Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. That's a really complex topic, I'd buy a coaching on this issue from someone who's been in a situation like yours and got great results for their child if I were you
  2. It's like a soviet version of Tom and Jerry, hehe
  3. The context is very different, imo We should criticize feminism as movement for sure, just like every other movement However in a intimate relationship with masculine/femine dynamic using too much criticism on your woman brings the opposite of wanted effect. That is what Deida is alluding to If you date a very pro-feminist activist woman who is in her masculine and she likes to be that way - I guess then it's fine, you treat her more like a man if she so desires
  4. @mr_engineer You seem to demonize women, mate Of course there are some egostistical and narcissistic women just like there are a lot of such men, but it's not that bad It is a deeper problem and the problem is that 95-99% of people are deeply unconscious, doesn't matter men/women The solution in my opinion is to seek higher consciosness partners, Why do you want to date these crazy stage orange-blue people anyway? There are so many yellow+ people these days, both men and women and even more at later development of green This problem that you have instantly dissipates if you start meeting higher consciousness people. Both for friendship and for finding a mate
  5. Nahh, it was this: "The masculine grows by challenge, the feminine grows by praise"
  6. What do you take seriously these days?
  7. Take some limited amount and try, I guess Make sure to not go over that
  8. What Holywood, bro, when we have a BOLYwood I am actually planning to watch some bolywood movies for culture immersion. Though they kinda are trying to mimique west a lot judging from trailers
  9. You guys really need to elect some decent president, the fate of the world depends on it
  10. It prevents US because of fear of nuking US in retaliation?
  11. Without a dick pussy has 0 value and vice versa
  12. Lol, these people live better in prisons than 95% of russians in normal lives
  13. Who am I to judge gay? if they search for the Lord it's okay
  14. @at_anchor You will get by with English perfectly in Spain, dude. As long as you stay in big cities
  15. Can you give examples on green Christianity? Probably people in blue zones.. Although they are kinda blue in their worldview, just happened to live very healthy lifestyles and have very nurturing psychologically healthy communities
  16. As one wise man said: Sometime you just want to be a silly goose
  17. @at_anchor Yeah, dude, you need to get the fuck away no matter the cost, it kills you
  18. @at_anchor Dude, it's about the purpose if your life, your utmost authentic expression of yourself. Only you can choose it for yourself, otherwise it will be fake
  19. Profound is really the word for it, lol
  20. The best part of being a russian is getting your money lose its value 2x over night, lol
  21. @Leo Gura When you said cause and effect is the illusion in one of your videos you meant it in dichotomy absolute vs relative?
  22. The more important question - why do you want to do pickup on girls who are not aligned with your values at all? Just join some spiritual/self-development scene in your town and meet higher quality women here and you won't ever have that problem as almost nobody will be drinking