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Everything posted by Highest

  1. There is only God. All this is God. Simultaneously, God is beyond it all. The source is none than you. Search, go straight to the source. Feel, become conscious of your connection with the most Supreme, the most Pure and Good. In there, you will find liberation. I have reached my end, there is nothing more to see. Tomorrow will be my last day here, I will put shit into it's right perspective - then I know what to do from there on...
  2. Indeed, I don't exist. The realization of no-self, leading to the realization that I am none other than The One. But just like it's vital for a dog shit to be humble before saying "I am God", so it goes for you and I. This stuff is difficult to explain, but I just went straight to the very source of God. There I became conscious of God's Godhood, then I went straight to the human source of myself and realized... I am second to God. It's simply a direct connection to the Godhead. In that connection, you will never say or think "I am God". You will still be conscious of it, but you will know your place. Your place as human, as ego, as limited form. It's a direct recognition. It's pure liberation. Total freedom. I am me. Breathe. Stop trying to be equal to God, stop all this egomaniac bullshit. God is God. I refuse to compare myself with the Supreme. I would rather kneel.
  3. Beautiful. ❤️? Reminds me of my old days when I saw and meet God. It came to me as this Omnipotent force of energy. So Supreme, I couldn’t look at it. I had to have my face turned away. Don't overstimate the Godhood of God.
  4. Indeed. That's all I'm saying. The human self or ego didn't create reality, God did. I'm not saying you are seperate or not God. As I said, you are a tiny piece of God. In my highest states, completely absorbed in God-awareness, God would literally look through my eyes everyday countless times - to the point of not knowing how to look anyone in their eyes anymore. I had to wilfully force myself back to ego-awarness just to function and not go insane. However, after going full circle, I became conscious that I am I, God is God. My sense, my intuitiv doesn't lie. @Inliytened1 I'm well aware I'm not the body, I am the formless taking the form of a body. I have disconnected and left my body (OBE) several times before. I am not the body. Indeed, God is I in limitation. Now, who decided to do this? You or the Godhead?
  5. There is no division. I just see things clearly. Look at how a being is engineered and designed with such precision to it's very detail. Try to do so. Try to make it rain right now by pure will. Feel it, God is above you. Feel it, you are not equal to God. Feel it, you are you.
  6. Do you have any memory of doing or creating anything? Try to design, to create, an ant or a dog shit from scratch, from nothing. Go back to the source itself, become conscious of this. Don't put yourself before God. You come after Him. Don't equal or compare yourself in any possible way with God. You are not Him. You are you. Always been so.
  7. Indeed. That's how it feels for me. One can try to be in union with God, try to become as conscious as one can that he is God - but it comes a point when you go full circles and become conscious of the very Godhood of God. That's when you realize that you are second. This is simply a realization that God IS God. It's simply a realization that you are second. Difficult to explain, but never the less true once you become conscious of it.
  8. The precise design and power of God is undeniable. For example, seperation is designed with such power and precision that there is no need to somehow try and escape it. Seperation and Duality is designed with such precision and power, there is nothing you can do about it. Fortunately, reality has you, not the other way around. ? The bullshit of of spirituality is immense. It's not as simple as you read it. Maya this, Atman this, Annata that. Drop all that shit! You can't deny the sense of seperation you feel. Without it, what will you do? You would kill yourself. Don't try to somehow force yourself to become One with everything. This is impossible. If you really became everyone and made everything YOU - then YOU wouldn't be here anymore. This is God's Goodness itself. Enjoy seperation, sense it, feel it, be immersed in it, love it, embrace it.
  9. Stuff like this is entertainning, cracks me up every time. Maybe I will watch it... Muslim vs Christian debate Atheist vs Muslim or Christian debate William Lane Craig vs Atheist - Legendary debates Watching all this while drinking some Red Bull and eating some candy. Precious moments. Precious memories.
  10. To try and transcend the mind is itself the most dangerous game. There is no horror or suffering in creation. Only beauty. All creation is beauty, intelligence and magnificance at work. I'm happy to be "trapped" in duality. I like seeing the difference between a Red Bull and a cup of pee, so I can take the Red Bull instead. How it should be. I like to see rape as bad or evil so I could help. I like seeing other things as good.
  11. The person is precious, a way of expressing yourself. Don't get identified with it. It's just a character you are playing out, like in a video game. Be a nice character. You have no idea what it requires to become this "enlightened" being. I would rather be non-enlightened. I like money, sex, red bull, weed, stimulus. I like my body, mind, emotions, sensations. The idea of transcending my body, my ego and mind, be in utter silence in some cave - that doesn't resonate with me. The idea of seeing everything as One Absolute, seeing my unique self in all, love all, become some kind of sadhguru super human - that insanity doesn't resonate with me.
