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Everything posted by RickyFitts

  1. Someone on another forum posted a supposed channelled message from Jesus the other day, funnily enough, in which he talks about why he came to earth - I thought it made for very interesting reading, so I figure I'll share it here: https://www.jeshua.net/about-us/who-is-jeshua/
  2. Somatic therapy is very good, apparently: Link explaining what it is here.
  3. The complete absence of inner resistance.
  4. So true.
  5. @Tristan12 Cheers buddy, really appreciate it. ?
  6. @Tristan12 Cheers mate. Just feeling a bit sorry for myself, and then hating myself for it because I know it's not an attractive quality. I am gradually getting better, I think I'm just scared as much as anything (my inner child's always been a bit of a wreck ).
  7. Ugh, I wish I couldn't relate to that last one so strongly. Why does my heart feel so bad? I feel like screaming. Or crying. Or punching something. Fuck everything. I'm so sick of it.
  8. Makes sense. You can also gain a lot of insight from your mistakes, though, so he might still have gleaned some valuable insights from his past missteps.
  9. The absence of the contraction of fear, the absence of which allows love to flow freely.
  10. I watched some of it, I've listened to this sort of thing quite a lot over the years and it's in one ear and out the other at this point to be honest. I should probably just give up trying to wrap my head around it.
  11. Seems to me that it's more like you'd be a traumatised, dysfunctional person who had a glimpse of enlightenment. Is it really possible to be traumatised and enlightened at the same time?
  12. Speaking of which, here's another one she shared with me that I always loved:
  13. @Tristan12 You're so welcome, glad you liked them! Yeah, the VAST song is just beautiful, isn't it? It was shared with me by the same wonderful woman who shared the very first song on this thread with me, funnily enough, which is also an achingly beautiful song (ah man, she had the most amazing taste in music).
  14. @Consilience You're truly an inspiration, many thanks for sharing your insights. ? I'd been thinking about extending the length of my sittings, and this thread gave me the extra motivation to do so - I'm already feeling the benefits, so thanks again.
  15. Yep, and for me too - it's a lesson I learnt the hard way, too! You're absolutely right in what you say about the avoidance of such feelings perpetuating the suffering, though that avoidance is so instinctual that it tends to be extremely challenging to actually allow yourself to feel the pain, discomfort, etc. But recognising that there's no other way around it is an important first step.
  16. Yes, this is a very important part of the process for most people. Having a glimpse of awakening can seem to make it all the harder to face these feelings, ironically, because they feel so shitty in contrast to the bliss of spiritual liberation, and there can be a temptation to try to hold onto spiritual truths as a way to avoid having to face these feelings within ourselves. After a while, though, it becomes apparent that this doesn't work and that these feelings have to be faced in order to be truly liberated. But do you have the stomach for it? I think this is what Jesus meant when he said, 'For many are called, but few are chosen'.
  17. I reckon you could be right about that. All the more reason for him to do a video on the subject, perhaps.