Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. We need spiritual chicks
  2. @DanTheLurker what is the problem then, lol. Just follow your morning wood and you'll be alright
  3. If you emotionally stimulate her enough, it might do the trick. Just keep raising emotional connection and eventually it can turn into something. A random kiss during the peak can completely change the tables around, but then you d need a good follow up for these Good frame after turning tables to justify everything - "the best marriages started off as good friends"
  4. If you get serious about meditation - samadhi and samadhi-like states become easy
  5. Just do some research and come up with your own number I recently had my own which is around $2-3k as a baseline and $5k as ideal It all depends on what standards you want to put for yourself and what choices you want to entertain in your overall strategy
  6. Lol, just go ahead and re-experience it here right now, It's not Rocket Science and you don't need psychedelics
  7. Gossip is the ultimate social fuel
  8. A lot of it is about your personal standards. Why do stuff you completely don't care about, is no it how you wanna live life?
  9. This!!!
  10. Would you say their suggestion to keep your eyes closed is just a normie crap? As they are afraid to really face what's going on on a big enough dose
  11. Come on, there must be enlighened dogs
  12. Would you consider Russia to be a fascist state at this point? I have my own opinion about it, but very much interested in yours
  13. Lol, you guys think you have fascism in America
  14. Conscious lesbies feel so good as a concept
  15. Want a girn like that too?
  16. There is even a whole section on pornhub with library stuff, don't underestimate it
  17. Libraries nowadays are hubs for working on something in silence : P , I personally enjoy modern library vibes
  18. PUA without intimacy is horseshit
  19. Nah, you definitely can and I did it. Such a intimacy build up can be even more precious and valuable than sex. Not to even say that if you get it all to the actual sex, it's 10-100x is better than just getting some random sex with random You and your coach have their own biases in that regard, which is fine, if that is what you truly want to get from it. You do you Don't take the limits of your skill for the limits of reality
  20. Dunno, for me what truly matters is how deep you can go with a stranger how fast. For me that's a true Indicator of skill. Tons of shallow attraction & lays is meh, kindergarten level. Though it indicates a certain level as well, can't deny it
  21. @Leo Gura What would you suggest to do if some of your friends are a bit too open-minded and started taking some of the simillar stuff way too seriously and now it's their leading paradygm on reality? Ehhrr, social domain is so tricky
  22. Is "Whitewashing" psychedelics like you do in your work legal in USA/Nevada? Don't mind sourcing Was always surprised how you talk so openly about it all, you'd probably get jailed very quick if you'd talk like this from inside Russia
  23. PDF is king for efficient reading