Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. To be honest I found Don Beck's books to be fairly unpleasant to read as well. Yet still found them very useful nontheless. Ken Wilber is definitely an amazing guy in that sense - amazing material and pleasant writing style, so good.
  2. @Preety_India It's very academically-written, though, not a typical self-help style at all
  3. I started to read a really tough book on Epistemology recently. Such a poor writing as well, relative to the ease of grasping the material. When you read it you feel like you get circle-fucked by philosophers of the past by the endless references. New chapter = New round with new guys coming and go, this is what I felt like reading it. The book still has a lot of useful nuggets in it, though, making it all worthwhile
  4. @Jonson It is, man. Also, don't listen to what your peers from universites/school say, 99% of them are dumb teenagers with low self-esteem and 0 foresight or intellect. And most of them are stage orange, so they will judge you from that paradygm. Don't let them gaslight you/influence you in any negative way because of their own insecurities. This is what would be truly wasteful - if you'd care about these peers.
  5. To radically ignore what everyone else is doing and saying and extremely focus on doing one thing that is the most beneficial and effective for you
  6. Age

    You just don't recognize the magic in everything
  7. Yeah, I feel like this enlightenment stuff kinda became the new religion for people as it became more popular and mainstream, to be honest. So many beliefs about what enlightenment is and what it entails are flying around. And mostly from people who aren't really serious seekers. Makes you kinda not even want to talk about this stuff at all so people don't project their own shit into you
  8. When I experience people with really cleaned up mind and psyche I feel so nice in their presence despite them not really being woke. It's amazing, really. I'd even say they are actually quite woke but in their own way. Just more of a secular definition of woke ness Healthy psyches = Healthy beings I feel we just need more holistically healthy people in general and the world will already turn into much better and much more woke place for anyone
  9. @benny sounds like you have difficulties with intention. Why do you contemplate anyway? What are your motivations? In practice answers to these questions will give you a direction what to do next. Maybe they will tell you to contemplate more. Or they might tell you to go test this stuff in fields . Or even quit the contemplation altogether because it's not worthwhile of a subject to investigate
  10. Dw bro, my first sex was at 21 (I think?) And the truth is, the older you get - the better your sex experience becomes. It is really no pleasure sleeping out with immature 18-20 or below girls who are highly inexperienced, aren't in touch with themselves and don't know how be authentic and intimate, so sex is actually typically very lame here To that are range I'm saying all this to cheer you up so you don't have much FOMO about it. You're not really missing anything truly good by delaying your sex life for a bit. You will catch up just fine later in life, you'll only need to get one good emotionally available not sexually repressed girlfriend with whom you'll explore the true deepness of ocean of love.
  11. @Danioover9000 why not do it the other way around? Tai Chi in the summer and Weight Lifting in the Winter. So you build up muscle when it's cold and offseason and then enjoy your body when it's warm and align with your spiritual side through Tai Chi?
  12. I had problems with erection too with my first time(-s). From what I know many people have it during their first times and it's totally normal. The anxiety you have is totally normal too, It should go away fairly quickly after you start having sex
  13. To be honest awakening to dogmatism is super tricky. Many many layers and degrees of that stuff here for sure. And many of them are so subtle. I only recently started to recognize how deep mind tricks go and I definitely see many people don't recognize it as deep as me, even on this forum. Made me pick up a tome on "Introduction to Epistemology" and start reading it because I still feel like I don't recognize shit, although I recognize a bit
  14. It's not oversaturated at all. There is actually a fairly low supply and ever-increasing demand for High Quality services in that domain as more and more marketing becomes digitalized Probably you just got lied to/gaslighted by your peers who don't know much about how markets work or just lame businessmen
  15. I imagine being a master at this stuff is being able to approach girls anywhere pretty much in any circumstance. It is the same as mastery in Sales/Marketing. If you're a true master you are able to sell your shit at almost any environment and almost in any circumstances, this is what true mastery is. If, for example, you're just using Facebook Ads (read: nightgame) or similar things as your sole marketing tool and can't sell - you're not a master of marketing, yet it doesn't mean Facebook Ads can't give you huge results
  16. Day game will challenge you as a man a lot, Huge Gains
  17. Is it usually done by communicating a lot of personal value (in your experience) ? Like, all your communication faculties scream "holy, this is such a high value guy, I should listen to him or else I'll get a FOMO (!!!)"
  18. Money is way more Important than you ever thought.
  19. Why do you believe it's going to change anything?
  20. What? Ken Wilber actually actively bashes on modern notions of equality which he is very rightin doing so imo
  21. Just read the introduction to system's thinking by Daniella Meadows, you'll know what to do with it
  22. Sure. I don't mean to go on crusades or anything like that, by the way. It's just I found people that surround me naturally become more yellow over time The thing is, change = leadership. If you're not changing anything or anyone - you're not really a leader. Or not a great one, at least. And this is what stage Green people typically miss a lot. They want to have a passive role at everything and not do anything. Yet they expect positive stuff to be showering them despite this inaction. This becomes a problem. People get depressed and all kinds of bad things happen due to that. Being a leader & not being afraid of change and being the core vehicle of it is actually a much more powerful way to live. Way more pleasure can be derived from such a lifestyle, and more true equanimity. And at Yellow, you're at a position to really leave a good impact and to do so consciously. So having more people at yellow and more people as leaders will really be a win win win for everyone. What I found also, though, is that just taking proper action and facing the reality of situations and systems is what moves people from Green to Yellow. You stop being so idealistic and start to see practicality of things more and more. Which makes you study how everything truly works because without that it is very hard to create good results. So in a sense just stopping smoking marijuana and actually starting to self-actualize can go a really huge way here
  23. Nice resistance and gaslighting. Truth is, I can change people and I will be changing and influencing people and you won't gaslight me into thinking that I can't. Especially as I am already having a success in it. Go gaslight someone else.
  24. Nah, we should deconstruct silly green ideologies. Green people are very weak epistemologically and get into all sorts of ideological traps because of it. We need to spot more of these and facilitate moving people to yellow