Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. @mmKay Hehe, this different colored carpet with a bunch of square-like shapes actually provides a ton more anxiety in me than your monotonne red one This dark red mattish color is fine, imo, at least it would be fine for me
  2. Link us your carpet, bro About your topic - there are actually a ton of different shades of red, some can actually be very calming and soothing, while some, indeed, have a very aggressive wibe to them, it all depends, man
  3. Lol, are you sure? From what I see, science has become the new Christianity and is spread among the whole globe
  4. Damn, you nailed it so well
  5. @Frenk The first Jhana is shit, 5-7+ is where cool stuff starts to appear
  6. @Leo Gura Would you say when there is too much frame it can count as deception? I sometimes feel a bit off when I am playing some persona too rigorously
  7. Ayyyyyyyyy, Leo our boy is having some fun!
  8. I'm sure Vegas is getting at least 3-5m+ unique people after its original population per year
  9. Maybe his game is not the greatest, but he still probably has game better than 99% men in the World
  10. I personally feel like the forum is too green
  11. Oh my God, this is such tryhard
  12. I want to do yoga, man
  13. It would have to come with a big ass L, though. Absolute Laziness
  14. Just start teaching meditation and charging money for it, you're Overthinking it. Learning marketing and branding is important, but you can do it in the process.
  15. Would you consider yourself spiritually gifted/did you have and witches or magicians in your family line?
  16. Actually sounds like a great pickup outfit
  17. Huge one. They deny and don't accept all devilry/evil and everything that doesn't support/contradicts their green views. I feel like they start to move to yellow territory once they stop being as judgemental as 90% green speakers on Ted Talk. Wanna see the limits of green? Watch green people on Ted
  18. There is evil, but also there is no evil
  19. It's all cool, but why do you need NFT's for that?
  20. Damn, makes me think that there are other more efficient meditation techniques that can be invented.
  21. Sounds like you just want to eat some sushis really bad
  22. @WokeBloke Everything is reality, bruh, even the falsehood is a part of it