
  16. @Leo Gura Would you say that any type of romantic love is survival-based? Like, we fall in love with people who would benefit our survival agenda in some way and don't care at all about those who don't or don't do it well enough? Queen/Princess craving to date some simpletone can be explained very easily by this logic, cause she might crave some more simple or more adventurous/non-formal lifestyle (Which she can't have as a queen/princess). --------------- It's a shame these guys shamed you into putting your advertisement out . You probably had a nice chance finding a sexy witch off of your followership (Especially that witchcraft is gaining more and more popularity here)
  17. Interning for a professor who researches mindfulness seems like a legit path
  18. Yep, exactly. Those people can experience Western culture (and many different cultures using English) for what it is, not the brainwashed propaganda version we get fed up by our university professors/school teachers/parents/politicians/news. If you don't know English you are basically stuck in that and then, you're Fucked
  19. It's okay to masturbate for a while if you know you'll ejaculate later (metaphorically speaking)
  20. Yeah, there is something. I find people in Russia how don't know English to be way more closed-minded than those who do
  21. Why do you think he is not fully turqoise+?
  22. It is good, just need to be smart about using it and try to not rely on it too much
  23. What exists outside of brain, then? If consciousness is brain-generated