  12. The mind creates stories, be a co-creator. For example after a night out with my love, the mind will next day create a somewhat story out of it. I am the witness and observer of the mind itself. But sometimes, it's nice to just get lost in it. Remember the night, look at it in these beautiful memory-images. Gives me butterflies in my body. The ability to remember, to feel the memories, to create a unique story of it. Watch the mind create and enginner miracles into existence. Watch how it works, how it designes, creates from nothing, from scratch. Beauty at work.
  13. Yeah. There is no apparant person, there is either a person or not. From your POV, you may see through it as an illusion. From another's Pov, he is fully playing it out unconsciously. Literally taking the person to be himself. What is more real, your experience or his? There is no fundamental reality, the way I see it. God doesn't need a foundation for His creation. He is His very own foundation.
  14. Someone may have had a radical shift in consciousness. Another has never reached that level of consciousness. Which reality is more true? Doesn't matter what you believe. From everyone's POV, they don't care what you believe or have experienced. They have their own direct aware experience. They are in their unique state of consciousness. Who is to say what's more real? From my Pov, the supernatural spiritual realm was real. From my friends Pov, it didn't even happen.
  15. @purerogue The one intefering and not intefering is itself the ego! But luckily you are also God. This is going full circle. I now literally have to force myself back to Reality as it is. That's how deep this goes. Supernatural spiritual realm, becoming conscious of no-self, becoming conscious that I am God, becoming then conscious of how I am a human being as well. But fortunately, Reality has my back. I'm slowly turning myself back to earth as I used to know it. Slowly taking all of it in. The magic of life itself: Going full-circles. Life itself is a magical circle filled with magic.
  16. You ARE ego. It's a perfect and most accurate word. It exists. It's real. No need to hide it, to deny it, to be afraid of it. ?
  17. Going full circle, that's my saying But anyways. God is God. Becoming directly conscious of His Godhood, you realize you are second. Becoming conscious that you are also a ego and a human being, embracing all of it, is going full circle. It's liberation itself. The poblem is with the constant need to know. To become. When knowing is consciously annihilated from you, and you can just be, that's liberation. And by being, I mean literally be all of you. Enjoy being you, enjoy this life, this world and everything it has to offer. I just know that tommorow night will be awesome. I'm still seeking out stimulus, I still have desires. I don't like the idea of sitting in a cave in complete silence my entire life. I like smoking weed with my precious love. I love sex. I love Red Bull. I simply love stimulus itself. I love that I have desires itself. Perfection at play.
  18. He, she, I, you. Charlotte, Christopher, Selma, Sandra, Ali, Abdul. From becoming conscious that I am All and All is I, to becoming conscious that I am not you, and you are not me. From becoming conscious I am God, to becoming conscious of the Absolute Godhood of God, the very Being and Self of God - And realizing I am second. It all goes full circle.
  19. There are those who become saints and gurus. There are those who become literally conscious that they are second to God, may all praise and gratitude be to Him. They return to earth. They suffer with their fellow beings. They don't annihilate their ego, they embrace it. They don't annihilate their mind, they dream until there is nothing more to dream about. They get lost to their self and the world until death comes. The wise doesn't compare himself with God. He kneels everyday to his God. He is conscious that he is second. Being human, embracing his humanness, he is grateful he has one above him.
  20. Just a while ago, I became aware and conscious of just how precious it is to be human. To breathe. To think. To feel. To experience. To love. To interact with another human being. And not to call any names but many are trying to stop or somehow annihilate their mind. Trying to somehow kill their ego, a part of themselves. Doing so, they forget how precious it all is. This is denial of God's very creation. They reach levels of consciousness to the point of no return. It doesn't matter how far I have gone with this, what I have experienced. I'm just grateful that I, today, became literally conscious of Humanness. It's a miracle into itself. All of it is precious. For example, the whole dynamic of intercations with other living individual human beings is a miracle. Become conscious of this. Next time you look anyone in their eyes, become conscious of their precious self, become conscious how it's designed such that you and the other can have an interaction. See the design of this overlooked miracle. Become conscious of their precious, special, beautiful and distinct self. Feel your emotions, feel your breath, feel your mind. Feel your very soul. Feel your humanness, become aware and conscious of it. And love it all, embrace it. Look at a flower or a butterfly, see the precision engineering of it, the design of it to it very detail. Look at yourself and see the same. Don't take this "I am God" too literal. God is greater than you in all possible ways. God cares and loves you. That's why he created you, that's why He did and still do ALL OF THIS. Feel and become conscious of the connection to God, everyone has one if they only search. See now, you are just a tiny piece of God. So be humble. Become conscious of the Supreme Godhood itself of God itself. You are second to Him. But the spiritual gurus call your humanness an illusion, their call your ego the devil itself - a part of your very self. Well, to them I just have to say I'm grateful and happy that I am still part of this supposed illusion. I'm happy and grateful I'm the devil. ??
  21. Who said I was high on the forum? I like to smoke alone bro.
  22. Yes, she is finally home. Time to go. God speed ?