Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. I think it might be to tell them they can actually control stuff and let them create something. In a sense, victim mentality often comes from a position of defeated self-esteem. If you have top-notch self-esteem, you don't really have victim issues. So the solution could be anything that would boost their self-esteem. That's a very good hint, imo
  2. Sounds like a free $500k for Leo, oh wait
  3. By having a bold strong vision of you not having anxiety. How would this vision look like?
  4. @Recursoinominado Thank you for sharing your experiences man. Yeah, I agree that solid green is not enough for a solid high-consciousness relationship. And yeah, I feel like with retreats there is a split like 90\10 or 95\5 even between what you call "catharsis" retreats and more serious ones. I wonder, have you only been in retreats only in Brazil or also experienced some other countries? Would you say there might also be Brazil demographics to blame for that as your country seems to be more to the stage blue side of things? In my country the mainstream culture is hella red/blue too here, and it kinda caps even more advanced people too I see, though, that it is pretty much a marketing problem. I believe there some good solutions to all that, just need to set an intention and dedicate effort to solving it. There 100% must be some good witch's haven's somewhere with turquoise and beyond girls, just need to go on a quest
  5. @Recursoinominado I'd agree with you on this, but It's all relative to what you want, really. You probably won't argue that people (women) at these places on average are way more woke than women from mainstream culture. I am curious, though, how many retreats and things like that you've been on if we'd put a number on it? Would you say those were more to the hardcore side of things or more to the soft? I am trying to conduct business with retreats right now and as I do my research I see there thousands of retreats nowadays and some of them are more hardcore than others. And I suspect people will wary a lot depending on this hardcoreness factor. People who go to Vipassana retreats with 100 hours of meditation over 10 days are just not the same as those who go on retreats which have just 2 hours of hatha yoga per day. Although you can for sure have people who go to both sides of this
  6. Yeah, 100%. There are so many high consciousness girls outthere, actually. Just need to set your intention to go hunt for some of those and choose smart hunting avenues. There are even dating websites for conscious people now specifically as audience, lol
  7. To be honest, what brings the most harm in all this dishonesty\honesty dynamic relative to relationships is your dishonesty to yourself first and foremost. Honesty to the girl isn't really as important as this. And this is where I see 80-90% of guys (and girls) fuck up. And by that I mean staying with the wrong person, chasing some girls that for sure won't be a good partner for you (and we do that because of trauma and other stuff), being forced into a monogamous relationship when you don't really want to, getting into marriage/having kids because of peer pressure, etc. This is where dishonesty really fucks you up, in my opinion
  8. Tbh I found when Leo gives advice like this it is tailored more to Stage Orange girls. I found that the more conscious the girl is - the more she'll appreciate your honesty and other good stuff for which stage orange girl will find you meak and just dump you. When I attracted my current long term partner it was basically me being super radically honest with her. I even told her that I was picking up other girls at the place that I met her and she actually appreciated it a lot and it even attracted her more, in a sense. She doesn't really demonize PUA that much, though. She even told me once that if we'd have a son, she'd want him to learn PUA because it is such an important survival skill and she'd like for him to be a total pimp By the way, I'd suggest to read a truly great book on relationship dynamics based on SD - "Integral Relationships" by a relationship expert guy that hangs out with Ken Wilber. It's branded for stage yellow men usage (not for women's, though). The whole premise is basically how to find (and attract) a fitting partner when you're woke and the rest of the world isn't. A really good book It describes very interesting dynamics. Like how, for example, a stage green girl won't really typically date a stage green guy. She'll find him too meak/feminine and "flowboy" as they call it. So that In practice they will prefer to choose Stage Orange guys who have successful careers and more masculinity, despite them being less "woke" than the green guys. And, of course, if they can nail the Stage Yellow guy, they will, while stage blue is a big no-no for a stage green woman. This book is full of examples like this
  9. Honesty is a super good manipulation technique, don't dismiss it And manipulation isn't inherently bad, it's just a tool
  10. It's not even about sleazy per say, it's more like our responsibility to filter information intake to be honest. These guys genuinely try to give good advice, but for example, I found people who make low 6 figures give really shitty business advice because they don't themselves understand the business well enough. You can get to 6 figures income just by working a normal job, so It's not a real surprice
  11. Sam Ovens. it's good to stay away from mainstream guys and only focus on advice from those who have (or have had) a $10m/year+ or more businesses. Less - people here tend to no't really know what the fuck they are talking about and a lot of people got there honestly either by a slew of luck or they just invested disproportionally amount of time
  12. @Yahya Mate, the coral game will enlighten all the gamer's community once it's released and then gamers will become bodhisattvas and enlighten everyone else You clearly underestimate coral, man
  13. @Yahya Nah, we need coral games and beyond, with turquiose games we'll quickly get tired off of them
  14. @StarStruck because all your notes have ".onenote" Format which is unique to onenote and it is hard to migrate to other apps. ".md" Migration, however, is effortless, because it is a universal format. You just open your files with other app and 99% will be the same. Your won't have a similar seamless transition with onenote, so sustainability here is, really, uncomparable here
