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Everything posted by Highest

  1. There is only reality doing what it does and being what it is, the thinker and controller is a great illusion. We are cooperators and a part of the divine, the only true controller.
  2. The problem is believing in karma, or no matter what it is. True knowledge is beyond believing, and it is only within.
  3. Indeed. Her womb is a doorway to great spiritual growth as well. Mankind is created in the womb, she is the beholder of creation. When she realizes that and that she is nothing at the same time, God-consciousness can be arrived at.
  4. Notice that there is only thinking happening, you don’t think your thoughts. There is no you. You just identify with an ''i'', or with thoughts, or with the body which are all a construct of the mind. Your real nature is divine, start self-inquiring. To whom do these thoughts arise to? Be the witness, be the observer.
  5. Who is this I at all? Ultimately it is part of reality, created by reality (consciousness). The thing is that you are reality, you are nothing but reality. This isn't difficult to realize, I get insight everyday about it, you just have to ask yourself, what am I? Remember when you were made in the womb, probably not. That was intelligence, creation. There was no ''you'' there at all. There is no you now either, remember your last thoughts, or last time you felt love? There is no ''you'' doing any of that, your body, brain and consciousness is doing that job for you. But creation has made itself so perfect that we cannot recognize that we actually don't exist, given the fact that we exist and do all of the things we do, we think we are the doers. But in fact reality is doing all of that, perfectly.
  6. Ignorance of the mind can easily be eliminated, just inquire what I am. Common sense should tell you that you actually don't exist, there is only reality. Common sense should also tell you that higher powers exists, since you are nothing it follows that you are divine by nature. Everything happens by ''itself'', there are no doers. But there are higher powers, how else does anything exist at all or how does existence exist? Random? Ultimately that's the Truth, you are reality and there are higher powers that governs this reality. Where and what are these higher powers? Just look at yourself, you are it. It doesn't go beyond that, it can't.
  7. ''But if this body might life 100 more years, intelligence is so absurdly high, will it not reach the levels of god itself?'' Maybe it will one day since a human being is intelligence itself. He's very makeup is intelligence, the fact that he exist is intelligence. It is right in front of us, we are this higher power, we are this higher intelligence, it is us, it has always been. DNA, the whole body, the brain, consciousness, everything is intelligence, and we are it, we are this higher power. We are evidence of higher powers, but we are so blind to the obvious.
  8. '' This here, is it. I can do absolutely nothing, in my mind or otherwise, to be more me than I already am. This is what my being is.'' Nice insight. Deep down we know we are nothing and can't do anything. Higher intelligences are at play at this very second, making existence possible. We are ourselves evidence of that, but perfection can only be seen by perfect eyes and a clear mind.
  9. Enlightenment is a concept, it exist only in the mind. Ultimately only the Self is truly and certainly real. Everything is obersved by it and came after it, the whole universe, the body, all experience, and the mind. Be still and the truth will shine trough.
  10. True being is realizing true nothingness, only when you know you are nothing do you realize the significance of your BEing. The fact that you exist, the fact that you are. The fact that you have a body and brain, it's all incredible. How is that you exist altough you did nothing and still do nothing to exist? A human being is pure intelligence and an amazing creation, only a fool can miss or deny that. Introspection is key.
  11. Is it really any ''we'', aren't we reality itself? We may create our own reality on the mind level, but where does the mind come from? Do we produce it? I could eloborate on my experience with this demon but there is need to. Language cannot do it justice, it just creates a story which I have no interest in writing. Sorry
  12. Where is the universe, where does it exist?
  13. By realizing that YOU are them. There is almost no difference between you and others. You can't possibly objectify people when you know your true nature. Your understanding of others is low-minded, ego centered - start self-inquring; what am I, what is others?
  14. What we call demons exist, I have experienced that fact. But is the ego the devil? First we have to ask what precicely is the ego? There is no easy answer to that.
  15. Why take science important in the first place? I don't even bother with it because it is clear that we have two different realities here, the first one being science and the second consciousness. But what came before science? What observers this material world? Science mostly can only work on the material world which we experience with our 5 senses, beyond that lies another world, a world science cannot study. It's limitied, reality is not.
  16. The now is all there is, nothing else is for certain other than your existence, your ''i'' AM. It's a miracle yet most dismiss it although it's the most obvious thing. True happiness can only happen when you realize the importance of the present.
  17. Mediums can speak to spirits because their consciousness is heightened enough. Science is limited and the western world will die spiritually if it depends on it for too long. To know existence, existence has to know itself trough itself. The Shaman is the most hardcore being, he travels trough the spirit world after his absolute ego death, he knows what he is, immortal spirit. Death is nothing but a transition to the after life, the material world simply doesn't exist, and spirits/non-human entities are common. Science cannot know stuff like this, only consciousness can. Atheism along with materialistic science is dead, but the Shaman always knew that.
  18. That's one reason. The other is to die and continue your evolution, your existence. No matter how much we pass our genes, no matter how many generations comes after us, ultimately nothing stays and we shall perish. Only the soul shall live on eternally, that's truth, that's existence. That's intelligence. This world means little. We try to survive, we try to prosper, but the physical will collapse, the universe cannot sustain life forever. So ultimately, it doesn't matter.
  19. The ''i'' made by the mind is mostly a mental construct. However remember that you are existence/self/soul. It's beyond the mind. Ultimately you do exist, it's just that existence took on limitations and created an idea of ''you'', something finite. This you is real too, but it's a limitation. Beyond limitations there is the realization that I have always been it. There is nothing but it, it made itself a human being, a donkey, and everything that is.
  20. I don't know what will happen after death, I just know we will exist. But the idea of hell bothers me, why would God create it in the first place, sounds too harsh to me. I was brought up in a very religious family, and sometimes I'm even scared that they may be right. It feels like I have abandoned something big and that I'm going to get punished for it. But it just doesn't make any sense to me. Anyhow, what are your thoughts about hell?
  21. No I'm really not, I'm speaking from experience and intuitive knowledge.
  22. Truth is a human construct. What makes something true? To me it's not about what's true, but what IS, which can only be verified by experience. And it seems like everything just is, what we call reality or the universe. It exists in infinite ways, in countless dimensions. Human consciousness can access some dimensions beyond the 5 senses, but most humans are locked down by them. Truth is meaningless, if we only knew what IS, we would know and realize that there is more to this reality we live in and there are other entities with us, much more wiser and loving than we are, and some plain evil. But who knows that, who experienced that ''truth''.
  23. Accessing other dimensions of existence and other non-human entities, knowing what or who you are, knowing what death is about.
  24. There is little doubt that consciousness or the soul is eternal. I have experienced everything being IT (Call it whatever, nothingness, the absolute). So even an incest is the absolute , it's it. All that which is is it, there is nothing but it. And everything is made out of it (it was probably energy). But my consciousness didn't stop there, it went further, my journey stopped with God, the creator of all there is, that includes this nothingness which so many call the absolute, which somehow created itself and is everything. It doesn't stop with nothingness, nor does life stop with death, it is only upon death that we know reality as it is, that's when the truth about everything comes to the surface. Death is liberation, death is finally knowing Truth/Reality.
  25. Transmitting energy is a huge thing. I used to be able to do that, and receive. It's not that easy, there dark energies as well, it's no good getting that inside you.