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Everything posted by Brimstone

  1. birth - be earth realise - real lies squirt some etymology if compelled @K VIL ps. the thought of self as a super elf makes me feel as though I am playing some sort of lucid fantasy game, lol
  2. @egoless , essentially what @Joseph Maynor is saying is correct. The only way to find the answer to anything you are asking is to look within your self. And until That smacks you in the forehead (metaphorically speaking) , it doesn't make any senses beyond an attempt to grasp a concept. The reason for that is that The Absolute is absolutely nothing. There is nothing there at all. In other words, THERE IS NO ANSWER! That is why from the base of "I am full of shit" (or absolute humility if you prefer) clarity bubbles up. What people often miss is that the 3 aspects are inseparable, with focus drawn only towards 1 aspect (in denial or acceptance), this is false as That doesn't deny anything, at all. That is the base, the unconditional, the unchanging realness. Try look at it this way That is simply the glue that binds, the canvas that we are all painted onto. It is ever present, unlike the painting which is ever changing. This might help, when you look at a fire, it appears separate to you, this despite the fact that you can feel it, smell it, see it, hear it. What is it that carries the fire to your senses? You can't see it, yet it is there That is the unifying field that binds all. The problem is that we walk around gathering beliefs and concepts about who we think we are, and what we think life is about. These are rocks that we fill our pockets with so that when we attempt to swim across the river, we sink to the bottom and have to turn back. The irony (or the joke) is that when you get across to the other side you see that there was never a river in your way at all. Look within and keep asking, get out of the way of your self, and you might be pleasantly surprised.
  3. In whose mind @Nahm ? Can you please explain to me the difference as you see it so I do not place my assumptions onto what you are saying?
  4. Yes @Nahm , agree totally However, if no one wakes up, who is enlightened?
  5. So universe translates to uni being 1, and verse being poetic literacy, which would make the universe 1 poetic literacy, lol. Makes sense in a very abstract kind of way.
  6. lol @Nahm Don't remember my moment of conception but I remember both of my kids, they were definitely big bangs, lol. Birds started going ballistic and every thing seemed more alive than normal. Don't remember The Big Bang either, lol Did you experience the Big Bang on DMT, I have heard that isn't uncommon?
  7. haha, so very true. Life isn't so twisted that it would give you a screw driver to hammer a nail. In other words, you can only use the tools you have got, all of which serve a purpose.
  8. You should love this one.. enlightenment - en being within or in, light being light, and ment being the preposition of nouns into action. So does that mean that enlightenment is nothing more that discovering ones light within?
  9. Whats the word @Joseph Maynor ?
  10. Who isn't trying to bend reality @Girzo ? Which segue's perfectly back into the original question of this thread, "Why Enlightened People Can't Bend The Reality?" The answer being that the enlightened person realises that you can not bend that which is unbendable, which gives rise to the question, what is real?
  11. @AleksM I've got to admit the Plaideans always scared the crap out of me as it always appeared like a pretty good set up to create a Brave New World. Have you ever seen the movie Logans Run? That is just my ego talking though.
  12. @egoless as I said consciousness is only one aspect, although it is no different to any of the other aspects, there is nothing that seperates them, just as nothing seperates the projector, the screen, and the image being projected, they are one and the same. The difficulty you are having is that you are trying to understand how that sees this, which is impossible as there is no gap between that and this, they are one and the same. It is only a slight adjustment in perspective, and is a lot closer than we all think. Why do you think that is? (clue: the answer is in this response) The only question that really matters is no question, which gives the only answer that has any value, no answer. Nothing is more Truthful than that, the rest is just noise. Until you experience That, it doesn't make any sense, with the reality of the situation being that you are never not experiencing That, which is the joke of it all. It's just how it is.
  13. Pure consciousness is just one aspect@egoless How could realisation and being be seperate? I know someone who went through awakening and they told me that consciousness offered them 3 times all the power to travel through consciousness which would give them untold power. It frightened the crap out of them and they rejected it 3 times. I personally think it was a trap and just another trick of the mind. After all, how can you alter what is, which is the sum of everything that ever happens?
  14. Good question @jhmarrio Your thoughts arise within you so enquire within yourself, it is the best way to know what thought is. Ask things like; what is thought? where do thoughts arise? why do thoughts occur? what is not thought? The answers are within you, just ask and enquire and who knows you might surprise yourself.
  15. Nice one @Joseph Maynor , just do what feels right for you right now. A thought arose with an excercise that I thought might be useful for you. Maybe you need to go out into nature, build a fire, take all your notes on Truth with you, read each of them, remind yourself Truth is not this, and throw them into the flames. It will be hard to let go, it always is, but you never know, it could really help you. just an idea though, and really the decision is entirely yours. I will not be offended either way.
  16. Try CBD @electroBeam , it has many benefits including mood stabilisation
  17. @Serotoninluv it will only work if you are wearing a nappy, lol
  18. If someone told us that babies were enlightened I wonder how many of us would run out and buy nappies, lol
  19. @Pure Imagination you are going to have to face your past and uproot it eventually, as you will never escape from what you are not while you avoid it.
  20. You know @Joseph Maynor , do you unknow though? At face value teachings only point towards That, and will always fall short as they are rooted in the idea of 'a gap' attempting to explain what is unexplainable. So as good as it is grasp what is being said, the attachment to a perceived understanding is actually detrimental to experiencing Absolute at base level. You clearly have everything you need, though maybe it is time to let go of what you know and kill the identity your knowing has created?
  21. Of course @cetus56 , not questioning to be honest, just agreeing and being cheeky. I had never heard of Peter Ralston before and I enjoyed the video. I also enjoyed the exchange in this thread as it was very clear and concise with my post just a reflection of internal discussion I had as I am sure you know. I laughed at the response to what is not a distinction being a distinction.
  22. The problem is that we see a problem where there is no problem. Truth is implicit to all though, including the problem that is no problem. Here's the kicker though, seeing that there is no problem, is a problem. You have got to cut the head off the snake if you want to fully realise that there was never a snake in the first place.
  23. Does the absolute make such distinctions? A distinction?
  24. Just because you think that other beings do not exist, does that mean that other beings do not exist? And where exactly do they not exist?
  25. That is hilarious @Nahm do you mind if I use it, lol?