Hello from Russia

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Everything posted by Hello from Russia

  1. How do you even expect a high quality spiritual woman to have never been insanely broken? Do you expect her to be born this way, lol? I found the most deep women and probably people in general are the ones who were excruciatingly broken but then perceiveired and found some light in themselves and in life in general I don't even consider any "normal" chick at this point to even be a worthwhile partner. The amount of light is usually in direct proportion to how much darkness a person has been through
  2. How do you feel about execution for political reasons? Like in Belarussia, where they basically death sentence all of opposition activists. It's the only country in Europe that still has death sentence
  3. I hope we don't all get jailed one day for the kind of shit we speak on this forum sometimes
  4. But why not? All this shit gives you insane recontexts on your life and whatever you're doing/was doing in the past. I'm sure if there is any possibility of changing, plant medicine substances would definitely fit into a tier 1 catalysts
  5. @Leo Gura Do you like LSD? Or you're more of a raw truth junkie
  6. I wouldn't want to relive the bullshit I've lived through in this stupid russian (soviet) education system for 1000 or more enernities, with or without memory
  7. Billion dollarss
  8. I can forgive them per say, but I am baffled how to approach relationship with such people when they reappear back into your life in some way Intuition and game theory common sense says you gotta drastically decrease your investment in them - that's for sure. But how much? What if the try to apologize? What kind of apologize to accept or not to accept? Quite often especially the avoidant type people from attachment theory say "I'm sorry" so flippantly. They don't really mean it, they are not really sorry, they didn't process your situation or acknowledged the fact that they actually hurt you almost at all. Any tips on how to proceed with this? But then again, even if you chose to fully forgive them, the damage they've done to you could be insane, and their deafult attitude usually is just to run away after they've done their nasty shit, so you basically just lose net value wise. Do you just make them somehow pay for their shit as a cost to reentry your life? How to best approach it? What they can repay you with for their shit? I need help with that topic, guys. Any good perspectives on this are welcomed
  9. If you're gonna live together, splitting the bill for food and other stuff is fine
  10. Why is everyone so hyper about this guy, he speaks the same stage orange nonsense everybody else in mainstream society talk about
  11. That's bullshit, of course, but it can be a great soothing line when talking about the past to calm someone or yourself I think the better line tho is - it is as it is or it was as it was - so you don't really project any judgement on a situation but still sort of surrender to the situation
  12. What class do you play?
  13. Quickest way to a paradise pleasure, eye?
  14. When you speak of non-duality as bullshit, do you mean the human concept of nonduality is bullshit or the phenomenon of non-duality itself? Are you criticizing Buddhism and various spiritual teachers because they are pointing to the wrong thing or because their pointing method/process just sucks?
  15. Just find a grill that will want to follow you into some remote location while being happy to do so I want to do something similar in my life, I don't too imagine living somewhere remote without a woman
  16. Wait, what do you mean non duality is bullshit? Big enough dose of this shit takes you into a complete non dual hogwash, in what way is it bullshit?
  17. How do you define a "full dose"? Is it what they call a "Breakthrough dose"?
  18. Sounds like you're definetely a sensitive one How much experience you had previously with meditative practices and things of that nature? I have a theory that people who have higher baseline of consciousness have much more potency when it comes to psychedelic-like substances and, really to all psychonaut experience
  19. Lol, it all can be changed/worked with Having "overweight genetics" is not an issue, you can be extremely hot having some excess weight and a lot of guys will actually prefer chubbier girls over girls who are extremely thin. We actually like chubby, what we don't like generally is extremely overweight people, which is not an issue if a girl desires to work on herself However if she has indeed extremely overweight genetics and all her family were giants, I don't really see it as a problem. She just needs to find a giant ass man who will find her attractive. He'll probably want you to be as healthy as possible though still But then again, it'd just be a 0.1% case anyway. The thing is, 99.9% of women can improve in all these areas drastically, given they will be willing to give up what mainstream beauty industry brainwashed them with
  20. It's very contrary to what most people believe, but it actually quite easy to develop nice tits through going to the gym and working on them with some specific exercises. It can boost tit size +1 or sometimes even +2 and give it a nice beautiful shape. Most girls who have no tits just have weak almost 0 tit muscles. When they start working on chest muscles, tits start to grow It's not some 3rd hand knowldege, I saw it in my direct experience by introducing my girlfriend to the gym and going here with her. You can actually grow and shape nice tits and it doesn't even take that much effort cause if you had 0 tit muscles, even newby gains will give you amazing tits. All women that go into gym with me have amazing tits if they exercise seriously So, not buying much into these "women have less developmental ceiling". Looks are by far one of the easiest things to fix both for men and for women. All you gotta do is to learn proper wellness and self-care techniques, no matter what your gender is. What hurts the most is trying to cheat the system and chronically using a shit load of cheap makeup that is filled with heavy metals instead of working on your health and really meaning it. I see no way how a girl cannot drastically improve her looks by dropping all of her bullshit makeup and just working on her body deeply for 2-3 years as well as psychological stuff for double effect
  21. But bottles usually come up with diverse types, at least more or less expensive ones, am I wrong?
  22. But Leo, for example if we market conscious things. The problem is that conscious things have such a bad appeal and the perception of them is so negatively biased, even if we somewhat neutralize the 'picture', we can still move forward with them And what's the problem with bias anyways? We are here on earth to have our biases in a sense. Maya is the world of bias you could say, it's the name of the game. What's wrong with promoting things that will assumably be healthy for society? In a sense you're doing it yourself in your videos. You're constantly marketing various conscious stuff to us, highlighting the benefits and presenting the "mundane" life in a very negative light. It's usually SUPER negative because you want it to have some emotional impact and this is your bias which is fine In a sense, not having any bias and emotional charge for these things would be a disservice