  15. Life is full of suffering, Buddha was right. Imagine being one of these MAGA guys and being so lost, holycrap
  16. I hope it's not How To Get Laid series
  17. What is it gonna be about?
  18. @Strangeloop Just let it go, man, really. From what I've researched when I had this stuff it is very common phenomena during first times, especially if you developed a high achiever perfectionistic personality. It doesn't directly mean you're gay. But even if you're gay, we are typically bisuxual by nature, it's not like you cannot get turned on by female body if you're gay, you most likely will still, you'll just have more preference for men, which is all fine. You should be alright, man, just get over that hump
  19. Ehh, I usually wouldn't recommend to do anything like that in regular scenarios... But try to buy just 1 good pill from a drug store that helps with erection and just do it, man. Just to get you started. I was in a similar situation as you in my first time, couldn't insert the penis at all into this girl and nothing happened during this first time. But then on the next night, I decided to take sort of responsibility for a situation because I wanted so badly to make it work and not mess up and I just bought a pill. Also worked a bit more on a mood, we were slightly less hectic this time. And all worked out very well. After that everything was smooth and my erections were very consistent since then and I never had any erection problems without taking any pills. It was really something psychological I feel like. Only once I had something similar again, but it was after having 3-4 sexual acts in just one day. My dick was exhausted and was just saying "No" to me, which is quite fair to be honest in a situation like this from a dicks perspective
  20. @rnd @rnd yea, might be, but I'm not a developer, I don't really want to create my own app, I am talking from a consumer POV. They do work on one note, I don't deny it, but it's not their main focus and other people/companies just come with better solutions because their app is typically their sole project and they focus 100% on it. Even with Obsidian, for example. What I love about it the most is that devs have a vision for note taking and that the app has a super great community. It manifests in many actually useful updates and features shipped on a 2-3 monthly basis and a ton of useful plugins from community. I don't get that with onenote. They update it once every 2-3-4 years or so and ship features that I don't care about at all. Perhaps I'm not at all their target audience Don't get me wrong, I love onenote, I just don't find it as useful as new emerging apps anymore
  21. @rnd that's actually a problem with tools like onenote, because they have their own note format (.onenote) which becomes a problem to migrate it to other formats. I got heavily frustrated with one note because Microsoft just doesn't care about working on it and other software is getting better So I switched to obsidian too and I don't look back. The huge difference is that these notes are ACTUALLY future proof because they use an independent format for notes unlike tools like onenote/evernote/notion. With Markdown files you can effortlessly migrate to any other markdown supporting app with 1 click or even open your note from multiple different apps if you'd want to do so. So far I'm hyper content with my choice after using onenote for 3+ years
  22. Why would any good mage expose himself in such a dumb way for just million dollars?
  23. @StarStruck Yup, women and everyone, really, is attracted to people in a higher state of consciousness because you're perceived as more powerful and able survival-wise. Presence is an epic charisma boost, so is projecting a lot of warmth or power You can actually learn to control your state and induce emotions in yourself, it's a learnable skill
  24. No, actually they are constantly scanning for it, even if they are not single. It just happens in a subconscious and in an irrational way, they are not deliberately thinking about. Hence this is why they give you such an answer. In reality, they will look at you and estimate how good of a man you are in 2-3 seconds and then subconsciously decide to get attracted or not. It doesn't mean that nothing can be changed after this 2-3 seconds, though, it's just about the rapidness of how they will typically judge you. That is why emotional state and your body language matters so much, this is like their #1 source for the analysis. We do the same exact stuff as men, that's why in women's version of PUA they put so much emphasis on this body projection stuff as well (how they project their beauty and presence on us)