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Everything posted by SuperLuigi

  1. @Shin That isn't even the start of it. He has PM'd me relentlessly (even though I haven't replied once), asking my why I have my opinions and why won't I listen to him But he is enlightened... let's give him a break
  2. @AleksM Hahaha, the irony here is truly amazing! Now, who is lashing out, acting emotionally, like a "little kid"? Oh enlightened one, enlighten me further!
  3. @AleksM I actually do believe the likelihood of extraterrestrial life is very high! So you could say I do "believe" it exists. My issue is with people fabricating "contact" events by drawing crop circles. Also, it seems ironic to me that you say I am a ""psychological kid" because of my "personal attacks" against you, when you precede to call me a kid, closed-minded and make a bunch of assumptions about me (all of which are incorrect, amusingly). Like I have said several times now, you do not act like someone who is "enlightened", so I suggest you stop giving yourself that label.
  4. @AleksM You seem so open-minded and enlightened yourself. Arguing / debating on internet forums, claiming superiority and making assumptions about other people (how do you know how many books I have read or whether I have meditated for "10,000 hours" or not?). You even referencing 10,000 hours means you likely read Malcolm Gladwell and you mention Tai Lopez... I think that proves your level of intellect at this stage You are not convincing anyone kid. Have fun with your fantasies.
  5. @AleksM You are clearly way too far gone to ever bring back to reality. You are lost down a rabbit hole of absolute fantasy my friend. Yes, humans can make pretty looking patterns in some crops and claim it was aliens. Also that first screenshot is just standard copyright template in the US, don't worry - the FBI won't be investigating you for spewing nonsense on a random forum on the internet You really should seek professional help though, you seem to have a mental disorder (or two).
  6. @AleksM Let me tell you, I read your 'reply to water memory' post and this, among many other things shows that you are indeed no-where near an 'enlightened' state. Your ramblings are clearly those of someone who overthinks and has a monkey mind. You argue and debate with others, further demonstrating that you hold beliefs and ideologies - something enlightened beings do not do. As @Leo Gura said many times, if you think you are enlightened, the ego has just tricked you again
  7. @AleksM " I have purchased a course from him""... if he is selling this method, well, that says it all.
  8. Hi Benny, 1. It depends on the belief. You either need to come to the realisation that the belief is not true, OR understand that you DO believe it is true, in which case you should attempt to change the belief. Let's take an example. You discover that you are always nervous when meeting people because you have a deep-rooted belief: 'I am not good enough'. OK, now either accept that you are NOT good enough and do something about it (if you believe you are not good enough, say because you don't think you are funny, learn how to be funny) OR (much more likely, I hope) you discover that you are in-fact, more than good enough, just as you are. 2. By practising the above. Either improve on qualities you feel you lack (such as social skills or physical fitness, emotional stability, whatever) and / or accept that you don't need to improve yourself - there is no 'better' version of you. 3. I am no expert, but you seem to be on the right path. One thing I would say, is not to over-think or obsess about this, that will ruin your happiness. Remember simplicity in everything.
  9. This post shows a great lack of basic research skills. If you actually just 'Googled Masaro Emoto water and rice experiment' and clicked on anything beyond the 1st link, you would see that this was debunked many times and has never been repeated by anyone but the man himself, who provided no hard evidence, just some grainy photos. Then you talk about filming yourself making contact with aliens. Too many red flags here to take you seriously.
  10. Ok, seeing as many of us have a couple of days off to reflect and spend some more time on personal development, I thought I’d start a fun discussion. Please bear in mind I am aware this is entirely subjective, it’s just for fun! Who, in your opinion, is the most self-actualized (and / or has achieved the highest consciousness) fictional character? Please be descriptive, (favourite quotes would be a bonus) don’t just mention names with no justification My short list: - Master Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) A ‘Zen Master’, he always has words of wisdom for his students, maintains and ever-calm state of mind and presence, whilst living his life with the primary purpose of helping others. If I was a mutated turtle, I would want him as a mentor Favourite quote: ‘Anger clouds the mind, turn inward, it is an unconquerable enemy.’ - Ezio Auditore from Assassin’s Creed (Video game) Someone who went through tremendous pain and suffering as a child, but instead of letting this turn him to the dark side, he used his life to try to rid the world of (his perception of) evil. Also, much like Leo, he and the creed accepted contradictions as a fact of life, this, they know as the ‘three ironies’: · The Assassins seek to promote peace, but commit murder. · The Assassins seek to open the minds of men, but require obedience to rules. · The Assassins seek to reveal the danger of blind faith, yet practice it themselves I hope to hear some of you guys’ favourites!
  11. I know you're trying really really hard, but your attempts to troll every thread in this forum are going to waste. No-one cares buddy.
  12. What sort of habits? Could you list them please?
  13. @Shanmugam How can I change the title of the thread? It's a good idea!
  14. So meditation and mindfulness have some bad press now: Looks like someone didn't go deep enough.
  15. @Maxx Awesome, thanks I will do my research on this guy
  16. Hi, I would think it useful if we could compile a list of people, modern-day (still alive or very recently living) who we believe are self-actualized. When talking historically, Maslow classified people such as Nelson Mandela. Now, maybe we can be a bit more generous with our categorization. Please include reason why you consider the person self-actualized! I will attempt to kick-off the list: Ido Portal – Someone who has mastered their body and mind. His life-purpose seems to be to spread his wisdom to as many people as possible and he seems to have great EQ (and IQ for that matter). All lower levels of the pyramid are more than catered for (i.e., financial, relationships etc. (he has a wide circle of close friends and family)). Jim Carrey – Someone who has again mastered their art, and has used this in a positive way to inspire the masses (those that are open). Spiritually advanced to a high level also.
  17. @Maxx Nice, now this is what I was looking for and 100% agree about Wim Hof mate! Thanks. Certainly not only people who do it explicitly as, in my opinion, that would contradict self-actualization! I.e., it would be selfish / non-contributory.
  18. Yea, that isn't what the thread was for. 'Many people' is too vague. Let's be specific and give some names. Ideally of people that are re-searchable, i.e. have some level of notoriety.
  19. For those that are unfamiliar, the Kardashev scale: Now, onto the topic. What would a human being that was part of a type 3 civilization be like? I imagine that the human population would be the reverse of today's world. 99.99% of people would be enlightened, the same proportion would be self-actualized and most people would be yellow on the Spiral Dynamics scale. Thoughts?
  20. I'd like to think we've moved beyond that!
  21. Your username is "How to be wise"...
  22. So, this is an interesting one. I don't want to go into great personal details, but I have what many would consider a very good life. Good money, job, house, married to someone I get on great with and 2 cool cats I practise meditation daily, exercise and do yoga daily and study foreign language daily. So am quite "fulfilled". So, interesting question now. Why I suffer from EXTREME irritability? I mean, it is mainly with my partner. But any little thing can trigger anything from a mean comemnt to full blown rage. But I have ZERO problems or things to be mad about. I hope you can help and hopefully don't judge too harshly I am here for answers