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Everything posted by SuperLuigi

  1. So would there be an interest in actual doing voice-overs?
  2. I have a question. I meditate for about 30 - 60 mins each day. Various techniques, but only 1 per sitting. I have tried to research (but failed to attain a satisfactory answer) on the benefits of meditating any more than this (this closest thing I could find was an article titled "a phd in happiness" - you can google it). So my question is: does meditation provide measurable benefits in direct correlation to time spent practising, in the same manner, say practising the guitar does? If one person practises an instrument 5 hours a day and another for 30 mins, a year later, the 5 hours a day person will be much more proficient.. does this translate to meditation? Please no answer like "you need to let go of expectations"... I understand that, but without measurable progress, it's hard to find reasons to increase practise times.
  3. I think @Shiva summed it up pretty well. I speak English, French and Greek and feel I have a slightly different personality for each! Greek is more loud and "shouty", French more elegant and polite, English is just a mixture of everything. For personal development, it's hard to use anything but English as all the material (such as Leo's vids) are in English. By the way @Leo Gura, if you ever want translation for your videos, I (and I'm sure others) would be happy to help. Perhaps in the form of captions or full-voice overs. Of course, you will have to trust that it has been translated accordingly...
  4. If you search YouTube for 'Positive body language' there is a really good 5 min video by Improvement Pill that covers most of what you ask.
  5. This is true. I think the LP course may be what I'm looking for in that department, although I think I'll come to the same conclusion. I enjoy teaching others and don't see it as unambitious. Although, I can see why one might - it is not hard to achieve I guess.
  6. Personally, the problem with meditation is that it is quite easy. For example, yesterday I did 'Strong Determination Sitting' for 1 hour no problem. I made another post asking about the progression of meditation for this reason...
  7. Foreign languages is my passion and when I'm learning a language, I live it. I think, read, write and immerse myself in it. Much more than just a hobby I'm not after anything in life. My life purpose as defined by myself is to teach other the skills I have and will continue to acquire, especially those concerning helping others become financially independent and foreign languages and methods to acquire them in a fun but efficient fashion. Thank you for reading!
  8. A general rule I like to use: - Does it cause suffering to others? If yes, I would rather not do it (hence not eating meat / dairy or killing babies - human or otherwise.) Not because it is wrong. But because I don't want to cause suffering. It is what it is.
  9. Thanks Leo. That is hard to read and difficult news, but I'm looking forward to the journey for something a bit more real! I have watched all of those videos but admittedly only once. I will re-watch them and make some serious notes. Thank you.
  10. Wow! I'm extremely interested in seeing your more detailed write-ups on this. I guess you are essentially describing in more detail Leo's statement that actually progress / mastery is in-fact NON linear.
  11. @Emerald thankyou for sharing such a personal story, some of these points sound very familiar, I think mindfulness and a good meditation practise are appropriate for both him and I. @SFRL Yep. You hit the nail on the head there. After a lot of research I actually think I have a "condition" called Misophonia, wiki description: Misophonia, literally "hatred of sound", was proposed in 2000 as a condition in which negative emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions are triggered by specific sounds. It is also called "select sound sensitivity syndrome" and "sound-rage". I'm not sure how to cure that but I really appreciate the advice from everyone and Emerald sharing her story, I hope she can get him some help also.
  12. I just want to say, I think this has been taking a bit too light-heatedly, I appreciate the advice so far, but this isn't just "getting annoyed", it's full-blown rage over insignificant things. I am troubled by this.
  13. Yes, unfortunately that doesn't help In the heat of the moment, I struggle to think about perspective. Any tips are welcome.
  14. As I'm sure you are aware, he is a very very rare breed and that is not what most people do with their money. But now I'm starting to see what you mean.. people on here would do quite different things with their money, so more money = more opportunity to help people. I see now
  15. I'm not sure what you are getting at, sorry. I'm not saying you don't need money. What I'm saying is, you don't need very "much" money to live off of. Personally, I have less than 500,000 portfolio and will be able to stop working by the time I'm 40. So with 200 million... well it's just laughable to think someone would concern themselves with investing etc. with that sum. Only greed could drive that, In your 2 scenarios, the medical treatment wouldn't have put a dent in someone worth anything over a million.
  16. I appreciate the advice. When I see the crumbs, I think "why should I do it, they were the one that was lazy and couldn't be bothered". I would appreciate any "re-programming" techniques you might know about to re-condition these responses.
  17. - Since I can remember, maybe 10 years old (now late twenties). - Yes, but only for the better! (no medication, meditation started a few months ago and circumstances are v good) - Alcoholic / abusive father, but I never think about that, it doesn't bother me. No contact in over 10 years. Not even mad. I suppose I must? I try to let go as much as possible using mindfulness techniques. But I guess not so effectively.
  18. This is true. Let's assume you earn 0% interest on the 200 million and it drops in value each year. You win the money at 20 years old and live until 100. From the capital alone, you would draw-down around 2.5 million per year (200,000,000 / 80) The market crashes and the dollar loses 50% of it's value... your 2.5 mill is now only worth 1.25 mill annually.
  19. Guys, you can (and I know many people that do) live off of interest and dividends returned by MUCH smaller portfolios than 200 million! You can retire with a portfolio as small as 300,000 (if you are happy to live on 12,000 a year). Basically, to retire you only need 25x your desired annual income. I'm only saying this to try to help you'all realise you don't need as much money as you think to retire and the fact that some of you think that living on interest alone with 200 million would be ANY sort of challenge distresses me somewhat. Spirituality is important, but a basic financial education will go a long way to helping you self-actualise also.
  20. Good point. For example some breadcrumbs to be left on the kitchen counter. A plate to be stacked too loudly in the cupboard. A glass of water to be drunk too loudly. And other ridiculous things... Also, motorbikes drive around loudly where I live and it makes me into a rage.
  21. I just need to tell you that this is not relevant when talking about this kind of money. I worked for a financial advice company for many years and even if you kept 200 million in a super low interest account (banks would give you at least this), you would get around 1% interest annually. That's 2 MILLION dollars! LOL. Let's imagine you could only get a 0.10% interest rate (there was a massive global crash).. oh no!!! Now you only have 200,000 dollars income per year and that's without ever touching the capital. Not trying to prove anything, just wanted you to realise it's not so hard Mr. Money Moustache is a great blog for more financial advice if you are interested. He lays out plans to retire by 40 etc. and they are very easy to follow (I am on track personally by following his free advice).