Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. @Jacobsrw I see. No, I actually feel in a similar way as you do, actually, about current stance of society. I sort of made a vow with myself that I won't date a stage orange girl for any meaningful amount of time no more. So in a sense, I share your frustration a lot. I'm just disagreeing that billionaires have the same standards as the rest of a society. These guys are actually way more smarter than that from what I found. And they prefer more smart and wise women too as partners. I also found there are actually plenty of nice, deep women out there, quite a lot of them. In a sense it's our scarcity mindset that is stopping us from seeing them, but they are there! Just need to switch a lens.
  2. Nice stuff. It's like they have this story about Buddha how he tried 100s of techniques until he's stumbled upon Vipassana and it apparently made him enlightened (As they say it). I don't like Vipassana too much, personally, and I guess it is indeed more about finding a technique that is right for you and trying a bunch of stuff in the process
  3. That's just a cultural narrative of people who hate capitalism or have issues, honestly. I bet people who say such things didn't ever check who these billionaire guys are actually dating. It could actually be a very mind-opening exercise - go check top 50 forbes and see what kind of girls they are dating/married if you dare. But none of these people usually check these things, they just say whatever is convenient to justify their biases without much regard to truth I personally checked family lives of 100s of various succesful or in any way remarkable people to notice patterns/get insights that I can use for myself. These people, in general, are EXTREMELY cognizant or who they are getting involved with and don't have as simple standards as OP or people like him suggest. But check for yourself, do your own research
  4. This can work too, I guess. Basically, any music that elevates your state of consciousness and puts you in a more meditative/heightened state of cognition - a lot of stuff can work, but this is my main criteria, pretty much. I love listening to this shamanette for example: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtnrfpKiOa3gwPZ89wobkuQ/videos Her music puts me in a very nice state
  5. @Jacobsrw to be honest I feel there is personal frustration with a subject rather than some truly impartial observations I wonder what's your personal story with women and how are you doing on that front? Can it be that you're just excusing away your own struggles with dating via these lines of reasoning?
  6. @Rilles Various music that raises frequency that has some deep vocals or uses instruments similar to bowls/big bells
  7. For the music I personally like there is huge empty space in the market and not so many musicians are actually doing it. Maybe it will change your perspective. The problem is that you're looking at the most popular genres and I'll admit they are overused for sure. We indeed don't need some new pop singer who will sound quite the same. We need something new, new ways of doing music. And there is an infinity of these ways as the nature of creativity itself is infinite. Just need to acknowledge it and tap into it
  8. Yeah, I m now growing my hair and quite enjoying it
  9. @Jacobsrw dude, ur projecting a lot. How do you know women that millionaires sleep with are shallow? On what basis do you make this assumption? In my own research it is actually quite the opposite. These guys can get any pussy the want with their money and status, so it isn't an issue for them anymore and from that point they focus way more on a deep meaningful connection You seem to demonize wealthy people, but they are not as dumb as you think. Usually it's quite the opposite With pretties girls it's just they get very popular due to their attractiveness, so a lot of people naturally hit on them. Statistically speaking average extraverts are way dumber than introverts so this is what you see. The problem with girls that are more deep but has less is a marketing. It is the same problem as introverted guys face. In a sense, the "richness" of psyche is as attractive if not more than physical appearance. The problem, however, that to get to know your "deepness", people will need to get to know you first and spend lots of time, while looks work as an instantly apparent metric. So you see this disproportion happening I bet many girls actually prefer introverted smart guys way more than your typical socializing extravert. But it's just Leo is right, these more smart deep guys prefer to sit in their basements and it's hard for women to meet them
  10. Mix of infj/intj with a childhood of intp here, guys . Glad to be a part of a gifted people big dicks club
  11. Because you don't want to go into politics. Go become a conscious politician and we'll have more of those
  12. @Strangeloop Did you succeed??
  13. @Leo Gura Damn, didn't know you have an "Epistemology" playlist. I watched every video, though, but now I am skimming through them again a little bit and yeah, man, holycrap. These philosophy books are so self-biased, it's ridiculous. It's such a sneaky phenomenon, holyfuck. Ordinary folks definitely will barely notice any of this stuff. Our epistemic standards are so dangerous'ly shitty. This topic needs to be taught in all schools for sure if we want at least a tiny beat of a conscious society. Self-bias and survival are so fucking everywhere. I now start to connect a lot of dots from my life experience and I just can't trust anyone anymore with placing the truth above these things. Can't trust people to not be self-biased
  14. Let her make you a prostate massage and see if you enjoy it
  15. @Leo Gura Would you say advanced mathematics are completely useless as far as understanding the universe goes or they can actually be a pretty interesting and potent perspective to look from?
  16. @Leo Gura Do you have any tips on how to study epistemology? Is direct contemplation the best or there are some actually good books on it? or maybe some good technique you could recommend? Been reading some academic philosophy books on a subject but to be honest your take on it feels much deeper than those books
  17. What does he think of Russia and Russian government?
  18. I really love oat meal with cacao or dark chocolate and berries/fruits on top!
  19. His jeans with holes are so wacky, haha, but they kinda give him that "not totally serious" wibe, which is good I guess
  20. Because it's hella of a fun to label people with colors and EDT doesn't have these
  21. Damn, it would be so easy to game the system with such a credit score, to be honest. And it's like, I don't do any alcohol or drugs or unhealthy foods anyways nor doing anything criminal. Free points, lol.
  22. @Leo Gura What would you say is the optimal ratio between Intellectual Understanding : Spiritual Insight : Something Else (Action?)? By the way, I wonder, where would you peg true contemplation on this intellectual/intuitive/spiritual scale? Would it be more intellectual or spiritual? I know, depends on how you do it, of course, but in your experience, is it a more spiritual method of inquiry or there is actually more "intellectuality" and "rationality" to it? It's really hard for me to judge these things to be honest. I love contemplation a lot and for me, it feels very different than the more traditional style of inquiry. It has a big amount of mystical feel to it. Sort of as though you download insights from the universe directly, as you often metaphorize in your videos. And it feels although to do it more effectively you need not a more robust logical mind per se, but better meditation abilities that would enhance your state of consciousness which will then give you a "soil" to receive better more juicer insights. It sort of becomes about learning how to "receive", in a sense. Very curious about your take on that
  23. @Recursoinominado yeah, me too, man. They just feel so naive and kinda of, eh... dumb? Still way better energetically than blue-orange girls. I made a vow to myself that I'd never have any meaningful relationship with stage orange girl ever again. Just a huge waste of time. They are usually both spritually/emotionally dead and intellectually/epistemically dead, just doesn't cut it at all, man. Take a look at this witch, though: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnaBrown/videos
  24. You sit down and visualize. What do you want? Make the list of the best things you came up with, those that move you. The next day - do it again and update your list. With time your vision will become more clear and clear.