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Everything posted by RickyFitts

  1. They've gotten the lyrics slightly wrong in that video - the line is 'You can't play ON broken strings', not 'OUR broken strings'. Bothering me much more than it probably should, it's making me want to send a strongly-worded letter of complaint to someone ?
  2. @ivankiss That's interesting, I'd always thought that consciousness and God were one and the same, I hadn't considered consciousness as being an expression of God. That's a deep thought, I'll have to sit with that one
  3. Christ, the various aches and pains I've felt in my body the last few years, man alive I got a sharp pain on the right side of my chest before, around the bottom of my ribs - hard to describe it exactly, but it felt a lot like a stitch (just a bit higher up, obviously) and it smarted like an absolute motherfucker. So er, yeah, I highly recommend this whole kundalini awakening business, it's terrific fun! Helps if you have a masochistic streak I should think, which is unfortunate for me as I have an allergy to pain, really not a fan.
  4. I can honestly say that that thought never even crossed my mind! You're not wrong though, that's some seriously disturbing shit right there, fuck me
  5. @Gianna Absolutely perfect, yeah I thought I'd like your choices, but that's exceeded my expectations
  6. That's a new one on me, but it's absolutely lovely
  7. 'Awakening is about letting go of all control. That's why meditation practice can be useful for our physical bodies, which are conditioned to control, and defend, and hold on. Meditation can help you notice where the holding on is - you just sit, and stop, and notice what's going on physically, emotionally, energetically. The physical body is a wonderful mirror.' - Jon Bernie
  8. This is so wonderful, Esilda, and it fits with the impression I have of you as a very kind-hearted, giving person, I look forward to reading further entries
  9. And this, dear people, is wisdom
  10. @SLuxy A truly remarkable guy, yeah.
  11. I don't know nearly enough about the subject to be able to offer an informed comment, sorry!
  12. Yes, this is the key thing to understand - this is what's at the root of addiction. And there's no judgment in this, because understand this: We are all addicted to something, it's how we humans cope with life. The question is, at what point are you no longer content to simply cope with life? At what point are you willing to stop and face that from which you've spent your whole life running? (Like the avatar by the way, SLuxy - I was thinking about rewatching 'Schindler's List' the other day, amazing film.)
  13. Great idea, love this!
  14. @Hulia I think with enmeshment the other person is still regarded as separate and distinct from you, whereas with love it's recognised that you're one and the same, that your heart is their heart. I think! Gianna can probably explain it better than I can
  15. Have you looked into emotional support groups?
  16. @Charlotte You're so welcome, and thanks, really, for sharing your story, I was so touched by it <3
  17. Wonderful, that's great to hear
  18. Interesting... I love that
  19. Oh, and I've just got to share this one, I just love the way Katie Cole sings it